is a suite of programs for testing the sharpness and image quality of lenses,
digital cameras, digitized film images, and prints using inexpensive, widely available
targets. It consists of four modules.
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SFR measures the sharpness of cameras and lenses using a simple slanted-edge target (either the industry-standard ISO 12233 chart or a target you can print yourself on a high quality inkjet printer). Its standardized sharpening algorithm makes it possible to compare digital cameras on a fair basis. It also analyzes Chromatic Aberration and noise, and estimates the Shannon information capacity-- an indicator of image quality based on sharpness and noise. |
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Colorcheck measures a camera's color quality, tonal response, and noise using the GretagMacbethTM ColorChecker®. |
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Q-13 Stepchart measures a camera's tonal response, noise, and dynamic range using Gray Scale step charts from Kodak (the Q-13/Q-14) or Jessops, or transmission step wedges from Stouffer or Kodak. |
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Print test Measure the quality (color response, tonal response, and Dmax) of your printer, inks, paper, profiles, and rendering intents. Beta version available. |
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Concise instructions for testing lenses with Imatest SFR. |
Imatest is written in compiled Matlab, Release 13 (Version 6.5.1), an outstanding language for solving engineering problems. Algorithms can be rapidly coded and modified in response to user requests. It is a standalone program; Matlab does not need to be installed. |
Requirements: Windows 98, 2000, XP, and later, with at least 128 MB of RAM. The minimum recommended screen size is 1024x768 pixels. |
Supported input file formats are TIFF, PNG, or PPM (all 24 or 48-bit), JPEG, BMP, GIF, HDF, PCX, XWD, as well as RAW files from most digital cameras, using Dave Coffin's dcraw. |
Imatest will be ported to Macintosh as soon as the Matlab Compiler offers support. Based on a conversation with Mathworks customer support on Oct. 22, 2004, no timeframe can be offered. But a request has been registered. |
You can download an evaluation version that allows you to make up to 20 runs of the individual modules. It has all the capabilities of the full version except that (1) you can't save results, and (2) a watermark appears in the background of the figures.
You may purchase Imatest at any time by from's secure site by going to the purchase page. The introductory price of $59 USD includes one year of updates. You can register Imatest as soon as the purchase is complete. Details can be found on Installing Imatest and getting started.
All Imatest documentation is available online.
A table of contents is located on the Documentation page. Many of the concepts used by Imatest to measure sharpness and image quality are new to photographers and require some study.
Sharpness: What is it and how is it measured? is a good place to start. It outlines the basic principles behind SFR. Standardized sharpening: why it's needed for comparing cameras, Chromatic aberration, and Shannon information capacity contain additional concepts.>
Using Imatest contains instructions for running Imatest that are common to all modules. Instructions for SFR, Colorcheck, and Q-13 Stepchart are on individual pages.
Many of the words used in the documentation are defined in the Glossary.
An Imatest forum has been established for posting questions and responses. The Change Log describes the Imatest versio
The Imatest license allows an individual user to install and use the software on (A) a maximum of three computers (for example, home, laptop, and office) used exclusively by a single individual, or (B) a single workstation used nonsimultaneously by multiple people, but not both. It is not a concurrent use license.
License holders are encouraged to publish test results in printed publications, websites, and discussion forums, provided they include links to The use of the Imatest Logo is encouraged. However you may not use Imatest for advertising or product promotion without the explicit permission of Imatest LLC. Contact us if you have questions.
Imatest LLC assumes no legal liability for the contents of published
reviews. If you plan to publish test results, you should take care to use
good technique. See Using
Imatest.for more details.
analyzes images of the GretagMacbethTM ColorChecker®
for tonal response, gamma, noise, and color fidelity.
shows the tonal response and noise of the gray patches at the bottom of the Colorchecker.
shows the density response, noise in f-stops (a relative measurement that corresponds to the workings of the eye), noise for the third Colorchecker row, which contains primary colors, and selected EXIF data.
The upper left plot is the density response of the colorchecker (gray squares). It includes the first and second order fits (dashed blue and green lines). The horizontal axis is Log Exposure (minus the target density), printed on the back of the ColorChecker. Q-13 Stepchart provides a more detailed density response curve. | The upper right plot shows the noise in the
third colorchecker row, which contains the most strongly colored
patches: Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan. In certain
cameras noise may vary with the color. Problems may be apparent that
aren't visible in the gray patches. |
The lower left plot shows the R, G, B, and Y (luminance) RMS noise for as a function of Log Exposure each patch. RMS noise is expressed in f-stops, a relative measure that corresponds closely to the workings of the human eye. This measurement is described in detail in the Q-13 Stepchart tour. It is largest in the dark areas because the pixel spacing between f-stops is smallest. | The lower right region displays EXIF data, if available. |
The third figure: color analysis
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The fourth figure: color error
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Q-13 Stepchart analyzes the tonal response, noise, and dynamic range of digital cameras and scanners using
Results are more detailed than those provided by Colorcheck. Transmission step charts are required for measuring dynamic range.
The first figurecontains basic tonal response and noise measurements. The horizontal axis for both plots is the chart zone— proportional to the distance along the chart. Density (–Log Exposure) increases by a fixed step (0.10 or 0.15, depending on the target) for each zone. The upper plot shows the normalized pixel level of the grayscale patches (black curve) and first and second order density fits (dashed blue and green curves). Gamma is derived from the first order fit. The lower plot shows the RMS noise for each
for R, G, B, and Y (luminance) channels, expressed as the percentage of the range of
pixel levels corresponding to a target density range of 1.5: the same
as the white - black patches on the ColorChecker. The average noise for each channel (excluding the lightest and darkest zones) is displayed. |
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contains the most important results:
The horizontal axis for all three plots on the left is Log Exposure, which equals (–) the nominal target density (0.05 - 1.95 for the Q-13/Q-14).
The upper left plot shows the density response (gray squares), as well as the first and second order fits (dashed blue and green lines). It resembles a traditional film density response curve. Dynamic range is grayed out because the reflective Q-13 target has too small a dynamic range to measure a camera's total dynamic range. See Dynamic range, below. | The upper right box contains dynamic range results: total dynamic range and range for several quality levels, based on luminance (Y) noise. It is shown in gray when a reflective target is selected. |
The middle left plot shows
noise in f-stops or EV, i.e., noise scaled to (divided by) the
difference in pixel levels between f-stops, which decreases as
brightness decreases. The darkest levels have the highest f-stop noise.
measurement corresponds to the response of the eye and has
important consequences for the calculation of practical dynamic range.
The vertical axis is logarithmic for clear display of low noise values. |
EXIF data is shown in the
middle right region (JPEG files only). |
The bottom left plot
shows the noise scaled to the difference in pixel levels between the
maximum density level and the patch corresponding to a density of 1.5—
the same density range as the GretagMacbeth Colorchecker. It may be less visually
meaningful then the middle plot. |
The lower right plot shows the noise spectrum. Digital camera images with excessive noise reduction will have an unusually rapid falloff of the noise spectrum. |
Dynamic range is the range of brightnesses over which a camera responds. It is usually measured in f-stops, or equivalently, zones or EV. It can be specified in two ways:
Dynamic range is measured using transmission step charts because they have density ranges of at least 3.0: a 1000:1 ratio (10 f-stops), sufficient for digital cameras. Reflective charts such as the Q-13 have a density range of only around 1.90; an 80:1 ratio (6.3 f-stops).
The dynamic range is the difference in density between the zone where the pixel level is 98% of its maximum value (250 for 24-bit color, where the maximum is 255), estimated by interpolation, and the darkest zone that meets the measurement criterion. The repeatability of this measurement is better than 1/3 f-stop.
figure below illustrates results
for the Canon EOS-10D,
taken from a JPEG image acquired
at ISO 400 and converted with Canon Zoom Browser set for low contrast.
A Kodak step tablet (density from 0.05 to 3.05 in steps of 0.15) was
The total dynamic
range is 8.6 f-stops. Total dynamic
range changes little for 48-bit TIFF conversion or ISO 100. But 48-bit
TIFF conversion has lower noise, hence higher dynamic range at any given
quality level.
Because the maximum noise is 0.44 f-stops (in the darkest region), a medium quality image can be achieved when the full dynamic range (8.6 f-stops) is utilized. When a high quality image is required (maximum noise = 0.1 f-stops), the dynamic range is reduced to 6 f-stops (indicated by the yellow line on the middle left plot). High quality slide film has a total dynamic range of 5 to 6 f-stops.
The shape of the response curve depends strongly on the conversion software and settings.
Compact digital cameras have much higher noise levels, hence lower useful dynamic range, even though their total dynamic range may be quite large.
Here are the results of scanning the Kodak step tablet with the Epson 3200 scanner set for negatives.
A few observations on the scanner results:
Imatest SFR measures image sharpness and several additional factors that contribute to image quality, including chromatic aberration, noise, and Shannon capacity. It derives these results from a simple slanted-edge image, shown below. To measure sharpness,
Concise instructions for using Imatest SFR and interpreting its results can be found in How to test lenses with Imatest.
The primary sharpness indicator is MTF50, the spatial frequency where contrast drops to half its low frequency value. Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), which is synonymous with Modulation Tansfer Function (MTF), is introduced in What is image sharpness and how is it measured? The important section on Interpretation of MTF50 links MTF50 to print quality.
The Figure below illustrates the primary results of running Imatest
SFR. The two plots
sharpness results in two domains— spatial (the
edge profile) and frequency (the spatial frequency response (SFR/MTF) curves). They present
information from two different viewpoints. Input data is shown
the right of the Figure: a thumbnail of the complete test image, the selected Region
of Interest (ROI), and selected EXIF data (information
recorded by the camera). The industry-standard ISO 12233 test chart is
shown, but you can print your own charts on a high
quality inkjet printer.
The upper left plot shows the cross section of an average edge. The narrower this edge, the better the performance. The black line is the orginal edge. The dashed red line is the edge with standardized sharpening— the output of an algorithm that sharpens (or de-sharpens) the image so the edge overshoot is similar for different cameras. This allows cameras with different amounts of built-in sharpening to be compared fairly. Standardized sharpening tones down the original edge of this particular camera, which is strongly oversharpened.
The primary spatial domain performance indicator is the 10-90% rise distance, indicated in black for the original edge and red for the edge with standardized sharpening, labelled 10-90%(corr) for "corrected." Shorter is better.
The lower left plot shows the Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), also called modulation transfer function (MTF), i.e., the image contrast relative to contrast at low spatial frequencies. Black is for the original; dashed red is with standardized sharpening. The primary performance indicator is MTF50 (the spatial frequency where image contrast drops to 0.5 = 50%). The higher the better, though excessive response above the Nyquist frequency (0.5 Cycles/Pixel; the highest spatial frequency where information can be conveyed) may indicate aliasing problems (low frequency artifacts). "Ideal megapixels" (shown in brackets [...] ) is the number of megapixels with ideal response (MTF50 = 0.5 Cycles/Pixel) that would have equivalent sharpness. Practical digital cameras rarely reach this level; MTF50 around 0.33 Cycles/Pixel is very decent.
The uncorrected response (MTF50 or 10-90% rise distance) is appropriate for evaluating the performance of different lenses on a single digital camera. The response with standardized sharpening is appropriate for comparing different digital cameras.
These measurements begin to make sense when cameras are compared, as they are here. The page on Sharpness has more details on MTF. SFR Results: MTF (sharpness) plot describes this Figure in detail.
Imatest measures lateral chromatic aberration, also known as "color fringing," which is most visible on tangential boundaries near the edges of the image.
The curves for the R, G, and B color channels are shown below. The visibility of the chromatic aberration is proportional to the area between the highest amplitude transition (in this case, red) and the lowest amplitude transition (in this case, blue).
This area is called the area chromatic aberration. It is displayed in magenta. Since the edge amplitude is normalized to 1, area CA can be measured in pixels— a simple unit of length. But since CA in pixels tends to be proportional to the distance from the image center, a better indication is obtained by expressing CA as the percentage of the distance from the image center. This has the advantage that it is relatively independent of the measurement location and the number of pixels in the camera. CA under 0.04% of the distance from the center is insignificant; CA over 0.15% can be quite visible and serious. Much of the plot is grayed out if the selected region (ROI) is too close to the center (less than 30% of the distance to the corner) to accurately measure CA.
See Chromatic Aberration for more details. Chromatic Aberration, Noise, and Shannon Capacity plot describes this Figure in detail.
Imatest SFR allows you to select several regions of interest (ROIs) in a single run, then plot performance as a function of distance from the image center. A typical result is shown below.
The upper plot shows MTF50 without and with standardized sharpening. The lower plot shows 10-90% rise distance and chromatic aberration (in pixels). The legend (lower right) can be moved with the mouse if it covers data points. An MTF50 (sharpness) summary is displayed on the right. In calculating the Weighted MTF50, the image center is given twice the weight of the corners. This number is an excellent indicator of overall lens or camera sharpness.
Multiple ROI (Region of Interest) plot describes this Figure in detail.
You can learn more about Imatest SFR from |
is image sharpness and how is it measured?
How to test lenses with Imatest |
Background |
Standardized sharpening | Chromatic aberration Shannon information capacity |
Reference |
Using Imatest SFR: Part 1: Setting up and photographing the target Using Imatest SFR: Part 2: Running SFR MTF (Sharpness) plot Chromatic Aberration, Noise, and Shannon Capacity plot Multiple ROI (Region of Interest) plot |
Print test has been released as a beta version. A full release is planned for late November, when additional documentation is available.
Print test measures several of the key factors that contribute to photographic print quality,
using a simple test pattern scanned on a flatbed scanner.
With Print test you can answer questions such as,
Although the results are not as accurate in an absolute sense as those produced by expensive spectrophotometers, colorimeters, or densitometers, they are outstanding in a relative sense: for comparing prints made with different printers, inks, papers, and profiles. Absolute accuracy can be quite good in profiled scanners. You can see response irregularities with greater detail than with many of the more expensive instruments. And you can do so conveniently, using standard digital darkroom hardware.
Color quality is a function of gamut— the range of saturated colors a print can reproduce, as well as overall color response— the complex relationship between file pixels and hue, saturation, and lightness. Tonal quality is a function of Dmax— the deepest attainable black tone, as well as the tonal response curve. I've always regarded Dmax as particularly important: Prints appear weak to me if black tones aren't truly deep.Print test displays color gamut, color response, Dmax, and tonal response with unprecedented clarity and detail.
Print quality depends on the
Even if you have only one printer, many options may be available. I use standard Epson Ultrachrome inks on my 2200 printer, but I can choose among a staggering variety of papers and profiles. And the often-overlooked profile rendering intent may make a difference.
The absolute accuracy of Print test results can be enhanced by calibrating the scanner with a standard target, such as the Kodak Q-13 Gray Scale and by measuring its response and creating an ICC profile using one of several available software packages.
The test pattern, shown on the right, was generated using the HSL color representation.
The key zones are,
The zones labelled K, Gry, and W are uniform black (pixel level = 0), gray (pixel level = 127), and white (pixel level = 255), respectively.
Simplified instructions
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Scanner color response: Because Print test results are filtered by the scanner's color response, it's a good idea to check it using Colorcheck. The response of the Epson 3200 with Epson's default ICC profile, shown on the right, is decent; comparable to the best digital cameras. If possible you should profile the scanner for best accuracy.
Print Test results are also filtered by the color space of the image file. Although no color space is embedded in the test image file, a color space is assumed when you make a print from an image editor. The default is sRGB, which has a limited gamut. You can select different color spaces if you have an ICC-compliant editor (Photoshop, Picture Window Pro, etc.). Adobe RGB (1998) is a good choice because it has a larger gamut than sRGB, but if you use it, be sure assign the Adobe RGB profile without changing the image pixels, i.e., do not perform a gamut mapping. You should scan the image into the same color space you used to print it. Print test doesn't recognize embedded ICC profiles, but it allows you to select the color space manually. |
Results below are for Epson 2200 printer with Ultrachrome inks, Premium Luster paper, and the standard 1440 dpi Epson profile.
The first Figure contains the grayscale density response and Dmax, the maximum density of the print, where density is defined as –log10(fraction of reflected light). The value of Dmax (2.04) is the average of the upper and right black areas.
The upper plot shows –print density as a function of log10(original pixel level (in the test pattern)/255). This corresponds to a standard density-log exposure characteristic curve for photographic papers. The blue plot is for the upper grayscale; the black plot is for the lower-right grayscale. Somewhat uneven illumination is evident. The print density values are calculated from Q-13 calibration curve (lower right). The thin dashed curves contain –log10(pixel levels).
The lower left curve is the characteristic curve (print vs. original normalized pixel level) on a linear scale.
The lower right curve is the results of the (separate) Q-13 calibration run used to calibrate Dmax and the density plot.
The S=1 Figures are for region 1, which contains all possible hues (0 ≤ H ≤ 1) and lightnesses (0 ≤ LHSL ≤ 1) with maximum HSL saturation (S = 1).
The Saturation map shows the saturation levels. If the print and scanner response were perfect, S would equal 1 everywhere. Weak saturation is evident in light greens and magentas (L > 0.5). Strong saturation in darker regions, roughly 0.2 ≤ L ≤ 0.4, would seem to indicate that a better profile might perform better in the light green and magenta regions. Weak saturation in very light (L>0.95) and dark areas (L<0.1) is not very visible.
By transforming the S=1 Saturation map into the device-independent CIELAB color space, color gamut can be visualized in an entirely different way. In CIELAB, L is a nonlinear function of luminance (where luminance ≈ 0.30*Red + 0.59*Green + 0.11*Blue), a* represents colors ranging from cyan-green to magenta, and b* represents colors from blue to yellow. The colors of the a*b* plane are represented reasonably well in the background of the Figure below.
CIELAB is relatively perceptually uniform, meaning that the visible difference between colors is approximately proportional to the distance between them. It isn't perfect, but it's far better than HSL (where Y, C, and M occupy narrow bands) or or the familiar CIE 1931 xyY color space, where gamuts are represented as triangles or hexagons inside the familiar horseshoe curve. A CIE 1931 xyY Saturation map proved to be useless because of its perceptual nonuniformity: values bunched up along edges in a way that made results difficult to interpret. Note: The L-values below refer to LHSL in the test file, not CIELAB L.
CIELAB color space is often displayed as a solid 3D volume. But although 3D displays can be visually impressive, they can be difficult to interpret. Print test displays an S=1 La*b* Gamut map as cross sections of the La*b* volume representing a*b* values for test file lightnesses (LHSL) of {0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9}, corresponding to near black, dark gray, middle gray, light gray, and near white.
Although this display contains less information than the HSL map, but the results are clearer and more useful. The solid shapes from white to black) are the measured response for values of LHSL shown in the legend on the lower left. The dotted shapes represent the gamut of the color space (sRGB, in this case) at each LHSL level. CIELAB gamut varies with lightness: it is largest for middle tones (LHSL = 0.5) and drops to zero for pure white and black. This is closer to the workings of the human eye than HSL representation, where hues vary from 0 to 1, even for white and black.
The dotted concentric curves are the twelve loci of constant hue, representing the six primary hues (R, Y, G, C, B, M) and the six hues halfway between them.. They follow different curves above and below L = 0.5. The circles on the solid curves show the measured hues at locations corresponding to the twelve hue loci. Ideally they should be on the loci. The curves for L = 0.5 (middle gray) are outlined in dark gray to distinguish them from the background.
The hexagonal shape of the gamuts makes it easy to judge performance for each primary. The measured (solid) shape should be compared to the ideal (dotted) shape for each level. Weakness in magenta, blue, and green is very apparent, especially at L = 0.5 and L = 0.7. But the gamut is excellent for L = 0.3.
The ideal lightness map would display uniformly spaced horizontal lines from 0.9 near the top to 0.1 near the bottom. (It generally doesn't go much below 0.1 because of the effects of Dmax and gamma.This plot shows relatively uniform response except for blues with L between 0.3 and 0.6, which appear darker than they should.
Colors are labelled 0 to 6, corresponding to hues from 0 to 1. This clarifies the plot by making each primary color an integer: Red = {0,6}, Yellow = 1, Green = 2, Cyan = 3, Blue = 4, and Magenta = 5. Contour increments are 0.5 instead of 0.08667. The ideal Hue map would consist of uniformly spaced vertical lines aligned with the x-axis. The hues here are rather good, but blues are a bit bloated and the magentas are somewhat squeezed. This is also visible on the S=1 Gamut map. There is a highly visible irregularity at L=0.6 on the blue-magenta border (also noticeable on the saturation map). Hue errors in very light (L>0.95) and dark areas (L<0.1) are not very visible.
Similar plots are produced for the L=0.5 region, immediately above the S=1 region.
The L=0.5 Saturation map, which displays response to different levels of color saturation, is of interest for comparing different rendering intents (rules that control how colors are mapped when they are transformed between color spaces or color spaces and devices). Colorimetric rendering intents should leave saturation unchanged. Perceptual rendering intent expands color gamut when moving to a color space or device with increased gamut; it compresses it when moving to a smaller gamut. But there is no standard for perceptual rendering intent: every manufacturer does it in their own say. "Perceptual rendering intent" is a vague concept; it's hard to know its precise meaning unless you measure it.
The ideal L=0.5 Saturation map would consist of uniformly spaced horizontal lines from 0.9 to 0.1. The weak saturation in the greens and magentas is visible here.
L=0.5 Saturation results become clearer when displayed on the CIELAB a*b* plane. Gamuts are shown for 0 ≤ S ≤ 1 in steps of 0.2. As in the the S=1 La*b* Saturation map, the dotted lines and shapes are the ideal values and the solid shapes are the measured values.
Gamut is excellent for S = 0.2 (brown) and 0.4 (red). But compression becomes apparent around S = 0.4 (red curve) for magenta and blue and S = 0.6 (green curve) for green and cyan, where the printer starts to saturate. Increasing S above these values doesn't increase the print saturation: in fact, saturation decreases slightly at S = 1. This is the result of limitations of the Epson 2200's pigment-based inks and the workings of the standard Epson ICC profile.
With Gamut maps, differences between printers, papers, and profiles are immediately apparent. These differences are far more difficult to visualize without Imatest Print test because each image has its own color gamut. One image may look beautiful but another may be distorted by the printer's limitations.
An additional Figure with L=0.5 Hue and Lightness maps has been omitted.
Photographic image sharpness is defined by the boundaries between zones of different tones or colors. It is illustrated by the bar pattern of increasing spatial frequency, below. The top portion represents a target used to test a camera/lens combination. It is sharp; its boundaries are abrupt, not gradual. The bottom portion illustrates the effect of a high quality 35mm lens on a 0.5 millimeter long image of the pattern (on the film or digital sensor plane). It is blurred. All lenses, even the finest, blur the image to some degree. Poor lenses blur the image more than fine ones.
One way to measure sharpness is to use the rise distance of the edge, for example, the distance (in pixels or millimeters) for the pixel level to go from 10% to 90% of its final value. This is called the 10-90% rise distance. Although rise distance is a good indicator of image sharpness, it has one limitation. It is poorly suited for calculating the sharpness of a complete imaging system from the sharpness of its components, for example, from a lens, digital sensor, and sharpening algorithm.
To get around this problem, measurements are made in frequency domain, where frequency is measured in cycles or line pairs per distance (typically millimeters, but sometimes inches). Line pairs per millimeter (lp/mm) is the most common spatial frequency unit. The image below is a sine wave— a pattern of pure tones— that varies from low to high spatial frequencies, in this case from 2 to 200 lp/mm, over a distance of 0.5 millimeters. The top portion is the original sine pattern. The bottom portion illustrates the effects of the same high quality 35mm lens, which reduces pattern contrast at high spatial frequencies.
The relative contrast at a given spatial frequency (output contrast/input contrast) is called the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) or Spatial Frequency Response (SFR).
The upper plot displays the sine and bar patterns: original and after blurring by the lens. The middle plot displays the luminance of the bar pattern after blurring by the lens (the red curve). Contrast decreases at high spatial frequencies. The lower plot displays the corresponding MTF (SFR) curve (the blue curve). By definition, low frequency MTF is always 1 (100%). For this lens, MTF is 50% at 61 lp/mm and 10% at 183 lp/mm. Both frequency and MTF are displayed on logarithmic scales with
notation (100 = 1; 101 = 10; 102 = 100,
etc.). Amplitude is displayed on a linear scale. The beauty of using MTF is that the MTF (i.e., Spatial Frequency Response) of a complete imaging system is the product of the the MTF of its individual components. |
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Traditional "resolution" measurements involve observing an image of a bar pattern (usually the USAF 1951 chart) on film, and looking for the highest spatial frequency (in lp/mm) where a pattern is visible. This corrresponds to an MTF of about 2-5%. Because this is the spatial frequency where image information disappears— where it isn't visible, it is not a good indicator of image sharpness.
Experience has shown that the best indicator of image sharpness is the spatial frequency where MTF is 50% of its low frequency value (MTF50).
MTF50 is an ideal parameter for comparing the sharpness of different cameras for several reasons: (1) Image contrast is half its low frequency value, hence detail is still quite visible. (2) The eye is relatively insensitive to detail at spatial frequencies where MTF is low: 10% or less. (3) The response of virtually all cameras falls off rapidly in the vicinity of MTF50.
MTF can be estimated from images of a sine pattern (see the page on Lens testing),
a sophisticated technique, based on the ISO
12233:2000 standard, "Photography - Electronic still picture
- Resolution measurements," yields more accurate, repeatable
A slanted-edge image, described below, is photographed, then analyzed
the Imatest SFR program. (SFR
stands for Spatial Frequency Response.)
The algorithms for calculating MTF/SFR in Imatest SFR were adapted
a Matlab program, sfrmat, written by Peter Burns to implement the ISO
standard. The original code is available on the I3A
download page on ISO
Slant Edge Analysis Tool sfrmat 2.0. You can write Peter at .
You can download and print the slanted-edge test chart described in Using Imatest SFR. The chart itself has horizontal and vertical edges for best print quality. You tilt it when you photograph it. Imatest SFR can also take advantage of portions of the ISO 12233 test chart, shown on the right. Two such portions are indicated by the red and blue arrows. ISO 12233 charts are used in and digital camera reviews. A printable vector-graphics version of the ISO chart is available courtesy of Stephen H. Westin of the Cornell University Computer Graphics Department. It should be printed as large as possible so edge sharpness is not limited by the printer itself. (There may be some jaggedness in the slanted edges; not a problem with the recommended printable target.)
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A typical portion is shown on the right: a crop of a vertical edge (slanted about 5.6 degrees), used to calculate horizontal MTF response. An advantage of the slanted edge test is that the camera-to-target distance isn't critical. It doesn't enter into the equation that converts the image into MTF response. For the mathematically-minded, here are the details of the calculations. The cropped image is entered into a program that linearizes the levels (correcting for an assumed gamma of 2), then determines the average edge location of the luminance channel (Y = 0.3*Red + 0.59*Green + 0.11*Blue). The edge profile of each line is added to one of four bins that to calculate an averaged 4x oversampled edge. This allows analysis of spatial frequencies beyond normal limits. MTF is the absolute value of the Fourier transform (FFT) of the windowed derivative of the averaged edge. |
35mm camera lens tests use line pairs per millimeter (lp/mm) as the units of spatial frequency. This works fine for comparing lenses because all 35mm cameras have the same 24 mm picture height. But sensor height in digital varies widely, from less than 5 mm in ultra-compact models to 24 mm for full-frame DSLRs; even larger for medium format backs. The number of pixels also varies. For this reason, a measure of spatial frequency is needed that indicates the total response rather than the response per distance.
For this purpose we use line widths per picture height (LW/PH) as a spatial frequency unit for digital cameras. LW/PH is equal to 2 * lp/mm * (picture height in mm). Where total picture height is involved, line widths is customarily used instead of pairs (where one line pair equals two line widths).
The use of picture height gives a slight advantage to compact digital cameras, which have an aspect ratio (width:height) of 4:3, compared to 3:2 for digital SLRs. Compact digital cameras have slightly more vertical pixels for a given number of total pixels. For example, a 5.33 megapixel compact digital camera would have 2000 vertical pixels— as many as a 6 megapixel DSLR.
Another measure of spatial frequency used
with digital cameras is cycles
or line pairs
per pixel
or lp/p).
This gives an indication of how well individual pixels are being
There is no need to use actual distances (millimeters or inches) to
digital camera image quality, although such measurements are an available option in Imatest SFR.
Imatest SFR program output contains results on the left and input data on the right (a thumbnail of the entire image, the region of interest (ROI), and selected EXIF data).
(top) A narrow image that illustrates the tones of the averaged edge. It is aligned with the edge profile (spatial domain) plot, immediately below. (middle) Spatial
domain plot: The average edge profile. The key result is the 10-90%
edge rise distance, shown in pixels and in the
number of rise distances per picture height. The
red values are for standardized
sharpening. Other parameters include overshoot and undershoot (if applicable). (bottom) Frequency domain plot: The Spatial Frequency Response (MTF), shown to twice the Nyquist frequency. The key result is MTF50, the 50% MTF frequency, which corresponds to perceived image sharpness. It is given in cycles per pixel (c/p) and line widths per picture height (LW/PH). Other results include MTF at NYQ, the MTF at the Nyquist frequency (0.5 cycles/pixel; sampling rate/2), which indicates the probable severity of aliasing. The Nyquist frequency is displayed as a vertical blue line. |
![]() Results from the ISO 1233 image for the Canon EOS-10D. |
SFR Results: MTF (sharpness) plot describes this Figure in detail.
What MTF50 do you need? It depends on print size. If you plan to print gigantic posters (20x30 inches or over), the more the merrier. Any high quality 4+ megapixel digital camera (one that produces good test results; MTF50(corr) > 0.3 cycles/pixel) is capable of producing excellent 8.5x11 inch (letter-size; A4) prints. At that size a fine DSLR wouldn't offer a large advantage in MTF. With fine lenses and careful technique (a different RAW converter from Canon's and a little extra sharpening), my 6.3 megapixel Canon EOS-10D (corrected MTF50 = 1340 LW/PH) makes outstanding 12x18 inch prints. Prints are razor sharp from normal viewing distances, but pixels are visible under a magnifier or loupe; the prints are not as sharp as the Epson 2200 printer is capable of producing. Softness or pixellation would be visible on 16x24 inch enlargements. Sharpness comparisons contains tables, derived from images downloaded from two well-known websites, that compare a number of digital cameras. Several outperform the 10D.
The table below is an approximate guide to quality requirements. The equation for the left column is
MTF50(Line Widths / inch on the print) = | MTF50(LW/PH)
Print height in inches |
MTF50 in Line Widths/inch on the print |
Quality level— after post-processing, which may include some additional sharpening |
150 | Excellent— Extremely sharp at any viewing distance. About as sharp as most inkjet printers can print. |
110 | Very good— Large prints (A3 or 13x19 inch) look excellent, though they won't look perfect under a magnifier. Small prints still look very good. |
80 | Good— Large prints look OK when viewed from normal distances, but somewhat soft when examined closely. Small prints look soft— adequate, perhaps, for the "average" consumer, but definitely not "crisp.". |
Example of using the table: My Canon EOS-10D has MTF50 = 1335 LW/PH (corrected; with standardized sharpening). When I make a 12.3 inch high print on 13x19 inch paper, MTF50 is 1335/12.3 = 108 LW/in: "very good" quality; fine for a print that size. Prints look excellent at normal viewing distances for a print this size.
This approach is more accurate than tables based on pixel count (PPI) alone. Pixel count is scaled differently; the numbers are around double the MTF50 numbers. The EOS-10D has 2048/12.3 = 167 pixels per inch (PPI) at this magnification. This table should not be taken as gospel: itwas first published in October 2004, andit may be adjusted in the future.
The ideal response would have high MTF below the Nyquist frequency and low MTF at and above it.
This page has some interesting material on Fuji sensors and the history of the slanted-edge test.
Spatial Frequency Response of Color Image Sensors: Bayer Color Filters and Foveon X3 by Paul M. Hubel, John Liu and Rudolph J. Guttosch, Foveon, Inc., Santa Clara, California. Uses slanted edge testing.
Sharpening is an important part of digital image processing. It restores some of the sharpness lost in the lens and the sensor chip. Virtually every digitized image is sharpened at some point in its workflow— in the camera, the RAW conversion software, the image editor, or "all of the above."
Almost every digital camera sharpens images to some degree. The problem is that each manufacturer and each model has its own sharpening algorithm. Some models sharpen images more than others— sometimes more than appropriate. This makes it difficult to determine a camera's intrinsic sharpness. Imatest has developed a solution to the problem— standardized sharpening.
Before we proceed, we need to describe the elementary sharpening process..
A simple sharpening algorithm subtracts a fraction of two
pixels from each pixel, as illustrated on the right. The thin
black curve is the input to the sharpening function: it is the
camera's response to
a point or sharp line (called the line or point
spread function or impulse response).
The two thin dashed blue curves are
replicas of the input multiplied by -ksharp/2 and shifted by a distance of
±2 pixels (typical of the sharpening applied to digital
cameras). This distance is called the sharpening radius. The
curve the impulse response after sharpening— the sum of the black
curve and the two blue curves. The
thick black and red curves (shifted
up and left) are the corresponding edge responses,
unsharpened and sharpened.
Sharpening increases image contrast at boundaries by reducing the rise distance. It
causes an edge overshoot (a small overshoot in this illustration).
enhance the perception of sharpness, but large overshoots, known as "halos," can become
obvious, and can detract from image quality.
Sharpening also boosts
(the 50% MTF frequency, which is an indicator of perceived sharpness—
a good thing) and it boosts noise (not so good). Virtually all digital
from the right amount of sharpening.
Lsharp(x) = (L(x) - ksharp/2*(L(x-V) + L(x+V)) / (1-ksharp)L(x) is the input pixel level and Lsharp(x) is the sharpened pixel level. Ksharp is the sharpening constant (related to the slider setting scanning or editing program). V is the shift used for sharpening. V = R/dscan, where R is the sharpening radius (the number of pixels between original image and shifted replicas) in pixels. 1/dscan is the spacing between pixels.
MTFsharp(f) = (1-ksharp*cos(2*pi*f*V))/(1-ksharp)This equation boosts response at high spatial frequencies. Maximum boost takes place where cos(2*pi*f*V ) = cos(pi) = -1, or f = 1/(2*V) = dscan/(2*R). This is equal to the Nyquist frequency,..fN = dscan/2, for R = 1 and lower for R > 1. Actual sharpening is a two dimensional operation.
The degree of sharpening performed by digital cameras varies greatly.Some cameras and many RAW converters allow you to change the amount of sharpening from the default value. If an image is undersharpened, the photographer will need to apply additional sharpening during the image editing process for best results. Many compact digital cameras oversharpen images, resulting in severe peaks or "halos" near boundaries. This makes small prints (4x6 or 5x7 inches) look good straight out of the camera, but it doesn't truly enhance image quality: halos can get ugly in big enlargements and noise can become objectionable.
Sharpening increases the 50% MTF frequency (MTF50). A camera with extreme oversharpening may have an impressive MTF50 but poor image quality. A camera with little sharpening will have an MTF50 that doesn't indicate its potential. For these reasons, comparisons between cameras based on simple MTF50 measurements have little meaning. Raw MTF50 is a poor measure of a camera's intrinsic sharpness, even though it correlates strongly with perceived image sharpness.
To obtain a good measure of a camera's sharpness— to compare different cameras on a fair basis, the differences in sharpening must be removed from the analysis. The best way to accomplish this is to set the sharpening of all cameras to a standard amount. This means sharpening undersharpened images and de-sharpening (blurring) oversharpened images.
The algorithm for standardized sharpening takes advantage of the
that most digital cameras sharpen with a radius of about 2 pixels. This
has been the case for most of the cameras I've analyzed using data from
The algorithm for standardized sharpening is as follows.
2. Linearize the phase of the pulse by removing the imaginary part of the MTF. This results in an antisymmetrical pulse.
The resulting pulse has a small overshoot (halo) near edges— typical of what you would get with carefully-done manual sharpening.
If the edge is seriously blurred, so that there is very little energy at 0.3x fN (MTF50 < 0.2xfN ), the sharpening radius is increased and the equalization frequency is decreased to 0.6 * MTF50.MTFstandard(f) = MTF( f ) x (1-ksharpxcos(4xpixRxf/dscan))/(1-ksharp)
where sharpening constant ksharp is set so MTFstandard(0.3 fN ) = MTF(0) = 1. fN = dscan/2 is the Nyquist frequency.Raw MTF50, without standardized sharpening, produces more accurate results for comparing the sharpness of different lenses, focal lengths, and apertures on one camera, as well as for comparing the sharpness at the center and edge of a single image. But standardized sharpening is superb for comparing different cameras.
An undersharpened imageThe 11 megapixel Canon EOS-1Ds DSLR is unusual in that it has very little built-in sharpening (at least in this particular sample). The average edge (with no overshoot) is shown on top; the MTF response is shown on bottom. The black curves are the original, uncorrected data; the dashed red curves have standardized sharpening applied. Standardized sharpening results in a small overshoot in the spatial domain edge response, about what would be expected in a properly sharpened image. It is relatively consistent for all cameras. |
Oversharpening or undersharpening is the degree to which the uncorrected pulse is over- or undersharpened, i.e., sharpened relative to the standard sharpening
It is equal to (-)ksharp in the above equation. It if is negative (the
case for the EOS-1Ds), sharpening is applied to the original response;
if it is positive, de-sharpening is applied. (I use "de-sharpening"
of "blurring" because the inverse of sharpening is, which applied here,
is different from conventional blurring.) Note that it is not
the actual sharpening applied by the camera and software.
An oversharpened imageThe image to the right is for the 5 megapixel Canon G5, which strongly oversharpens the image— typical for a compact digital camera. The uncorrected 10-90% edge rise distance of the G5 is considerably better than the 11 megapixel EOS-1Ds (1940 vs. 1511 per PH), but the corrected 10-90% rise (with standard sharpening) is 76% of the EOS-1Ds. Based on pixels alone, the expected percentage ratio would be 100% (1944/2704) = 72%. |
The raw MTF50 of the G5 is close to the EOS-1Ds, but the corrected MTF50 (with standard sharpening) is 73% of the EOS-1Ds, very close to the ratio of vertical pixels.
These results illustrate how uncorrected rise distances and MTF50s can be extremely misleading when comparing cameras with different pixel sizes and degrees of sharpening. Uncorrected MTF50 is, however, appropriate when comparing different lenses, focal lengths and apertures on a single camera.
Several websites publish images of ISO 12233 test charts that can be entered into Imatest SFR to obtain detailed sharpness measurements. This page contains sharpness results derived from charts downloaded from two sites:
Two areas, delimited by red rectangles, are used for the measurements.
These measurements are limited to
If you want to compare your own camera or lenses with the published charts, test lenses at various focal lengths and apertures, or observe the effects of ISO speed and signal processing, you'll need to download Imatest. The trial version allows up to twenty runs.
Megapixels | The total megapixel count for the camera. |
Picture height pixels | The picture height of the camera. Important because sharpness is measured in units of Edge Rises or Line Widths per Picture Height. |
Oversharpening % | The amount of sharpening relative to standardized sharpening, which results in a modest amount of overshoot, similar to what you might get after a manual sharpening operation. Undersharpening (as reported in Imatest SFR) is displayed here as a negative number. |
10-90% rises per PH (raw) | The number of intervals per Picture Height where the average edge signal (with gamma removed) rises from 10% to 90% of its final value. The more the better, though aliasing can be a problem for extremely high values (significantly larger than the picture height), especially with Bayer sensors. See Understanding sharpness and SFR tour. |
10-90% rises per PH (corr.) | The number of 10% to 90% rise intervals per Picture height after standardized sharpening. This allows cameras with different degrees of sharpening to be compared on a (relatively) fair basis. |
MTF50 LW/PH (raw) |
The spatial frequency where contrast drops to half its low frequency value. This is the best indicator of sharpness. See Understanding sharpness and SFR tour. |
MTF50 LW/PH (corr.) |
MTF50 with standardized sharpening applied (corrected). MTF50 with standardized sharpening is best for comparing cameras with different amounts of sharpening; MTF50 without standardized sharpening (uncorrected) is best for testing and comparing lenses on a single camera model. |
Chromatic aberration (CA) | A measure of "color fringing" near the edges of the images. Units are pixels. Tends to increase linearly with the distance from the center of the image. Under 0.5 pixels is insignificant. Over 1.5 is severe: quite visible in large prints. See Chromatic Aberration. An improved CA measurement, percentage of distance from the image center, is being implemented. |
Shannon capacity MB |
The information capacity of the image, based on sharpness (with standardized sharpnening) and noise. It correlates well with perceived image quality. But it should be interpreted with caution because it is strongly affected by signal processing, especially noise reduction. Best when used with RAW files. The number below is for a signal with the same contrast (100%) as the target (around 80:1). Shannon capacity is a relatively new measurement. We are still learning how to interpret it. |
Comments | Contains the source of the image (DPR or IR), and, if available, the focal length, aperture, and ISO speed. |
DSLRs: Digital SLRs, which take interchangeable lenses. Used by professionals and serious amateurs. Minimum sensor size is 22 mm diagonal. Larger and heavier than the compact digital cameras, below. This table is more complete than the table for compact digitals because it's where my interest lies.
Camera | Mega- pixels |
Over- sharp- ening % |
10-90% rises/PH (raw) |
10-90% rises/PH (corr.) |
MTF50 LW/PH (raw) |
MTF50 LW/PH (corr.) |
Chro- matic Aber- ration |
Shannon capacity MB |
Comments |
Picture height pixels |
Canon EOS-1D Mk II | 8.2 | -15 | 1351 | 1741 | 1355 | 1559 | — | 5.56 | DPR. 50mm f/9 ISO 100. Very little built-in sharpening. Optimized for speed. Same pixel count as EOS-20D, but larger pixels. |
2336 | -21 | 1178 | 1589 | 1173 | 1443 | 0.40 | 4.99 | ||
Canon EOS-1Ds | 11 | -17 | 1509 | 2045 | 1521 | 1860 | — | 7.11 | DPR. 100mm f/9 ISO 100. Little, if any, built-in sharpening. |
2704 | -17 | 1485 | 2016 | 1519 | 1852 | 0.30 | 7.06 | ||
Canon EOS-10D | 6.3 | 0 | 1419 | 1508 | 1332 | 1335 | — | 4.02 | DPR. 50mm f/9 ISO 100. Nearly identical to the EOS-300D. My own camera and standard of comparison. Makes excellent 13x19 inch prints. |
2048 | -1 | 1410 | 1480 | 1331 | 1339 | 0.55 | 3.95 | ||
Canon EOS-20D | 8.2 | 8 | 1850 | 1778 | 1627 | 1581 | — | 5.44 | DPR. 50mm f/9 ISO 100. Successor to the EOS-10D. |
2336 | 3 | 1872 | 1789 | 1681 | 1664 | 0.58 | 5.82 | ||
Fuji S2 Pro | 6/12* | -12 | 1869 | 2104 | 1819 | 1832 | — | 7.19 | DPR. 50mm f/9.5 ISO 100. *SuperCCD diagonal pixel array. Uses interpolation to increase pixel count. Unusual ringing in edge. High noise reduction? |
2848 | -7 | 1699 | 1987 | 1708 | 1756 | 0.73 | 6.72 | ||
Kodak SLR/c | 14 | 7 | 3571 | 3457 | 3184 | 3177 | — | 15.1 | DPR. No anti-aliasing filter. Exceptional sharpness, but has problems with color Moire, illustrated here. (MTF > 0.5 at Nyquist.) Strong noise reduction evident in the noise spectrum. Canon mount. The SLR/n is similar, but a Nikon mount. *CA is double the measured value for the half-size (2250x1500) image, using the observation that CA is proportional to distance from the lens center. |
3000 | 6 | 3619 | 3436 | 3202 | 3195 | 1.1* | 15.4 | ||
Nikon D100 | 6 | -3 | 1381 | 1437 | 1243 | 1262 | — | 3.44 | DPR. 50mm f/'9. Competitive with the Canon EOS-10D. |
2000 | -4 | 1300 | 1373 | 1186 | 1227 | 0.74 | 3.3 | ||
Nikon D70 | 6 | 5 | 1590 | 1897 | 1766 | 1759 | — | 4.72 | DPR. 50mm f/9. Less aggresive anti-aliasing filter than theD100. Excellent sharpness for the pixel count. Relatively high MTF at Nyquist (0.4). |
2000 | 4 | 1769 | 1849 | 1700 | 1688 | 0.71 | 4.61 | ||
Olympus E1 | 5 | -8 | 1174 | 1351 | 1142 | 1215 | — | 2.89 | DPR. 50mm f/5 ISO 100. (Wider than optimum aperture) 4/3" format. Curious spikes in noise spectrum at quarter multiples of Nyquist. Otherwise relatively flat noise spectrum indicates little noise reduction. |
1920 | -10 | 1121 | 1325 | 1105 | 1201 | 0.21 | 2.86 | ||
Sigma SD10 | 3.4 | -2 | 1574 | 1618 | 1508 | 1508 | — | 3.53 | DPR. 50mm f/9 ISO 100. Foveon sensor: no Bayer array. Apparently no anti-aliasing filter. Outstanding sharpness for the nunber of pixels (if only it had more!) Very high MTF at Nyquist (0.5), but little apparent problem with Moire. See this report. |
1512 | -2 | 1463 | 1487 | 1381 | 1383 | 1.0 | 3.18 |
Compact digital cameras: These are primarily consumer cameras, though many produce excellent image quality, especially for letter-size or A4 prints. Most have non-interchangeable zoom lenses. Maximum sensor size is 11 mm diagonal.
Camera | Mega- pixels |
Over- sharp- ening % |
10-90% rises/PH (raw) |
10-90% rises/PH (corr.) |
MTF50 LW/PH (raw) |
MTF50 LW/PH (corr.) |
Chro- matic Aber- ration |
Shannon capacity MB |
Comments |
Picture height pixels |
Canon G3 | 4 | 18 | 1636 | 1360 | 1265 | 1157 | — | 2.19 | DPR. 17.6mm f/4.5. Oversharpened. |
1704 | 11 | 1346 | 1186 | 1134 | 1052 | 1.27 | |||
Canon G5 | 5 | 20 | 1931 | 1565 | 1458 | 1346 | — | 2.88 | DPR. 14.4mm f/4.0. Oversharpened. The chromatic aberration is not quite as bad as indicated because R and G are together; only B, to which the eye is less sensitive, is separate. |
1944 | 12 | 1774 | 1544 | 1399 | 1327 | 1.81 | 2.78 | ||
Canon G6 | 7 | 12 | 2024 | 1780 | 1707 | 1612 | — | 4.39 | DPR. 15.2mm f/5.0. |
2304 | -1 | 1738 | 1726 | 1599 | 1606 | 0.9 | 4.24 | ||
Fuji F810 |
12.3* | 13 | 2085 | 1962 | 1944 | 1791 | — | 6.02 | DPR. 15.1mm f/5.6 ISO 80. *SuperCCD diagonal pixel array. Pixels are doubled in the test image. The lens is much better at the edges than the S7000. |
3040 | -6 | 1906 | 1937 | 1829 | 1762 | 2.19 | 5.87 | ||
Fuji S7000 UL LR |
6/12* | 22 |
2014 |
1853 |
1912 |
1625 |
— |
5.21 |
DPR. 13mm f/5.6 ISO 200 (a high ISO speed for a compact; somewhat noisy). Oversharpened. *SuperCCD diagonal pixel array; 6 megapixels orig; 12 used for measurement. Uses interpolation to increase pixel count. UL = upper left; LR = lower right (the usual) ROIs. Softness on the left was noted by Edge falloff is considerable. |
3040 | -17 -22 |
1137 1202 |
1567 1591 |
1241 1230 |
1388 1446 |
2.67 2.04 |
4.52 4.62 |
Konica-Minolta DiMAGE A2 |
8 | 8 | 1829 | 1696 | 1611 | 1537 | — | 4.71 | DPR. 13.3mm f/5.0 ISO 64. |
2448 | -3 | 1500 | 1580 | 1403 | 1432 | 1.29 | 4.37 | ||
Sony DSC-F828 | 8 | 9 |
1949 |
1751 |
1694 |
1617 |
— |
4.69 |
DPR. 22.3mm f/5.0 ISO 64. 8 megapixel. Noisy at ISO speeds above 64. Superb lens. |
2448 | 5 | 1884 | 1763 | 1669 | 1627 | 0.11 | 4.65 | ||
Sony DSC-P150 |
7 | 9 | 1696 | 1689 | 1622 | 1537 | — | 4.37 | DPR. 15.1mm f/8 ISO 100. Stopped down well beyond optimum aperture. |
2304 | -8 | 1331 | 1504 | 1340 | 1427 | 1.9 | 3.95 |
What MTF50 do you need? It depends on print size. If you plan to print gigantic posters (20x30 inches or over), the more the merrier. All the cameras in the above tables are capable of making excellent 8.5x11 inch (letter-size; A4) prints. At that size the best of them wouldn't look much better than the 4 megapixel Canon G3 (or any other high quality 4 megapixel camera). With fine lenses and careful technique (a different RAW converter from Canon's and a little extra sharpening), my 6.3 megapixel Canon EOS-10D (corrected MTF50 = 1340 LW/PH) makes outstanding 12x18 inch prints. Prints are razor sharp from normal viewing distances, but pixels are visible under a magnifier or loupe; the prints are not as sharp as the Epson 2200 printer is capable of producing. Softness or pixellation would be visible on 16x24 inch prints. Several of the cameras listed in the table perform better at that size.
The table below is an approximate guide to quality requirements. The equation for the left column is
MTF50(Line Widths / inch on the print) = | MTF50(LW/PH)
Print height in inches |
MTF50 in Line Widths/inch on the print |
Quality level— after post-processing, which may include some additional sharpening |
150 | Excellent— Extremely sharp at any viewing distance. About as sharp as most inkjet printers can print. |
110 | Very good— Large prints (A3 or 13x19 inch) look excellent, though they won't look perfect under a magnifier. Small prints still look very good. |
80 | Good— Large prints look OK when viewed from normal distances, but somewhat soft when examined closely. Small prints look soft— adequate, perhaps, for the "average" consumer, but definitely not "crisp.". |
Example of using the table: My Canon EOS-10D has MTF50 = 1335 LW/PH (corrected; with standardized sharpening). When I make a 12.3 inch high print on 13x19 inch paper, MTF50 is 1335/12.3 = 108 LW/in: "very good" quality; fine for a print that size. Prints look excellent at normal viewing distances for a print this size.
This approach is more accurate than tables based on pixel count (PPI) alone. Pixel count is scaled differently; the numbers are around double the MTF50 numbers. The EOS-10D has 2048/12.3 = 167 pixels per inch (PPI) at this magnification. This table should not be taken as gospel: itwas first published in October 2004, andit may be adjusted in the future.
There has been a good deal of skepticism about 7+ megapixel compact digital cameras. But they live up to expectations for resolution. Noise, however, may be objectionable at high ISO speeds. has found the Sony DSC-828's noise at ISO 64 to be as high as the Canon EOS-300D (identical to the EOS-10D) at ISO 800.
The 6 megapixel raw/12 megapixel interpolated Fuji S7000, which uses Fuji's SuperCCD, has sharpness comparable to the Sony F828. It also has some problems with noise. The SuperCCD is based on an interesting concept. Thanks to gravity, most detail in nature is vertical or horizontal, and evolution has made our eyes are more sensitive to those directions. SuperCCD pixels are located on a diagonal grid where the spacing between x and y-pixel spacings is 1/sqrt(2) = 0.707 that of a normal grid the same number of pixels. The diagonal grid is interpolated to a horizontal grid that has twice the pixels, keeping the reduced pixel spacing. This results in an impressive gain in horizontal and vertical resolution, though sharpness is slightly below that of a sensor with the same number of uninterpolated pixels.
I analyzed the sides of Fuji F7000 because noted a problem with softness on the left side. Uncorrected MTF50 is the appropriate metric for comparing portions of a single image. The problem is indeed very evident. It seems to be slightly worse on the left, where MTF50 (uncorrected) is 62% of the center value. The lens alsohas a problem with chromatic aberration. The Sony DSC-F828 does much better: edge MTF is 93% of the center value. It apears to have a finer lens, at least at the focal length and aperture chosen for the test.
The Sigma SD9 has high resolution for its pixel count because it doesn't have, and probably doesn't need, an anti-aliasing filter. If only Foveon could break the 3.4 megapixel barrier...
Scanner Bake-off 2004 Jim Hutchinson used Imatest results in his comparison of scanners.
Chromatic aberration (CA) is one of several aberrations that degrade
lens performance. (Others include coma, astigmatism, and curvature of
It occurs because the index of refraction of glass varies with the
of light, i.e., glass bends different colors by different amounts. This
phenomenon is called dispersion.
Minimizing chromatic aberration is one of the goals of lens design. It
is accomplished by combining glass elements with different dispersion
But it remains a problem in several lens types, most notably ultrawide
lenses, long telephoto lenses, and extreme zooms.
Lateral chromatic aberration is best measured using a tangential edge near the side or corner of the image, for example, B on the left. It is not visible on radial edges such as A.
The two types of chromatic aberration are illustrated on the left side of the above illustration.
Lateral chromatic aberration is best measured on a tangential edge near the side of the image. It's not visible on radial edges. Radial and tangential lines (which differ by 90 degrees) are shown in burgundy and blue on the right side of the above illustration. Because Imatest SFR requires edges to have an angle in the range of 4 to 7 degrees with respect to vertical and horizontal, only a limited number of locations are appropriate for measuring lateral CA. One is rectangle B, above. A thumbnail of a photograph of the ISO 12233 chart is shown on the right, above. It was taken with a 12 megapixel compact digital camera with fairly severe chromatic aberration. The selected area is shown on the right below. Red fringing, the result of lateral CA, is clearly visible. The black-to-white edge to the right side of this rectangle has equally vivid green fringing. Imatest analyzes the edge and produces a number that indicates the severity of the lateral chromatic aberration. |
![]() |
The curves for the R, G, and B color channels, calculated by Imatest SFR for the above edge, are shown on the right. The visibility of the chromatic aberration is proportional to the area between the highest amplitude transition (in this case, red) and the lowest amplitude transition (in this case, blue). This distance is called the area chromatic aberration. It is displayed in magenta. CA (area) = 1.91 pixels. The area has units of pixels. |
![]() |
Aberration in pixels |
Severity |
0-0.5 | Insignificant |
0.5-1 | Low. Not visible unless you look for it. |
1-1.5 | Moderate. Somewhat visible at high print magnifications. |
over 1.5 | Severe. Highly visible at high print magnifications. |
Purple fringing is not chromatic aberration, though it is often mistaken for it. It is a saturation phenomenon in the sensor, caused by the overflow of electrons from highly saturated pixel sites to nearby unsaturated sites. It tends to be worst in cameras with tiny pixels (e.g., 8 megapixel compact digital cameras). It has everything to do with the sensor and nothing to do with the lens. |
In early 2004, DO Labs of Boulogne, France introduced a program for analyzing digital image quality called DxO analyzer®. It has aroused a great deal of interest, but its original price (vraiment tres cher) placed it beyond the means of most photographers. (If you have to ask...) Several publications, including, (web), and France's outstanding Chasseur d'Images (print) use it for testing cameras and lenses.
DxO analyzer measures sharpness using the Blur Experience Unit (BxU®), which is described as the sharpness degradation resulting from one application of the Photoshop CS Blur More filter.
I analyzed the effects of the Photoshop 6 Blur More and Blur filters by applying each operation six times to an ideal edge of moderate contrast (pixel levels 202 and 50), shown on the right unmagnified and magnified 4x. The image on the lower right is the edge after two Blur Mores. Imatest SFR produced the following MTFresults. Results of Photoshop 6 Blur More and Blur
These results are plotted below. They confirm the inverse square relationship between the number of Blur More or Blur applications and MTF50. Two Blur more operations equals five Blur operations.
![]() | In analyzing the MTF curves for Blur More,
I found that each application of
Blur More cut the response at 0.25
cycles per pixel (half the Nyquist
frequency) by half. This suggests an equation (though probably not
the one used to calculate BxU): BxU = -log2(MH)
= -3.322 * log10(MH), where MH
is the MTF at 0.25 cycles per pixels (half-Nyquist).
Edge after Blur More has
been applied 6 times. Unmagnified.
As I write this (mid-July 2004), there is a discrepancy between BxU results and MTF.
Reported BxU numbers appear to be too large. For example,, and tested the 8 megapixel Sony DSC-F828. The Imatest SFR analyses of the ISO-12233 charts in and indicates MTF50 = 0.344 and 0.352 cycles/pixel, respectively, near the image center for focal lengths = 22mm at f/5.0 and 8.2 mm at f/4.0 (both excellent performance). The LL report indicates a Y-channel BxU of about 1.7 for the best combinations of focal length and aperture— much higher than one would expect from MTF50 around 0.35. The LL report on two Canon 400 mm L lenses shows BxUs over 6 for several apertures— up to nearly 12 for the 100-400 at f/22. Assuming the technique was proper (sturdy tripod and mirror-lock: de rigeur for long tele lenses), this is horrible performance, even for a Brownie; unimaginable for a Canon L lens. The image on the right, which is unmagnified, is an example of 6 applications of Blur More.
No, it's not my calculation. You can observe the problem by visually comparing images of the ISO-12233 chart with an ideal edge with Blur More applied one or more times. (You can download the unmagnified ideal edge, above.)
I have two hypotheses.
Either of these hypotheses would work. E-mail me if you can shed light on this mystery.
* DxO, DxO Analyzer, and BxU are registered trademarks of DO Labs. Photoshop is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems.
Nothing like a challenge! For some time I've been intrigued by the fact that there is such a metric for electronic communication channels— one that specifies the maximum amount of information that can be transmitted through a channel. The metric includes the effects of sharpness and noise (grain in film). And a camera— or any digital imaging system— is such a channel.
The metric, first published in 1948 by Claude Shannon of Bell Labs, has become the basis of the electronic communication industry. It is called the Shannon channel capacity or Shannon information transmission capacity C , and has a deceptively simple equation.
C = Wlog2(S/N+1)
W is the channel bandwidth, which corresponds to image sharpness, S is the signal energy (the square of signal voltage), and N is the noise energy (the square of the RMS noise voltage), which corresponds to grain in film. It looks simple enough (only a little more complex than E = mc2 ), but the details must be handled with care. Fortunately you don't need to know the details to take advantage of the results. We present a few key points, then some results. More details are in the green ("for geeks") box at the bottom.
In electronic communication channels the Shannon capacity is the maximum amount of information that can pass through a channel without error, i.e., it is a measure of its "goodness." The actual amount of information depends on the code— how information is represented. But coding issues are not important for digital photography. What is important is the following hypothesis:
I stress that this statement is a hypothesis— a fancy mathematical term for a conjecture. But it strongly agrees with my experience and that of many others. Now that Shannon capacity can be calculated with Imatest, we have the opportunity to learn a great deal more about it.
The Shannon capacity, as we mentioned, is a function of both bandwidth W and signal-to-noise ratio, S/N. It's critically important to use good numbers for both of these parameters.
It texts that introduce the Shannon capacity, bandwidth W is usually assumed to be the half-power frequency, which is closely related to MTF50. Strictly speaking, this is only correct for white noise (a flat spectrum) and a simple low pass filter (LPF). But digital cameras have varying amounts of sharpening, and strong sharpening can result in response curves with large peaks that deviate substantially from simple LPF response. Imatest gets around this problem by using standardized sharpening, which sets the response at 0.3 times the Nyquist frequency equal to the response at low frequencies. MTF50C (corrected; with standardized sharpening) is used for bandwidth W.
The choice of signal S presents some serious issues when calculating the signal-to-noise ratio S/N because S can vary widely between images and even within an image. It is much larger in highly textured, detailed areas than it is in smooth areas like skies. A single value of S cannot represent all situations.
To deal with this we start with a standard value of signal, Sstd: the difference between the white and black zones in a reflective surface such as the ISO 12233 test chart. This represents a tonal range of roughly 80:1 (a pixel ratio of about 9:1 for for an image encoded with gamma = 1/2: typical for a wide range of digital cameras). Then we plot Shannon capacity C for a range of S from 0.01*Sstd (representing very low contrast regions) to 2*Sstd (about a 160:1 contrast range, which represents an average sunny day scene— fairly contrasty). Imatest displays values of C for three contrast levels relative to Sstd: 100% (representing a contrasty scene), 10% (representing a low contrast scene), and 1% (representing smooth areas). Results are shown below.
For this reason we calculate C for several values of S. The 100% contrast value is for Sstd , the difference between white and black reflective surfaces. C is also calculated for contrasts of 10% and 1% of Sstd, representing low contrast images and smooth areas, respectively.
Imatest displays noise and Shannon capacity plots at the bottom of the Chromatic aberration figure if the (Plot) Shannon capacity and Noise spectrum (in CA plot) checkbox in the SFR input dialog box is checked (the default is unchecked). Here is a sample for the Canon EOS-10D.
The noise spectrum plot is experimental. Its rolloff is strongly affected by the amount of noise reduction. The pale green and cyan lines represent two different calculation methods. The thick black line is the average of the two. The red line is a second order fit. Noise spectrum will become more meaningful as different cameras are compared.
RMS noise voltage in the dark and light areas is expressed as a percentage of the difference between the light and dark signal levels, i.e., the standard signal S = Sstd. , i.e., noise is actually N/Sstd. The inverse of mean (the average of the two) is used as S/N in the equation forC.
C = W log2((S/N)2+1) = 3.322 W log10((S/N)2+1)
Shannon capacity C is calculated and displayed for three contrast levels.
Contrast | Signal S | Description |
100% | The standard signal, S = Sstd | This is about an 80:1 contrasty ratio— a moderatly contrasty image. Indicates image quality for contrasty images. Weighs sharpness more heavily than noise. |
10% | S = Sstd /10 | Indicates image quality for low contrast images. |
1% | S = Sstd /100 | This represents an extremely
low contrast image. Indicates image quality in smooth areas such as skies. Weighs noise more heavily. |
The values of C are meaningful
only in a relative sense— only when they are compared to a range of other
cameras. Here are some typical results, derived from ISO 12233 charts published
on the internet.
Camera | Pixels V x H (total Mpixels) |
S/N | ISO | C (MB) 100% |
C (MB) 10% |
C (MB) 1% |
Comments |
Canon EOS-10D | 2048x3072 (6.3) | 1325 | 1341 | 221 | 100 | 4.01 | 2.30 | 0.66 | |
Canon EOS-1Ds | 2704x4064 (11) | 1447 | 1880 | 184 | 100 | 7.18 | 4.01 | 1.02 | Little built-in sharpening. |
Kodak DCS-14n | 3000x4500 (13.5) | 2102 | 2207 | 272 | 100? | 10.0 | 5.92 | 1.90 | No anti-aliasing filter. Strong noise reduction. |
Nikon D100 | 2000x3008 (6) | 1224 | 1264 | 148 | 200? | 3.43 | 1.85 | 0.40 | |
Nikon D70 | 2000x3008 (6) | 1749 | 1692 | 139 | ? | 4.53 | 2.42 | 0.50 | Strikingly different response from D100. Less aggressive anti-aliasing. |
Sigma SD10 | 1512x2268 (3.4) | 1363 | 1381 | 288 | 100 | 3.20 | 1.9 | 0.63 | Foveon sensor. No anti-aliasing filter. Very high MTF50C and response at Nyquist. |
Canon G5 | 1944x2592 (5) | 1451 | 1361 | 94 | ? | 2.89 | 1.43 | 0.20 | Strongly oversharpened. |
Sony DSC-F828 | 2448x3264 (8) | 1688 | 1618 | 134 | 64 | 4.67 | 2.47 | 0.49 | Compact 8 MP digital with excellent lens. S/N and C are expected to degrade at high ISO. |
Performance measurements were taken from the edge located about 16% above the center of the image.
Here are some additional examples, illustrating unusual noise spectra. The Kodak DCS-14n shows a steep rolloff indicative of extreme noise reduction. This is reflected in the unusually high Shannon capacity at 1% contrast.
The Olympus E-1 has an unusual noise spectrum, with a spike at Nyquist. I don't know what to make of it.
Here is a summary of the key points.
Because of a number of factors (noise reduction, the use of MTF50C to approximate W, the arbitrary nature of S, etc.) the Shannon capacity that Imatest calculates is an approximation. But it is more than adequate for comparing different cameras.
The measurement of Shannon capacity is complicated by two factors.
The correct, detailed equation for Shannon capacity was presented in Shannon's second paper in information theory, "Communication in the Presence of Noise," Proc. IRE, vol. 37, pp. 10-21, Jan. 1949.
W is maximum bandwidth, P(f) is the signal power spectrum (the square of the MTF) andN( f ) is the noise power spectrum. There are a number of difficulties in evaluating this integral. Because P and N are calculated by different means, they are scaled differently. P( f ) is derived from the Fourier transform of the derivative of the edge signal, while N( f ) is derived from the Fourier transform of the signal itself. And noise reduction removes information while reducing N( f ) at high spatial frequencies below its correct value. For this reason, until we solve the scaling issues we use the simpler, less accurate, but less error-prone approximation,
C = W log2((S/N)2+1)
where bandwidth W is traditionally defined as the channel's -3 dB (half-power) frequency, which corresponds to MTF50,S is standard (white - black) signal voltage, andN is RMS noise voltage. The square term converts voltage into power. S/N (the voltage signal-to-noise ratio) is displayed by Imatest. (S/N can refer to voltage or power in the literature; you have to read carefully to keep it straight.)
Strictly speaking, this approximation only holds for white noise and a fairly simple (usually second-order) rolloff. It holds poorly when P( f ) has large response peaks, as it does in oversharpened digital cameras. The standardized sharpening algorithm comes to the rescue here. Imatest uses MTF50C (the 50% MTF frequency with standardized sharpening) to approximate W. This assures that P( f ) rolls off in a relatively consistent manner in different cameras: it is an excellent relative indicator of the effective bandwidth W.
RMS (root mean square) noise voltage N is the standard deviation (sigma) of the linearized signal in either smooth image area, away from the edge. It is relatively easy to measure using the slanted edge pattern because the dynamic range of digital cameras is sufficient to keep the levels for the white and black regions well away from the limiting values (pixel levels 0 and 255). Typical average (mean) pixel values are roughly 18-24 for the dark region and 180-220 for the light region, depending on exposure. Imatest uses the average of the noise in the two regions to calculate Shannon capacity. It displays noise as N/S: normalized to (divided by) the difference between mean linearized signal level of the white and black regions, S.
Noise power N doesn't tell the whole story of image quality. Noise spectral density plays an important role. The eye is more sensitive to low frequency noise, corresponding to large grain clumps, than to high frequency noise. To determine the precise effect of grain, you need to include its spectral density, the degree of enlargement, the viewing distance, and the MTF response of the human eye. High frequency noise that is invisible in small enlargements may be quite visible in big enlargements. Noise metrics such as Kodak's print grain index, which is perceptual and relative, takes this into account. Fortunately the noise spectrum of digital cameras varies a lot less than film. It tends to have a gradual rolloff (unless significant noise reduction is applied), and remains fairly strong at the Nyquist frequency. It's not a major factor in comparing cameras— the RMS noise level is far more important.
Very geeky: The limiting case for Shannon capacity. Suppose you have an 8-bit pixel. This corresponds to 256 levels (0-255). If you consider the distance of 1 between levels to be the "noise", then the S/N part of the Shannon equation is log2(1+2562) ~= 16. The maximum possible bandwidth W— the Nyquist frequency— is 0.5 cycles per pixel. (All signal energy above Nyquist is garbage— disinformation, so to speak.) So C = W log2(1+(S/N)2) = 8 bits per pixel, which is where we started. Sometimes it's comforting to travel in circles.
Lens quality has always been of great interest to photographers. To put it bluntly, that's what we spend the big bucks for— if we have them. And that's what we look for in a lens at any price point. Traditionally, lens testing has been highly tedious, best left to professionals and large publications. With Imatest, that has changed forever.
Imatest SFR measures the most important aspect of lens quality: sharpness, which is characterized by spatial frequency response (also called MTF = Modulation Transfer Function). MTF50, the spatial frequency where contrast falls to half its low frequency value, is the primary indicator of both image and lens sharpness. Its relationship to print quality is discussed in Interpretation of MTF50. Imatest SFR also measures lateral Chromatic aberration, which appears as color fringing.
Imatest is straightforward to use and produces clear numeric results, but careful technique is vital. We discuss it below.
To fully characterize a lens you should test it with a variety of settings.
You'll need access to a high quality inkjet printer, a flat surface for mounting the target (foam core from any art supply store is perfect), an environment with even, glare-free lighting, and a sturdy tripod: items most photographers have or can easily locate.
You can learn a lot by testing your own lenses, but you must be aware of one essential fact.
You cannot measure a lens in isolation. It is a part of an imaging system that includes the camera's image sensor and RAW converter (which may sharpen the image), or film, scanner, and scanner software. Hence,
The basic steps in testing the lens are:
These instructions are excerpted from Using Imatest SFR, Part 1.
Download the test image by right-clicking on the thumbnail or text on the right. The image is included in the samples folder of the Imatest installation. It has pixel levels 47 and 255, resulting in a contrast ratio of (255/47)2.2 = 41 when printed at gamma = 2.2 (the normal setting). This is near the minimum recommended by the ISO 12233 standard: low enough to minimize the likelihood of image clipping, which reduces the accuracy of SFR. |
![]() |
Edge_chart_low.png (reduced contrast; pixel levels 47, 255: recommended) |
Print the test image with a high quality inkjet photo printer on glossy, semigloss, or luster paper. I recommend printing at least two copies: one for measuring center sharpness and one for edge sharpness. The printed image size should be 8x10 inches (20.3x25.4 cm) or smaller— size is not critical. Be sure the edges look clean and sharp to your eyes; examine them with a good magnifier or loupe. Chart quality is described in geeky detail in Chart quality and distance. The charts are intended to be tilted approximately 5.7 degrees (anywhere between 4 and 7 degrees is OK) when they are photographed. It is tilted 5.7 degrees when the tick marks, located near the edges, are vertically or horizontally aligned with the center. This is illustrated by the red horizontal and vertical lines on the right. |
![]() The use of guide marks for tilting the chart |
The charts are printed straight and physically tilted because the edges print sharper that way. If they were printed at an angle, the printer dot pattern could result in some jaggedness. See Chart quality and distance in Imatest instructions part 1 for a detailed analysis. A 5.71 degree angle (tan-1(0.1)) is an offset of one part in 10. If you don't want to print your own chart, you can use the IMA/ISO 12233 target (available from Sine Patterns; expensive).
Assemble the prints into a target to be photographed.
![]() |
I mount the printed charts on a 32x40 inch sheet of 1/2 inch thick black foam board. 1/2 inch foam board stays flatter than standard 1/4 or 3/8 inch board. Black board results in less flare light than white board. (Flare light is light that bounces between lens elements and off the inside of the lens barrel, reducing image contrast) Consider including charts for Imatest modules Colorcheck or Q-13 Stepchart. The Kodak Q-14 is more suitable than the Q-13 (shown on the left) because it is larger. |
I use Velcro to attach the Colorchecker and Q-13 charts to the foam board so they can be easily removed. With Velcro, the surface of the Colorchecker is about 1/4 inch (6 mm) in front of the board. There is no need to remove the inexpensive printed charts, so I mount them on sheets of 1/4 inch foam board using 3M Photo Mount Spray Adhesive (or similar).
An image of a horizontal or vertical edge on an LCD monitor (desktop or laptop) can also be used as a target. The camera should be tilted with respect to the monitor. The image dark gray and white rather than black and white to minimize clipping. This page contains a description and an image.
Framing I placed the the upper right test chart near the center of the image and the lower left test chart near the corner. The Colorchecker image is suitable for analysis, but the the Q-13 is smaller than optimum. The dominant light was from a skylight. The light was not as even as I would have liked. |
![]() |
The chart below summarizes lighting considerations. The goal is even, glare-free illumination. Lighting angles around 30 degrees are ideal. Al least two lights (one on each side) is recommended; four is better. Beware of lights behind the camera, which can cause glare. Check before you expose.
Using a letter-sized (8.5x11 inch) chart printed on Permium Luster paper on the Epson 2200 (a high quality pigment-based inkhet photo printer), the MTF of the 6.3 megapixel Canon EOS-10D showed no change if the image field was at least 22 inches (56 cm) wide-- twice the length of the chart. Performance falls off slowly for smaller widths. Choose a camera-to-target distance that gives at least this image field width. The actual distance depends on the sensor size and the focal length of the lens.
Cameras with more pixels, and hence higher potential resolution, should should have a larger image field width. Some gudelines for the minimum field width are,
Image field
width (in inches) > 8.8 * sqrt(megapixels)
( > means "greater than.")
The distance to the target should be at least 40X the focal length of the lens for digital SLRs. (25X is the absolute minimun; 40X leaves some margin.) For compact digital cameras, which have much smaller sensors, the distance should be at least 100X the focal length: the field of view is about the same as an SLR with comparable pixel count. The recommended distance is described in geeky detail in Chart quality and distance. |
More on distance can be found in SFR Instructions Part 1. |
Proper exposure is important for accurate Imatest SFR results. Neither the black nor the white regions of the chart should clip-- have substantial areas that reach pixel levels 0 or 255. The best way to ensure proper exposure is to use the histogram in your digital camera. Blacks (the peaks on the left) should be above the minimum and whites (the peak(s) on the right) should be below the maximum. |
![]() |
The histogram, taken from the Canon File Viewer Utility, indicates excellent exposure.
Save the image as a RAW file or maximum quality JPEG. If you are using a RAW converter, convert to JPEG (maximum quality), TIFF (without LZW compression, which isn't supported), or PNG. If you are using film, develop and scan it. The file name should be descriptive and should indicate the parameters you are testing. Use dashes and underscores ( - and _ ), but avoid spaces (which work with Imatest, but can canse trouble in DOS command lines and web pages.) An example would be Canon_EOS10D_70-200f4L_100mm_f8.jpg.
These instructions are excerpted from Using Imatest SFR, Part 2 .
Imatest is opened by double-clicking the Imatest icon on the Desktop, the Windows Start menu, or the Imatest directory (usually C:\Program files\Imatest). A fter several seconds, the Imatest main window opens. Then click on SFR: New File on the upper left. The SFR: Current file button is grayed out (inoperative) for the first run because no file has yet been read. It can be used in succeeding runs to save time when analyzing different regions, though multiple ROI (region of interest) runs are more efficient.
When you click SFR: New file, the window on the right appears, requesting the image file name. The folder saved from the previous run appears in the Look in: box on the top. You are free to change it. Double-click (or click and press Open ) to read the file name. Large files can take several seconds to load. Imatest remembers if you change the folder (for each module, individually). |
![]() |
Select the ROI (Region of Interest)
If the image has the same pixel dimensions as the last image in the previous run, a dialog box asks you if you want to repeat the same ROIs (regions of interest) as the previous image.
If you answer No or if the image has a different size, the image shown on the right is displayed with the instructions, Select ROI by clicking and dragging, or clicking outside image. Click on one corner of the intended region, drag the mouse to the other corner, then release the mouse button. Click outside the image to select the entire image. If the selected area is too small, too large, or inappropriate, you'll be asked to repeat the selection. If it is seems OK, a red outline will appear around the selection, an enlarged image of the selection will be displayed, and you'll be asked, Is the selected region OK? (below). You have five choices. |
![]() |
![]() |
Cropping recommendations
Length should be between 80 and 500 pixels. Little is gained for length over 300 pixels. Width should be at least 60 pixels. My typical crops are between around 120x80 and 240x140 pixels. Widths for light and dark zones (shown on the right) should be at least 20 pixels. 30 is preferred. Little is gained for zone widths over 80 pixels. |
![]() |
After you select the Region(s) of Interest (ROI(s)) the Imatest SFR input data window appears (unless Express mode has been selected). All input fields are optional. Most of the time you can simply click OK (the box on the lower right) to continue. The input data window is described fully in SFR instructions, Part 2. Here are a few highlights.
When entries are complete, click OK. A Calculating... box appears to let you know that calculations are proceeding. Results appear in individual windows called figures (Matlab's standard method of displaying plots). Figures can be examined, resized, maximized, and closed at will. Their contents are described in MTF (Sharpness) plot, Chromatic Aberration, Noise, and Shannon Capacity plot, and Multiple ROI (Region of Interest) plot.
Two precautions when working with figures
Too many open Figures Figures can proliferate if you do a number of runs, especially SFR runs with multiple regions, and system performance suffers if too many Figures are open. You will need to manage them. Figures can be closed individually by clicking X on the upper right of the Figure or by any of the usual Windows techniques. You can close them all by clicking Close figures in the Imatest main window. |
Clicking on Fgures during calculations can confuse Matlab. Plots can appear on the wrong figure (usually distorted) or disappear altogether. Wait until all calculations are complete— until the Save or Imatest main window appears— before clicking on any Figures. |
At the completion of the SFR calculations the Save results? dialog box appears (unless Express mode has been selected). It allows you to choose which results to save and where to save them. The default is subdirectory Results of the data file directory. You can change to another existing directory, but new results directories must first be created outside of Imatest using a utility such as Windows Explorer. (This is a limitation of this version of Matlab.) When multiple ROIs are selected, the Save results? dialog box appears only after the first set of calculations. The remaining calculations use the same Save settings. Save results? is omitted entirely in an Express run for repeated images. The first three check boxes are for the figures. The last three are for Excel .CSV results. You can examine the output figures before you check or uncheck the boxes. These selections are saved between runs. Details of the output files can be found here. |
![]() |
If you have already run SFR and you click on either of the Run SFR buttons, and the new (or repeated) file has the same pixel dimensions as the previous file, an image that includes the selected ROIs appears on the left of the screen and you'll be asked, "Do you want the same ROIs as the previous image?" A portion of the previous image and the ROI repeat box, which contains the four answers, are shown in the image on the right. |
![]() |
The meaning of the answers is self-evident except for "Yes, Express mode."This button is the same as "Yes," except that the Input dialog box and the two Save dialog boxes (for individual Figures and for the multiple ROI figures at the end) are omitted. Default settings or settings saved from previous runs are used. The clipping warning boxes are suppressed. This speeds up repeated runs; for example, it's very handy when you are testing a lens at several apertures (f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, etc.).
The most important of the Imatest SFR figures, shown on the right, contains the average edge profile on top and MTF (spatial frequency response) on the bottom. (Input-related data on the right of the figure is omitted here.)
Although the edge response in the upper figure is relevant to sharpness, the MTF curve in the lower figure is the preferred measurement because
Although MTF50 is a reliable measurement of perceived image sharpness, other numbers can also be used for evaluating lenses.
For example, you could use MTF30 (which results in a higher spatial frequency), or MTF at a fixed spatial frequency (as is done in manufacturer's data sheets, which typically give contrast (MTF) at 10, 20, and 40 (or 10 and 30 line pairs/mm). If you do this you may want to scale the x-axis to cycles (i.e., line pairs) per mm instead of the default cycles/pixel.
Remember, in evaluating lenses, use the results without standardized sharpening (the black curves and text). Results with standardized sharpening do, however, have some interest: they indicate what can be achieved after sharpening. But they tend to "flatten" differences between lenses.
To learn more about sharpness measurements, see Sharpness: What is it and how is it measured?, SFR Tour, and SFR Results: MTF (Sharpness) plot.
Chromatic Aberration is an important aspect of lens performance. CA is best measured on tangential edges near the borders of the image. The best measure of CA is the percentage of the distance from the image center. Interpretation: under 0.04; insignificant. 0.04-0.08: minor; 0.08-0.15: moderate; over 0.15: serious. For more information, see Chromatic Aberration and SFR Results: Chromatic Aberration ... plot. |
![]() |
License holders are encouraged to publish test results in printed publications, websites, and discussion forums, provided they include links to The use of the Imatest Logo is encouraged. However you may not use Imatest for advertising or product promotion without explicit permission from Imatest LLC. Contact us if you have questions.
Imatest LLC assumes no legal liability for the contents of published reviews. If you plan to publish test results, you should take care to use good technique. Considerations include,
Sturdy camera support | Use a sturdy tripod, cable release, and, if possible, mirror-lock. |
Target mounting | If you are working outdoors, be sure the target doesn't shake in the wind. |
Target distance | Be sure you're far enough fro the target so the printed edge quality doesn't affect the measurements. Target distance considerations are given here. |
Focus | Be sure the camera is focused accurately on the target. Note whether you used manual or automatic focus. |
Target alignment | Make sure the corners, as well as the center, are in focus. |
Raw conversion and settings | The choice of RAW converter (in or out of the camera) and settings, particularly Sharpening, can make a huge difference. Contrast and White balance are also important. Settings that affect contrast and transfer curve can also have a strong effect. If possible a "Linear" setting (meaning a straight gamma curve with no additional tonal response adjustments) should be used. |
Gamma |
SFR sharpness results are moderately sensitive to the Gamma setting: A 10% gamma error changes MTF50 by 2.5%. For best results gamma should be measured by running Colorcheck or Q-13 Stepchart. Ideally a Q-14 target (similar to the Q-13, but larger) should be mounted close to the slanted edge images. |
Cleanliness and filters | Lens surfaces should be clean. You should note whether you have a protective (UV or Skylight) filter. It can make a difference— more likely reduced contrast than reduced sharpness. With Imatest you can find out. |
File formats | Use RAW or the highest JPEG quality. Never use less than the maximum resolution or JPEG quality unless you are specifically testing the effects of these settings. |
Lens settings | Lens performance is a strong function of the aperture (f-stop) and focal length (for zooms). Be sure to record these settings (easy because they're saved with the EXIF data) and include them in your writeup. The optimum (sharpest) aperture is of particular interest. Lens performance is also somewhat affected by the distance to the target. |
White balance | Should be close as possible to neutral, particularly in Colorcheck. |
If you haven't dowloaded Imatest, go to the Imatest download page before proceding. If you plan to install Imatest on a computer that will not be conected to the Internet during installation (or if you are behind a corporate firewall), download the Matlab runtime library, Imatest-lib.exe (8.5 MB), to the same folder as the Imatest installer file. If Imatest-lib.exe is not in this folder during installation, the installer attempts to download it from the Internet.
If you have a personal firewall, be sure to disable it before you install Imatest for the first time. You may re-enable it as soon as the installation is complete. This should not be necessary on subsequent installations.
Open Windows Explorer and double-click on the Imatest installer file, Imatest-version.exe. (Version is the version number. The Change Log contains the update history.) The version is displayed in the welcome window. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard (mostly clicking Next >). The Imatest installation requires approximately 34 MB (mostly the Matlab libraries).
If you encounter difficulties go to the Troubleshooting page.
Imatest can be run by clicking the Imatest icon
on the Desktop, the Start menu, or in the Imatest installation folder (C:\Program
files\Imatest in English language installations). Instructions for running Imatest
are located in Imatest instructions.
Links to instructions for individual Imatest
modules are located in the Imatest Documentation
When you first run Imatest, it will be in evaluation mode, which allows up to 20 runs of individual modules. Evaluation mode has all the capabilities of the registered version except for two.
You may purchase Imatestat any time from's secure site. The introductory price is $59 US. You will be entitled to updates for one year from the date of purchase.
You can also click on the Purchase
button in the Imatest main window.
After you purchase Imatest you'll receive two e-mails. (1) An immediate confirmation
of your purchase. (2) A confirmation that your credit card has been accepted.
This may take a few minutes. You may register Imatest as soon as you receive
this e-mail; it contains the password you need to register. These e-mails
are cluttered with text from Regsoft. The password is near the middle.
After you've purchased Imatest you'll need to register it by clicking on the button in the Imatest main window. It's a good idea to check the Imatest download page to be sure you have the latest version.
If you have a personal firewall, be sure to disable it before you register. You may re-enable it as soon as registration is complete. If you can't disable it, follow the instructions below, then continue with Offline registration.
Fill in the the Register Imatest window: Enter your name, company (if applicable), e-mail, and the password you received in the second Regsoft e-mail, then click on, that enables you to recover your lost password via e-mail.
. If you forgot your password, click on . This opens a website,
If your computer is connected to the internet, you will receive a confirmation of your registration, and the full version of Imatest will be activated immediately.
If your computer is offline, or if you are unable to connect because of a firewall that can't be disabled, the following box appears.
Click on
. The box below appears with instructions for manual registration. Steps 2-4 can be performed on any computer connected to the internet.
On, fill in all the fields as shown below, then click . Don't leave any fields blank— always enter something. Your code will be e-mailed to you. Enter it into the Activation key: field, above.
Reminder: For offline installation, the Matlab runtime library, Imatest-lib.exe (8.5 MB), must be downloaded to the same folder as the Imatest installer file.
![]() |
![]() |
samples (folder) | Contains several image files
with sample data for testing the three Imatest modules. Includes
cropped JPEG files for testing SFR, indicated by _sfr in their names.
Canon_EOS10d_ColorCheck_lt_small.jpg — for testing Colorcheck. |
images (folder) | Contains several image files used by Imatest. |
bin (folder) | Contains the .fig files used in the graphic user interface (GUI), as well as Matlab library files. Includes FigureMenuBar.fig and FigureToolBar.fig: library files missing from Imatest-lib.exe. |
toolbox (folder) | Subdirectories contain Matlab library files (mostly DLLs). |
![]() |
(full name Imatest.lnk) The standard icon for running Imatest. Runs start.bat, which sets the path then runs imatest.exe. Copied to Windows Start Menu and Desktop. |
![]() |
(full name Diagnostics.lnk) Runs Imatest in diagnostic mode. Doesn't close when Imatest terminates. This allows error messages to be viewed. Runs diagnostics.bat, which sets the path then runs imatest.exe. |
jhead.exe | DOS application for reading EXIF data (digital camera information). |
dcraw.exe | Dave Coffin's dcraw RAW conversion program. |
imatest.exe | Imatest executable program. |
imadiag.bat |
Batch files that set the Windows Path and run Imatest.exe. Diagnostics.bat is used for diagnostic mode: the DOS window remains open if Imatest terminates with an error. |
Imatest can be run from the Start menu ( > All Programs > Imatest > Imatest ) or by double-clicking the Imatest icon
on the Desktop or in the Imatest folder. This opens the Imatest main window, shown below.
Imatest modules are run by clicking on one of the buttons on the upper left. (More will be added as Imatest evolves.) Instructions for the individual modules are on their own pages: SFR, Colorcheck, and Q-13 Stepchart .
The following steps are common to all Imatest modules.
![]() About RAW filesRAW files are the unprocessed output of digital image sensors. For Bayer sensors, each RAW pixel represents a single color in RGRGRG, GBGBGB, ... sequence. To be converted into usable, standard file formats (TIFF, JPEG, etc.), raw files must be processed by a RAW converter (de-mosaicing) program. RAW converters perform additional functions: they apply the gamma curve, often an additional tonal response curve; they also reduce noise and sharpen the image. Thse operations can interfere with several of Imatest's measurements. The only way you can be sure an image file faithfully resembles the RAW file— that it has a pure gamma curve, no sharpening, and no noise reduction— is to read a RAW file into Imatest using Dave Coffin's dcraw, which converts it to PPM format. If you select any of the standard RAW formats (CRW, NEF, etc.) the dialog box on the right appears. It allows you to choose among several RAW conversion options. For 24-bit conversion the default gamma is 0.5. For 48-bit conversion the Gamma box is grayed out and gamma is fixed at 1 (not an ideal value). Fuji Super CCD files may be rotated 45 degrees. Dcraw converts RAW files into PPM files— an obscure format not supported by all image editors. If check the box to delete the converted (PPM) file, you may save the image in one of three standard formats: TIFF (uncompressed), PNG (lossless compression; takes longer), or JPEG (lossy compression; maximum quality; 24-bit only). A list of supported cameras appears on the dcraw site. New cameras are typically added within one to three months of their introduction. |
closes all figures and terminates Imatest.
closes all figures. You may close figures individually by the usual Windows methods — clicking the in the upper right or right-clicking on the figure icon on the Taskbar and selectingExpand hi res figs applies only to high resolution screens (1600x1200 pixels and above). When this box is checked (by default), images are enlarged so they don't look tiny on the screen. Unchecking the box turns this feature off. Images are smaller but better suited for website presentation. The setting is saved between runs.
Small / Normal / Large fonts alters the font size in output figures and GUI windows. The default is Normal. The setting is saved between runs. This address problems with tiny fonts in high resolution screens (1600x1200 pixels and above) or larger than expected fonts which appear when the video card DPI setting is Large size (120 DPI) instead of Normal. The video card setting can be accessed by right-clicking on the Windows background, then clicking Properties, Settings, Advanced, General (tab). Large fonts are displayed if DPI is set to Large size (120 DPI). 96 DPI is normal. You have to reboot Windows before new settings take effect.
Saved settings: Imatest saves a number of settings, including Font size, folders for opening and saving images (for all modules), plot selection (for SFR), and save figure selection (for SFR and Colorcheck). To restore these settings to their original defaults, click the menu (at the top of the Imatest window), then click , . The settings are stored in Imatest.ini.
Imatest results are displayed in individual windows called figures. A typical figure— the result of running SFR for the Canon EOS-10D— is shown below.
Figures may be resized, minimized, maximized, or closed using standard Windows operations. In addition, several Windows and Matlab-specific operation can be found in the toolbar at the top of the image. The first four icons in the toolbar are standard Windows icons: New file, Open, Save, and Print. Open and Save refer to Matlab .fig figures, which can only be opened from the Matlab program or a Matlab figure window. Imatest allows you to save figures as PNG files— an excellent format with lossless compression. Of the remaining three icons, the most useful is Zoom
in: |
![]() Imatest figure: You can resize it or zoom in on individual plots.
Too many open FiguresFigures can proliferate if you do a number of runs, especially SFR runs with multiple regions,and system performance suffers if too many Figures are open. You will need to manage them. Figures can be closed individually by clicking on the upper right of the Figure or by any of the usual Windows techniques. You can close them all by clicking in the Imatest main window. |
Clicking on Figures during calculationsPlots can appear on the wrong figure (usually distorted) or disappear altogether. Wait until all calculations are complete— until the Save or Imatest main window appears— before clicking on any Figures. |
To see Figure resource use, open the Windows Task Manager. In Windows XP, click Control-Alt-Del or right-click in the Taskbar, usually at the bottom of the screen. Click on the Processes tab, then click CPU twice so the tasks with the most CPU usage appear at the top. Imatest can be a real CPU hog when several Figures are open; CPU use appears to increase with the square of the open Figures. On my dual 1 GHz Pentium Windows XP machine, 8 open Figures use 6% of the CPU; 16 open Figures use 33%. Over 20 would seriously slow the computations.
The Imatest license allows an individual user to install and use the software on (A) a maximum of three computers (for example, home, laptop, and office) used exclusively by a single individual, or (B) a single workstation used nonsimultaneously by multiple people, but not both. It is not a concurrent use license.
License holders are encouraged to publish test results in printed publications, websites, and discussion forums, provided they include links to The use of the Imatest Logo is encouraged. However you may not use Imatest for advertising or product promotion without explicit permission from Imatest LLC. Contact us if you have questions.
Imatest LLC assumes no legal liability for the contents of published reviews. If you plan to publish test results, you should take care to use good technique. Considerations include,
Sturdy camera support | Use a sturdy tripod, cable release, and, if possible, mirror-lock. |
Target mounting | If you are working outdoors, be sure the target doesn't shake in the wind. |
Target distance | Be sure you're far enough fro the target so the printed edge quality doesn't affect the measurements. Target distance considerations are given here. |
Focus | Be sure the camera is focused accurately on the target. Note whether you used manual or automatic focus. |
Target alignment | Make sure the corners, as well as the center, are in focus. |
Raw conversion and settings | The choice of RAW converter
(in or out of the camera) and settings, particularly Sharpening, can make a
huge difference. Contrast
and White balance are also important. Settings that affect contrast and
transfer curve can also have a strong effect. If possible a "Linear"
setting (meaning a straight gamma curve with no additional tonal
response adjustments) should be used. |
Gamma |
sharpness results are moderately sensitive to the Gamma setting: A 10%
gamma error changes MTF50 by 2.5%. For best results gamma should be
measured by running Colorcheck or Q-13 Stepchart. Ideally a Q-14 target (similar to the Q-13, but larger) should be mounted close to the slanted edge images. |
Cleanliness and filters | Lens surfaces should be clean. You should note whether you have a protective (UV or Skylight) filter. It can make a difference— more likely reduced contrast than reduced sharpness. With Imatest you can find out. |
File formats | Use RAW or the highest JPEG quality. Never use less than the maximum resolution or JPEG quality unless you are specifically testing the effects of these settings. |
Lens settings | Lens performance is a strong function of the aperture (f-stop) and focal length (for zooms). Be sure to record these settings (easy because they're saved with the EXIF data) and include them in your writeup. The optimum (sharpest) aperture is of particular interest. Lens performance is also somewhat affected by the distance to the target. |
White balance | Should be close as possible to neutral, particularly in Colorcheck. |
Imatest SFR measures the spatial frequency response, also known as the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), of digital cameras and digitized film images.
ISO 12233 test chart
with Imatest SFR cropping
indicated by the red rectangle.
It uses a simple slanted-edge (black-to-white) target described in Sharpness: What is it and how is it measured? Although it doesn't provide the as strong a visual indication of MTF as the test described in Lens testing, it provides a far more accurate quantitative measurement.
Imatest SFR also measures Chromatic aberration, noise and Shannon information capacity— a useful but unfamiliar indicator of image quality.
Imatest SFR uses a standardized sharpening algorithm to compensate for the different amounts of sharpening in different cameras, allowing them to be fairly compared.
The algorithms for calculating MTF/SFR were adapted from a Matlab program, sfrmat, written by Peter Burns to implement the ISO 12233 standard. The original Matlab code is available on the I3A download page on ISO 12233 Slant Edge Analysis Tool sfrmat 2.0. You can write Peter at .
A horizontal slanted-edge for measuring vertical MTF performance is shown below; a vertical slanted-edge for measuring horizontal MTF performance is shown on the right. These edges were cropped from an image of the PIMA/ISO 12233 test chart taken by the Canon EOS-10D digital SLR, shown above. A crop area is indicated by a red rectangle. |
![]() |
![]() |
Although Imatest SFR works splendidly with the IMA/ISO 12233 target (available from Sine Patterns; expensive), you can run it with any clean, sharp, straight black-to-white or dark gray-to-white edge. The solid areas need to be smooth and uniform: white on one side and black or dark gray on the other. Since Imatest does not yet sell a printed chart (it's planned), the quickest way to obtain a chart is to download a file and print it on a high quality inkjet printer.
You can download a printable test chart by right-clicking on one of the thumbnails below. (These charts are included in the samples folder of the Imatest installation.) The chart on the left, which has pixel levels 47 and 255, has a contrast ratio of (255/47)2.2 = 41 when printed at gamma = 2.2 (the normal setting). This is close to the minimum recommended by the ISO 12233 standard. The chart on the right, which has pixel levels 0 and 255, prints with the maximum possible contrast ratio for the printer/paper combination, typically between 80:1 and 100:1. This may result in clipping near the edges in some cameras. For this reason the reduced contrast chart on the left is recommended.
contrast; pixel levels 47, 255: recommended) |
Edge_chart.png (full contrast: pixel levels 0,255; not recommended) |
A printable vector-graphics version of the ISO 12233chart is available courtesy of Stephen H. Westin of the Cornell University Computer Graphics Department. If you use it, you should print it as large as possible so edge sharpness is not limited by the printer itself. (There may be some jaggedness in the slanted edges; not a problem with the recommended target.)
with a high quality inkjet photo printer on glossy, semigloss, or luster paper. I recommend printing at least two copies: one for measuring center sharpness and one for edge sharpness. The printed image size should be 8x10 inches (20.3x25.4 cm) or smaller— its size is not critical. Be sure the edges look clean and sharp to your eyes; examine them with a good magnifier or loupe. Chart quality is described in geeky detail in Chart quality and distance, below. The charts are intended to be tilted approximately 5.7 degrees (anywhere between 4 and 7 degrees is OK) when they are photographed. It is tilted 5.7 degrees when the tick marks, located near the edges, are vertically or horizontally aligned with the center. This is illustrated by the red horizontal and vertical lines on the right. |
![]() The use of guide marks for tilting the chart |
The charts are printed straight and physically tilted because the
print sharper that way. If they were printed at an angle, the printer
pattern would result in a slight jaggedness. A 5.71 degree angle ( = tan-1(1/10))
is an offset of one part in 10.
![]() |
If you are using other Imatest
modules, such as Colorcheck or Q-13,
you may want to combine charts. I used a 32x40 inch sheet of 1/2 inch thick black foam board for the assemblage. The 1/2 inch foam board stays flatter than standard 1/4 or 3/8 inch board. Black board results in less flare light than white board. (Flare light is light that bounces between lens elements and off the inside of the lens barrel, reducing image contrast) |
I use Velcro to attach the Colorchecker and Q-13 charts to the foam board. That makes them easy to remove. With Velcro, the surface of the Colorchecker is about 1/4 inch (6 mm) in front of the board.
There is no need to remove the inexpensive printed charts, so I
them on sheets of 1/4 inch foam board using 3M Photo Mount Spray
(anything similar will do), then I mount the foam board using RTV
seal, which can be removed without much damage.
An image
of a horizontal or vertical edge on an LCD monitor (desktop or
can also be used as a target. The camera should be tilted with
to the monitor. (Thanks to Scott
Kirkpatrick for the suggestion.)
Click here to view a web page with a suitable LCD test image (dark gray and white rather than black and white to minimize clipping). |
I placed the the upper right test chart near the center of the image and the lower left test chart near the corner. The Colorchecker image is suitable for analysis, but the the Q-13 is smaller than optimum. The dominant light was from a skylight. The light was not as even as I would have liked. |
![]() |
The chart below summarizes lighting considerations. The goal is even, glare-free illumination. Lighting angles around 30 degrees are ideal. Al least two lights (one on each side) is recommended; four is better. Beware of lights behind the camera, which can cause glare. Check before you expose.
Distance |
Using a letter-sized (8.5x11
inch) chart printed on Permium Luster paper on the Epson 2200 (a high
pigment-based inkhet photo printer), I analyzed the MTF performance of
the 6.3 megapixel Canon EOS-10D. I found no change if the image field
at least 22 inches (56 cm) wide— twice the length of the chart.
falls off slowly for smaller widths. Choose a camera-to-target distance
that gives at least this image field width. The actual distance depends
on the sensor size and the focal length of the lens. The minimum image
field is illustrated on the right. |
![]() |
Cameras with more pixels, and hence higher potential resolution, should should have a larger image field width. Some gudelines for the minimum field width are,
Image field
width (in inches) > 8.8 * sqrt(megapixels)
( > means "greater than.") Image field width (in cm) > 22 * sqrt(megapixels) — or — There should be no more than 140 sensor pixels per inch of target or 55 sensor pixels per centimeter of the target. — or — The distance to the target should be at least 40X the focal length of the lens for digital SLRs. (25X is the absolute minimun; 40X leaves some margin.) For compact digital cameras, which have much smaller sensors, the distance should be at least 100X the focal length: the field of view is about the same as an SLR with comparable pixel count. The recommended distance is described in geeky detail in Chart quality and distance, below. |
Exposure |
Proper exposure is important for accurate Imatest SFR results. Neither the black nor the white regions of the chart should clip— have substantial areas that reach pixel levels 0 or 255. The best way to ensure proper exposure is to use the histogram in your digital camera. Blacks (the peaks on the left) should be above the minimum and whites (the peak(s) on the right) should be below the maximum. |
![]() |
The above image (taken from the Canon File Viewer Utility) is close to a perfect exposure.
Save the image as a RAW file or maximum quality JPEG. If you are using a RAW converter, convert to JPEG (maximum quality), TIFF (without LZW compression, which is not supported), or PNG. If you are using film, develop and scan it. The file name should be descriptive and should indicate the parameters you are testing. Use dashes and underscores ( - and _ ), but avoid spaces. (Spaces work with Imatest, but they can be troublesome in DOS command lines and web pages.) An example would be Canon_EOS10D_70-200f4L_100mm_f8_ctr.jpg.
You are now ready to run Imatest SFR.
The test pattern below is dark gray and white rather than black and white because LCD screens
can have extremely high contrast-- 400:1 or more-- enough to cause clipping,
which reduces the accuracy of Imatest SFR measurements.
When you display this taget on a LCD screen, be sure to maximize the browser window. To avoid Moire fringing (interference between the LCD and camera sensor pixels) and chromatic aberration from the R-G-B pixel pattern, the LCD screen image should take up no more than 1/3 to 1/4 the width of the total image (1/9 to 1/16 the area). My inexpensive Toshiba laptop, shown on the right, displays 1024 pixels horizontally. The Canon EOS-10D has 3072 horizontal pixels. In this case, the laptop image should take up no more than 1/4 the image width. |
![]() |
The first two zones are 1000 pixels high; the remaining zones are 600 pixels high. Scroll down to locate the edge of choice.
The pattern contrast was reduced slightly on August 1, 2004.
Return to Imatest SFR instructions
Imatest is opened by double-clicking the Imatest icon on
After several seconds, the Imatest main window, shown below, opens. Then click on one of the SFR buttons on the upper left. The SFR: Current file button is grayed out (inoperative) for the first run because no file has yet been read. It can be used in succeeding runs to save time when analyzing different regions, though multiple ROI (region of interest) runs are more efficient.
Several cropped slanted-edge JPEG images are included in the images subdirectory of the Imatest directory. Complete ISO12233 charts are not included with Imatest because they are large (usually over 2 megabytes). They can be downloaded from reviews, typically in the last page titled "Compared to...," and from reviews, typically on the page labeled "sample images."
When you click SFR: New file, the window on the right appears, requesting the image file name. The folder saved from the previous run appears in the Look in: box on the top. You are free to change it. An image file for the Canon EOS-10D is highlighted. Double-click (or click and press Open ) to read the file name. Large files can take several seconds to load. Imatest remembers if you change the folder (for each module, individually). |
![]() |
If the image has the same pixel dimensions as the last image in the previous run, a dialog box shown below asks you if you want to repeat the same ROIs (regions of interest) as the previous image.
If you answer No or if the image has a different size, the image shown on the right (reduced) is displayed. The instructions are, Select ROI by clicking and dragging, or clicking outside image. Click on one corner of the intended region, drag the mouse to the other corner, then release the mouse button. Click outside the image to select the entire image. If the selected area is under 2500 pixels, over 200,000 pixels, or appears to be inappropriate, you'll be asked to repeat the selection. If it is seems OK, a red outline will appear around the selection, an enlarged image of the selection will be displayed, and you'll be asked, Is the selected region OK? (below). You have five choices. |
![]() |
Note: the Zoom feature of Matlab Figures does not work here. Imatest mistakely assumes you are trying to select the entire image. To enlarge the image (to view the crop area more clearly), maximize it by clicking on the square next to the upper right corner of the Window.
![]() |
Cropping recommendations Length should be between 80 and 500 pixels. Little is gained for length over 300 pixels. Width should be at least 60 pixels. My typical crops are between around 120x80 and 240x140 pixels. Widths for light and dark zones (shown on the right) should be at least 20 pixels. 30 is preferred. Little is gained for zone widths over 80 pixels. |
![]() |
The Imatest SFR data window, shown on the right, appears after the Region of
Interest (ROI) has been selected, unless Express mode has been chosen.
It appears only once during multiple ROI runs. Succeeding runs have the
same entries except for Crop location.
All input fields are optional. Most of the time you can simply click (the button on the lower right) to continue.
Title defaults to the input file name. You may leave it unchanged, replace it, or add descriptive information— as you please.
Plot controls which results are plotted. Plot settings are saved between runs. Only the Cycles per (pixel) and Chromatic Aberration plots are checked by default. The LW/PH plot is unchecked (by default) because it is largely redundant.
The boxes to the right of "Cycles per" control the x-axis display. You can choose between Cycles per pixel (the default), Cycles per inch, or Cycles per mm. If you choose Cycles per inch or mm, you must enter a number for the pixel size— either in pixels per inch, pixels per mm, or microns per pixel. An example is shown below for a plot in Cycles per mm for the Canon EOS-10D, which has a pixel spacing of 7.4 microns. If you omit this, the x-axis will be displayed in Cycles per pixel.
If both Chromatic Aberration and Noise spectrum and Shannon capacity are checked, the two plots share the same figure: CA on top and Noise/Shannon capacity at the bottom. Noise spectrum and Shannon capacity is unchecked by default because there results are difficult for most users to interpret.
Picture Width and Height defaults to the width and height of the input image in pixels, assuming landscape format, where height < width. If the input image has been cropped, or if it doesn't represent the entire camera image, Picture Height (and Width) should be entered manually.
Line Width per Picture Height (LW/PH) results are correct only if the Picture Height represents the entire uncropped frame. For example, Picture Height should be set to 2048 for the Canon EOS-10D and 1944 for the Canon G5 (the cameras in the cropped sample files), etc.
Channel is normally left at it's default value of Y for the luminance channel, where Y = 0.3*R + 0.59*G + 0.11*B. In rare instances the R, G, and B color channels might be of interest.
Gamma is used to linearize the input data (explained below). It defaults to 0.5 = 1/2, which is typical of digital cameras, but is affected by camera (or RAW converter) contrast settings. It may be quite different for scanned film images.
Since SFR sharpness measurements are moderately sensitive to the Gamma setting (a 10% error in gamma results in a 2.5% error in MTF50), it's a good idea to run Colorcheck or Q-13 stepchart to determine the correct value of Gamma.
Standardized sharpening radius controls the radius of the sharpening used to compensate for different amounts of sharpening in different digital cameras. Its default value of 2 (pixels) is a typical sharpening radius for compact digital cameras, which have tiny pixels. The sharpening radius is sometimes smaller for digital SLRs, which have larger pixels, and can be different for different RAW converters. Although a value of 2 is recommended for comparing cameras, you may occasionally want to experiment with the sharpening radius. Results with standardized sharpening should not be used for comparing different lenses on the same camera. For more detail, see What is standardized sharpening, and why is it needed for comparing cameras?
Crop location is the position of the center of the selected ROI (Region of interest), expressed as the percentage the distance from the image center to the corner. The orientation of the ROI with respect to the image center is included. It is blank if the input image has not been cropped. Crop location can be entered manually. This is only recommended when that image has been cropped outside of Imatest SFR.
Additional parameters (all optional) for Excel .CSV output EXIF data is entered, if available. These settings are optional but useful when several tests are run for different lenses, focal lengths, apertures, or other settings.
Save settings If checked, most parameters are retained for additional runs. This is useful when the same camera and lens is tested at a number of apertures and focal lengths. Saved settings are overridden by EXIF data, if it is present. Some settings can change between runs: Description is always reset to the input file name and Picture Height and Width are calculated from the input file. Location is calculated for each Region of Interest (ROI).
When entries are complete, click MTF (Sharpness) plot, Chromatic Aberration, Noise, and Shannon Capacity plot, and Multiple ROI (Region of Interest) plot.
. A Calculating... box appears to let you know that calculations are proceeding. Results appear in individual windows called Figures (Matlab's standard method of displaying plots). Figures can be examined, resized, maximized, and closed at will. Their contents are described in the pages on Imatest SFR results:Too
many open Figures
Figures can proliferate if you do a number of runs, especially SFR runs with multiple regions, and system performance suffers if too many Figures are open. You will need to manage them. Figures can be closed individually by clicking X on the upper right of the Figure or by any of the usual Windows techniques. You can close them all by clicking Close figures in the Imatest main window. |
on Figures during calculations
can confuse Matlab. Plots can appear on the wrong figure (usually distorted) or disappear altogether. Wait until all calculations are complete— until the Save or Imatest main window appears— before clicking on any Figures. |
At the completion of the SFR calculations the Save results? dialog box appears, unless Express mode has been selected. It allows you to choose which results to save and where to save them. The default is subdirectory Results of the data file directory. You can change to another existing directory, but new results directories must first be created outside of Imatest using a utility such as Windows Explorer. (This is a limitation of this version of Matlab.) When multiple ROIs are selected, the Save results? dialog box appears only after the first set of calculations. The remaining calculations use the same Save settings. Save results? is omitted entirely in an Express run for repeated images. The first three check boxes are for the figures. The last three are for Excel .CSV results. You can examine the output figures before you check or uncheck the boxes. After you click on Yes or No, the Imatest main window reappears. These selections are saved between runs. |
![]() |
Result file names— The roots of the file names are the same as the image file name. The channel (Y, R, G, or B) is included in the file name. If a Region of Interest has been selected from a complete digital camera image, information about the location of the ROI is included in the file name following the channel. For example, if the center of the ROI is above-right of the image, 20% of the distance from the center to the corner, the characters AR20 are included in the file name.
Figures (.PNG image files) | |
canon_eos10d_YA17_cpp.png | Plot with x-axis in cycles/pixel (c/p), Y-channel,17% of the way to the corner above the center of the uncropped image. |
canon_eos10d_YA17_lwph.png | Plot with x-axis in Line Widths per Picture Height (LW/PH). |
canon_eos10d_YA17_ca.png | Plot of Chromatic Aberration, with noise statistics and Shannon information capacity. |
Excel .CSV (ASCII text files) | |
SFR_cypx.csv | (Database file for appending results: name does not change). Displays 10-90% rise in pixels and MTF in cycles/pixel (C/P). Described below. |
SFR_LWPH.csv | (Database file for appending results: name does not change). Displays 10-90% rise in number/Picture Height (/PH) and MTF in Line Widths per Picture Height (LW/PH). Described below. |
canon_eos10d_YA17_MTF.csv | Excel .CSV file of MTF results for this run. The first row has the headers: cy/pxl, LW/PH, MTF, MTF(corr). The remaining lines contain the data. Can easily be plotted or combined with data from other files. |
The third file is identical to the Imatest Figure (below), except that the background is white instead of gray.
These results are explained in Sharpness: What is it and how is it measured?
If you have already run SFR and you click on either of the Run
SFR buttons, and the new (or repeated) file has the same pixel
dimensions as the previous file, an image that includes the selected ROIs
appears on the left of the screen and you'll be asked, "Do
you want the same ROIs as the previous image?" A portion
of the previous image and the ROI repeat box, which contains the four answers,
are shown in the image on the right. |
![]() |
The meaning of the answers is self-evident except for "Yes, Express mode."This button is the same as "Yes," except that the Input dialog box and the two Save dialog boxes (for individual Figures and for the multiple ROI figures at the end) are omitted. Default settings or settings saved from previous runs are used. The clipping warning boxes are suppressed. This speeds up repeated runs; for example, it's very handy when you are testing a lens at several apertures (f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, etc.).
Imatest SFR creates or updates output files for use with Microsoft Excel. The files are in CSV (comma-separated values) format, and are written to the results directory. CSV files are ASCII text files that look pretty ugly when viewed in a text editor:
,,,,,/PH,/PH,shoot%,sharp%,LW/PH,LW/PH,Nyq,,,(mm),,,settings canon_eos10d_sfr.jpg,2004-03-19 22:21:34, 2048,Y,H, 1422, 1447, 19.5, -0.7, 1334, 1340,0.154,,,,, canon_g5_sfr.jpg,2004-03-19 22:24:30, 1955,Y,H, 1973, 1301, 48.0, 21.3, 1488, 1359,0.268,Canon G5,—,14,5.6,ctr, sigma_sd9_sfr.jpg,2004-03-19 22:27:55, 1504,Y,H, 1432, 1676, 2.4, -7.7, 1479, 1479,0.494,,,,, sigma_sd10_sfr.jpg,2004-03-19 22:28:32, 1504,Y,H, 1563, 1628, 11.9, -2.0, 1586, 1587,0.554,,,,, |
But they look pretty decent when entered into Excel.
CSV files can be edited with any of the usual text editors: Notepad, Write (WordPad), etc, but it makes far more sense to edit them in Excel, where columns as well as rows can be moved and/or deleted. Some fields are truncated in the above display, and Date/time is displayed as a sequence of pound signs (#####...).
The format can be changed by dragging the boundaries between cells on the header row (A, B, C, ...) and by selecting the first two rows and setting the text to Bold. This makes the output look better. The modified file can be saved with formatting as an Excel Worksheet (XLS) file. This, of course, is just the beginning.
It's easy to customize the Excel spreadsheet to your liking. For example, suppose you want to make a concise chart. You can delete Date/time (Row B; useful when you're testing but not so interesting later) and Channel (all Y = luminance). You can add a blank line under the title, then you can select the data (rows A4 through J7 in the image below) and sort on any value you choose. Corrected MTF50 (column I) has been sorted in descending order. Modified worksheets should be saved in XLS format, which maintains formatting.
There are no limits. But I've said enough. ( I'm not an Excel expert! )
Database files
Two .CSV files are used as a database for storing data from SFR runs. If possible, data from the current run is appended to these files. A third file for storing MTF data is described below.
When SFR is run, it looks for the two files in the same folder as the slanted-edge input image. If it doesn't find them, it creates them, writes the header lines, then writes a line of data for the run. If it finds them, it appends data for the run to the files. You can rapidly build a spreadsheet by doing repeated runs from files in the same folder. The following table contains the entries. Camera and the entries that follow are all optional. With the exception of Loc, which is calculated when the ROI is manually selected, they are only added if you answer y to the question, Additional data for Excel file?, and enter them manually.
File | File name. Should be concise and descriptive. |
Date/time | Date and time in sortable format. Displays differently in Excel. |
PH | Picture Height (in SFR_lwph.csv only). |
Ch | Channel. Y (luminance) [default], R, G, or B. |
H/V | Horizontal or Vertical measurements.
(A vertical chart gives you horizontal rise and MTF, etc.) |
10-90U | 10-90% rise distance, uncorrected. |
10-90C | 10-90% rise distance, corrected with standard sharpening. |
Overshoot% | Overshoot of the edge. |
Oversharp% | Oversharpening: the amount
of sharpening relative to the standard sharpening.
If negative, the image is undersharpened. |
MTF50U | MTF50 (frequency where MTF = 50%), uncorrected. |
MTF50C | MTF50 (frequency where MTF = 50%), corrected with standard sharpening. |
MTF Nyq | MTF at Nyquist frequency. Indicates likelihood of aliasing problems. |
Camera | Camera name. This entry and those that follow are manually-entered and optional. |
Lens | Lens name. Only for DSLRs with interchangeable lenses. |
FL (mm) | Focal length in mm. |
f-stop | Aperture |
Loc | Location of image (center, edge, corner, etc.) |
Misc. settings | Anything else: RAW converter, Sharpening setting, etc. |
Imatest writes a file that contains .CSV data for MTF. The file name is [root name]_MTF.csv. The format is shown on the right. The columns are
Imatest SFR displays Edge profiles and SFR plots in one or two Figures. The first displays spatial frequency in Cycles per Pixel (C/P) or Cycles per distance (inches or mm). The second displays spatial frequency in Line widths per picture height (LW/PH; shown below). It is only plotted if the corresponding checkbox in the Imatest SFR input dialog box has been checked. (It is unchecked by default.) Note that one cycle (or line pair) is equivalent to two line widths.
The most important results below are shown in Bold. The most important is MTF50, without and with Standardized sharpening. Its relationship with print quality is discussed in Interpretation of MTF50.
Upper left: Edge profile plot |
![]() |
Black line (bold) | Edge profile for the luminance (Y) channel, where Y = 0.3*R + 0.59*G + 0.11*B. Original (without standardized sharpening). | ||||||||
Red line (dashed, bold) |
Edge profile for the luminance (Y) channel with standardized sharpening. Radius R used for setting standardized sharpening is displayed. Defaults to 2, but may set manually; may be larger for unusually broad transitions (poor MTF response). | ||||||||
R, G, and B dashed lines (thin) |
Individual edge profiles for R, G, and B channels. Shown more prominently in the Chromatic Aberration plot, below. Barely visible in this illustration because this camera has very little chromatic aberration. | ||||||||
Left column text (input settings) |
Right column text (results) |
![]() |
Black line (bold) | Spatial Frequency Response (MTF) for the luminance (Y) channel. Unprocessed. | ||||||||||
Red line (dashed,bold) |
Spatial Frequency Response (MTF) for the luminance (Y) channel with Standardized sharpening. | ||||||||||
Right column text (results) |
The camera chosen for the plot below has significant Chromatic Aberration. The Noise spectrum and Shannon capacity plots, shown below beneath Chromatic Aberration, are plotted only if the Noise Spectrum and Shannon capacity (in CA plot) checkbox in the Imatest SFR input dialog box has been checked. It is unchecked by default.
Upper plot: Chromatic Aberration | ![]() |
More about this plot can be found in the page on Chromatic Aberration. Much of this plot is grayed out if the ROI is too close to the center for reliable CA measurements (less than 30% of the distance to the corner). | |||||||
Red, Green, and Blue lines (bold) |
Edge profiles for the R, G, and B channels (original, uncorrected). (Standardized sharpening is not used for chromatic aberration.) | ||||||
Black line (dashed) | Edge profile for the luminance (Y) channel. | ||||||
Dashed magenta line (bold) | The difference between the highest and lowest channel levels. (All channels are normalized to go from 0 to 1.) The visible chromatic aberration is proportional to the area under this curve. | ||||||
Left column text | Input settings: Plot title, profile orientation (Horizontal profile corresponds to a vertical edge, etc.), image dimensions (WxH), total megapixels, gamma, ROI size, ROI location. | ||||||
Right column text (results) |
Lower part of figure: Noise and Shannon information capacity plots | ![]() |
for for the selected channel, normally luminance (Y) | |||||
Noise spectrum plot (left side) |
The noise spectrum plot is somewhat experimental; its meaning will become clearer. Bayer interpolation causes a rolloff in the noise spectrum; noise reduction causes additional rolloff, which may be unusually rapid for strong noise reduction. Lower frequency noise components tend to be more visible. The spiky light cyan and green curves represent two different directions. The thick black line is the smoothed average of the two. The red line is a third order polynomial fit to the noise. | ||||
Shannon capacity plot (right sde) |
Shannon capacity C as a function of signal S (closely related to image Contrast), where S is expressed as the percentage of the difference between the white and black regions of the target (Sstd ). A Contrast of 100% represents a fairly contrasty image, 10% represents a low contrast image, and 1% represents a smooth area like skies. These numbers are only meaningful for comparing digital cameras. They should be used with caution because signal processing, especially noise reduction, has a strong effect on Shannon Capacity. There is a table of results in the page on Shannon information capacity. | ||||
Text at bottom |
Imatest SFR allows you to select several regions of interest (ROIs). When more than one is selected, two composite Figures are produced. Each figure contains two plots: MTF50 (upper left) and 10-90% rise distance (lower left) as a function of distance from the center of the image, scaled as the percentage of distance from center to corner (0 = center; 1 = corner). The two figures differ in scaling: the first is relative to pixels; the second is relative to image height.. These figures show performance (MTF50 and rise distances without and with standardized sharpening) in Cycles/Pixel (or Cycles/mm or Cycles/inch) and Line Widths/Picture Height. The first Figure also plots Chromatic Aberration.
The most important results below are shown in Bold. Illustrations are for the first figure (Cycles per pixel in this case).
Upper left: MTF50 (Half-contrast frequency)
![]() |
This plot shows MTF50 (the half-contrast spatial frequency) as a function of distance from the center of the image, scaled as the percentage from center to corner (0 = center; 100 = corner). There are two vertical (y) axes. The primary axis is on the left; the secondary axis (italicized) is on the right. These alternate for the two plots. In this plot, the primary axis is in Cycles/pixel for MTF50 and Pixels for 10-90% rise distance. It can also be in Cycles/mm or Cycles/inch if specified in the SFR data window. | |||||
Black line (bold) |
MTF50 (half-contrast spatial frequency) for the luminance (Y) channel. Unprocessed. This is the number to use for measuring lens sharpness. | ||||
Red line (bold, dashed) |
MTF50 for the luminance (Y) channel with Standardized sharpening. This is the number to use when making general comparisons of different cameras with different degrees of sharpening. | ||||
Symbols and numbers below data points, top to bottom |
![]() |
Lower left: 10-90% Edge
rise distance
![]() The Legend at the lower right of the 10-90% Rise distance plot sometimes covers data points. It can be moved by clicking and dragging it with a mouse. |
Black line
The 10-90% rise distance, uncorrected (without Standardized sharpening). | |
(bold, dashed) |
The 10-90% rise distance, with Standardized sharpening. | |
(bold, dashed) with yellow circles. |
Chromatic aberration (Area-based) in pixels. An indicator of the severity of CA. The area between the channels with the highest and lowest levels. In units of pixels because the x-axis is in pixels and the y-axis is normalized to 1. Explained in detail in the page on Chromatic aberration. Meaning: Under 0.5; insignificant. 0.5-1: minor; 1-1.5: moderate; 1.5 and over: serious. |
Q-13 Stepchart analyzes the tonal response, noise, and dynamic range of digital cameras and scanners using
Q-13 Stepchart produces more detailed results than Colorcheck.
The Kodak Q-13 Gray Scale is an 8 inch long chart consisting of 20 zones, labeled 0-19, which have optical densities from 0.05 to 1.95 in steps of 0.1 (reflectances from 0.891 to 0.011). The chart is printed on a (semigloss) surface. The Jessops chart, from the UK, is similar to the Q-13, except that it has only 18 zones.
This image of the Q-13 Gray Scale was photographed slightly out of focus to minimize noise. | ![]() |
The Q-13 has finer steps and a higher maximum density than the GretagMacbeth ColorChecker (Dmax = 1.95 vs. 1.5), mostly because of its glossier surface. It considerably less expensive. Kodak also makes a 14 inch long Q-14, which is identical with the Q-13 except for its length. It can be used in exactly the same way. It's well suited for photographing next to slanted-edge SFR test targets.
Iliah Borg has analyzed the Q-13 Gray Scale. He says, "I'm pretty sure it's screen-printed, most likely with automotive enamel. The spectral response is flat from 420 to 730nm, similar to titanium dioxide mixed with carbon in different proportions to achieve different reflectivities. The layer is pretty thick, to isolate from the substrate."
Q-13 Stepchart also analyzes transmission (i.e., film) charts, which have higher maximum densities than reflective charts, making them valuable for measuring the dynamic range of digital cameras and scanners, as discussed below, in the section on Dynamic range.
The example was photographed with the Canon EOS-10D at ISO 100 and converted from RAW format using Capture One with default settings (no curves applied).
The results include tonal response and noise. Colorcheck
produces a similar result, but with less tonal detail. Two figures are
![]() First Figure The upper plot shows the average density of the Q-13 grayscale patches (black curve) and first and second order density fits (dashed blue and green curves). The horizontal axis is the distance along the target. A portion of the patches themselves are shown just above the plot. The equations for the density fits are given in the Algorithm section, below. The second order fit closely matches the patches. The light cyan spikes are the differentiated and smoothed steps used to find the boundaries between zones. The lower plot shows the RMS noise for each patch: R, G, B, and Y (luminance), expressed as the percentage of the range of pixel levels corresponding to a target density range of 1.5: the same as the white - black patches on the ColorChecker. The high levels of Red and Blue noise in zones 1-6 may be due to imperfections in the target. These imperfections are completely swamped by the noise at ISO 1600, below. Noise is largest in the dark areas because of gamma distortion: In the conversion from the sensor's linear output to the color space (sRGB, here) intended for viewing at gamma = 2.2, the dark areas are amplified more than the light areas, hence their noise appears to be greater. |
The second Figure contains the most important of the results: the response curve (displayed on a log scale, similar to film response curves), the noise expressed in two different ways (most meaningful as a fraction of an f-stop or EV), and the dynamic range (for transmission step charts). The horizontal axis for the three plots on the left is Log Exposure, which equals (minus) the nominal target density (0.05 - 1.95 for the Q-13).
The upper left plot shows the density response (gray squares), as well as the first and second order fits (dashed blue and green lines). It resembles a traditional film density response curve. Dynamic range is grayed out because the reflective Q-13 target has too small a dynamic range to measure a camera's total dynamic range. See Dynamic range, below. |
The upper right box contains dynamic range results: total dynamic range and range for several quality levels, based on luminance (Y) noise. It is shown in gray when a reflective target is selected. |
Second figure |
![]() |
The middle left plot
shows noise in f-stops (or EV) ,
i.e., noise scaled to (divided by) the
difference in pixel levels between f-stops, which decreases as
brightness decreases. The darkest levels have the highest noise. This
measurement corresponds to the workings of the eye and has
important consequences for the calculation of practical dynamic range.
The vertical axis is logarithmic to display low noise levels clearly.
Dynamic range information is displayed when the range for a specific
quality level (defined by maximum noise) is within the range of the
plot.. |
EXIF data is shown in the
middle right region. |
The bottom left plot
shows the noise scaled to the difference in pixel levels between the
maximum density level and the patch corresponding to a density of 1.5—
the same density range as the GretagMacbeth Colorchecker. It may be less visually
meaningful then the middle plot. |
The lower right plot shows the noise spectrum. Digital camera images with excessive noise reduction will have an unusually rapid falloff of the noise spectrum. |
Here are the results for ISO 1600. Tonal response is similar to ISO
but the noise is greatly increased— enough to swamp out any
in the target. The noise is highly visible. It wouldn't be suitable for
portraits and other high quality work, but it would be acceptable when
a grainy "Tri-X" or "available light" look is desired. Neat
can do an excellent job of reducing it. The middle-left plot displays
dynamic range for several quality levels, specified by the maximum
noise within the range. The dynamic range for low quality (L; blue) has a maximum noise of 1 f-stop; the dynamic range for high quality (H; yellow) has a maximum noise of 0.1 f-stop.
When the Q-13 Stepchart calculations are complete, the Save results? dialog box appears, which allows you to choose where to save them. The default is subdirectory Results in the data file directory. After you click on Yes or No, the Imatest main window reappears. |
![]() |
Dynamic range is the range of tones over which a camera responds. It is usually measured in f-stops, or equivalently, zones or EV. It can be specified in two ways:
A camera's (or scanner's) dynamic range can be accurately measured using a transmission step chart. A reflection step chart, such as the Kodak Q-13 or Q-14 is inadequate because its density range of 1.9 is equivalent to 1.9 * 3.32 = 6.3 f-stops, well below that of most digital cameras. The table below lists several transmission step charts, all of which have a density range of at least 3 (10 f-stops). Kodak Photographic Step Tablets can be purchased calibrated or uncalibrated. Uncalibrated is usually sufficient. The Stouffer charts are attractively priced. |
![]() |
Product | Steps | Density increment | Dmax | Size |
Kodak Photographic Step Tablet No. 2 or 3 |
21 | 0.15 (1/2 f-stop) | 3.05 | 1x5.5" (#2) larger (#3) |
Stouffer Transmission Step Wedge T2115 | 21 | 0.15 (1/2 f-stop) | 3.05 | 0.5x5" |
Stouffer Transmission Step Wedge T3110 | 31 | 0.1 (1/3 f-stop) | 3.05 | 3/4x8" |
Stouffer Transmission Step Wedge T4110 | 41 | 0.1 (1/3 f-stop) | 4.05 | 1x9" |
To measure dynamic range,
The Imatest algorithm for finding dynamic range is remarkably accurate. Imatest detects chart zones using the smallest density step that results in uniformly spaced detected zones (see Algorithm). For smaller steps, noise can be mistaken for zone boundaries. For larger steps, fewer zones are detected.
The dynamic range is the difference in density between the zone where the pixel level is 98% of its maximum value (250 for 24-bit color, where the maximum is 255), estimated by interpolation, and the darkest zone that meets the measurement criterion. The repeatability of this measurement is better than 1/4 f-stop.
Here is a result for the Canon EOS-10D at ISO 400, converted from RAW format with Capture One LE.
total dynamic range of
Canon EOS-10D is 8.6 f-stops. Total dynamic
improves slightly for 48-bit TIFF conversion but very little for ISO
100. But the lower noise in 48-bit TIFF conversion and ISO 100 results
in improved dynamic ranges for given quality levels.
![]() |
Colorcheck analyzes images of the widely-used GretagMacbethTM ColorChecker® for tonal response (using the six grayscale patches, which have an optical densities from 0.05 to 1.50; a range of 1.45 = 4.8 f-stops), noise (for the six grayscale patches), and color quality. Results for tonal response are similar to Imatest Q-13 program.
The GretagMacbeth ColorChecker is an 8x11" inch chart consisting of 24 patches with 18 familiar colors and six grayscale levels, white to black. None of the colors is completely saturated. The quality of the chart is very high— each patch is printed separately using carefully controlled pigments. Patches have a smooth matte surface. It is available from Adorama and other dealers. A 2.25"x3.25" mini ColorChecker is also available. An ideal simulated ColorChecker is shown on the right for sRGB color space (the Windows/Internet standard). The optical densities (-log10(reflectivity)) of the grayscale patches on the bottom row are shown in parentheses. One color, 18. Cyan, is out of the sRGB gamut; hence it can't be reproduced perfectly on most monitors. |
The example was photographed with the Canon EOS-10D at ISO 400, and RAW converted with Canon FVU using automatic color balance.
shows graphic results derived from the grayscale patches in the bottom row. The results include tonal response and noise.
The upper left plot shows the average density of the grayscale patches (black curve) and first and second order density fits (dashed blue and green curves). The horizontal axis is the distance along the target. A portion of the patches themselves are shown just above the plot. The average density curve is useful for diagnosing uneven lighting: the tops of this curve will be flat if the lighting is even. The equations for the first and second order density fits are given in the Algorithm section, below. The second order fit accurately matches the patches; it is used to calculate the corrected ideal ColorChecker values in the third figure, below. | The upper right plot shows the density response of the colorchecker (gray squares) as well as the first and second order fits (dashed blue and green lines). The horizontal axis is Log Exposure (minus the target density), printed on the back of the ColorChecker. |
The lower left plot shows the RMS noise for each patch: R, G, B, and Y (luminance). The average R, G, B, and Y noise for the gray zones (2-5) is also reported. RMS noise is expressed in percentage of the difference between the white and black patches. | The lower right plot shows the noise spectrum of patch 4 in the bottom row (middle gray). It contains hidden information about signal processing, for example, an unusually rapid rolloff of noise energy may indicate excessive noise reduction. The ISO speed and Exposure time from the EXIF data are displayed, if available. |
many open Figures Figures can proliferate if you do a number of runs, especially SFR runs with multiple regions, and system performance suffers if too many Figures are open. You will need to manage them. Figures can be closed individually by clicking X on the upper right of the Figure or by any of the usual Windows techniques. You can close them all by clicking Close figures in the Imatest main window. |
on Fgures during calculations can confuse Matlab. Plots can appear on the wrong figure (usually distorted) or disappear altogether. Wait until all calculations are complete— until the Save or Imatest main window appears— before clicking on any Figures. |
shows the density response, noise in f-stops (a relative measurement that corresponds to the workings of the eye), noise for the third Colorchecker row, which contains primary colors, and selected EXIF data.
The upper left plot is the density response of the colorchecker (gray squares). It includes the first and second order fits (dashed blue and green lines). The horizontal axis is Log Exposure (minus the target density), printed on the back of the ColorChecker. Q-13 Stepchart provides a more detailed density response curve. | The upper right plot shows the noise in the
third colorchecker row, which contains the most strongly colored
patches: Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan. In certain
cameras noise may vary with the color. Problems may be apparent that
aren't visible in the gray patches. |
The lower left plot shows the R, G, B, and Y (luminance) RMS noise for as a function of Log Exposure each patch. RMS noise is expressed in f-stops, a relative measure that corresponds closely to the workings of the human eye. This measurement is described in detail in the Q-13 Stepchart tour. It is largest in the dark areas because the pixel spacing between f-stops is smallest. | The lower right region displays EXIF data, if available. |
illustrates the color error in the device-independent CIELAB color space, where a* is the horizontal axis and b* is the vertical axis. The small squares are the ideal (a*, b*) ColorChecker values, calculated by Danny Pascale of BabelColor. The large circles are the (a*, b*) values of the actual measured ColorChecker. The numbers near the squares or circles correspond to the numbers of the ColorChecker patches: 1-6 are in the top row, 7-12 are in the second row, and 13-18 are in the third row. The numbers for patches 19-24 (the bottom row) are omitted because their (a*, b*) values cluster around (0, 0).
The background of the chart shows expected colors (in monitor sRGB color space) for L* = 0.95. It presents a reasonably accurate picture of the hues associated with a* and b*. There is significant scatter in the results because the luminance (L) of the color patches (not displayed) varies considerably.
CIELAB (often shortened to LAB) was designed to be perceptually uniform, meaning that the perceived difference between colors is proportional to the distance between them, which is called delta-E. ( Delta-E = sqrt( (a2*-a1*)2 + (b2*-b1*)2 ) ). (The "-" in Delta-E is a hyphen, not a minus.) The smallest perceptible difference corresponds roughly to delta-E = 1. CIELAB isn't perfect in this regard. Delta-E for the minimum perceptible color difference increases with distance from the origin (a* = b* = 0). But it is much more uniform than the popular CIE xy chromaticity diagram.
Four values are reported on the upper right.
It will be difficult to assess these numbers until a large database of test results is available. I would characterize the mean value of 5.66 and sigma of 6.73 for the EOS-10D (above) as very good— perhaps excellent.
See the Links, below, for details on CIELAB color space.
is an image of the ColorChecker that allows you to compare the actual and ideal values. It also displays White Balance error using the bottom row (the grayscale patches).
The outer portion (1) of each patch contains the ColorChecker image as photographed, The inner portion contains the ideal ColorChecker values corrected for exposure (2) and uncorrected (3).1. the outer region, is the patch as photographed. This corresponds to the circles in the L*a*b* color error plot, above.
2. the square in the center, is the ideal value of the patch, corrected for the luminance of the photographed chart. The correction is derived from the second order fit to the gray areas, described above. The average luminance of zones 1 and 2 shoud be close— zone 2 may be darker in some patches and lighter in others. Zones 2 and 3 correspond to the small squares in the L*a*b* color error plot, above.
3. the small rectangle to the right of the central square, is the ideal value of the patch, with no luminance correction. The luminance of zone 2 will be consistently lighter or darker than zone 3 for all patches, depending on the exposure.
In the above example, the ColorChecker image 1 is slightly underexposed; it is darker than the ideal uncorrected color 3. It is also darker than the corrected ideal color 2. This is a characteristic of this camera: it tends to darken oranges and lighten blues and cyans. This can be seen in the above right ColorChecker image, which is slightly overexposed. This image of the orange-yellow patch (row 2, column 6) has about the same luminance as the uncorrected ideal color 3, but is darker than the corrected ideal color. The uncorrected ideal value 3 in the two orange-yellow images above (the example on the left and the full chart on the right) are the same, but appear to be quite different because of the interaction of colors in the eye— an effect that should be familiar to artists and photographers.
This image provides a clear visual indication of color accuracy. The L*a*b* color error plot provides a quantitative indication.
The bottom of the third figure illustrates the White Balance error, which is quantified in three ways. (1) Saturation S in the HSV color model (burgundy). S can take on values between 0 for a perfect neutral gray and 1 for a totally saturated color. (2) Correlated color temperature error in Degrees Kelvin (blue), calculated from Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae, by Günther Wyszecki and W. S. Stiles, pp. 2224-228. (2) Color temperature in Mireds (micro-reciproacal degrees) (blue), where Mireds = 106/(Degrees Kelvin) is a more perceptually uniform measure.
White Balance error tends to be most visible in the gray patches
in the bottom row). It is barely visible for S < 0.02. It is quite
for S > 0.10, particularly for the lighter gray patches.
![]() |
The image at the bottom shows the bottom row (the grayscale patches) with exaggerated white balance error, calculated by boosting saturation S using the curve on the left, keeping H and V constant. Low values of saturation are boosted by a factor of 4; the boost decreases as saturation increases. This image shows the White Balance error much more clearly than the unexaggerated chart. Keep it in mind that this image is worse than reality; small White Balance errors may not be obvious in actual photographs, especially in the vicinity of strongly saturated colors. |
When the Colorcheck calculations are complete, the Save results? dialog box appears. It allows you to choose which results to save and where to save them. The default is subdirectory Results in the data file directory. You can change to another existing directory, but new results directories must be created outside of Imatest— using a utility such as Windows Explorer. (This is a limitation of this version of Matlab.) The selections are saved between runs. You can examine the output figures before you check or uncheck the boxes. After you click on Yes or No, the Imatest main window reappears. The .CSV summary file contrains Excel .CSV output for the tone level, noise, and color calculations. It also contains some additional data, including EXIF data for JPEG files. |
![]() |
Aliasing |
Low frequency artifacts, sometimes quite disturbing, that appear when signal energy above the Nyquist frequency reaches the digital sensor. Color aliasing in Bayer sensors can be particularly troublesome. "Moire fringing" is a type of aliasing. | |
The circular opening at the center of a lens that admits light. Generally specified by the f-stop, which is the focal length divided by the aperture diameter. A large aperture corresponds to a small f-stop. This can confuse beginners. | |
Bayer sensor |
sensor pattern used in most digital cameras, where alternate rows of
pixels are sensitive to RGRGRG and GBGBGB light. (R = Red; G = Green; B
= Blue.) The sensor output has to be converted into a standard file
format (for example, JPEG, TIFF, or PNG), where each pixel represents
all three colors, by a RAW converter (in the camera or computer), which
performs a "de-mosaicing" function. The quality of RAW converters
varies: separate converter programs run in computers can provide finer
results than the converters built into cameras. That is one of the
reasons that RAW format is recommended when the highest image quality
is required. In Foveon sensors (used in Sigma cameras), each pixel site is sensitive to all three colors. Foveon sensors are less susceptible to color aliasing than Bayer sensors; they can tolerate greater response above Nyquist with fewer ill effects. |
aberration (CA) |
A lens characteristic that causes different colors to focus at different locations. There are two types: longitudinal, where different colors to focus on different planes, and lateral, where the lens focal length, and hence magnification, is different for different colors. Lateral CA is the cause of a highly visible effect known as color fringing. It is worst in extreme wide angle, telephoto, and zoom lenses. Imatest SFR measures lateral CA (color fringing). See Chromatic aberration and Eliminating color fringing. | |
Line Pairs, Line Width |
A Cycle is the period a complete repetition of a signal. It is used for frequency measurement. A Cycle is equivalent to a Line Pair. Sometimes Line Widths are used for historical reasons. One Line Pair = 2 Line Widths. "Lines" should be avoided when describing spatial frequency because it is intrinsically ambiguous. It usually means Line Widths, but sometimes it's used (carelessly) for line pairs. | |
(Optical density) . . |
amount of light reflected or transmitted by a given media, expressed on
a logarithmic (base 10) scale. For reflective media (such as
or inkjet prints), density = –log10(reflected light/incident
light). For transmissive media (such as film), density = –log10(transmitted
light/incident light).The higher the density, the less light is
or reflected. Perfect (100%) transmission or reflection corresponds to
a density of 0; 10% corresponds to a density
of 1; 1% corresponds to a density of 2, etc. Useful equations:
1 f-stop (1 EV)= 0.301 density units; 1 density unit = 3.32 f-stops.When an object is photographed, Log Exposure = –density + k. (Constant k is generally ignored.) |
range |
The range of exposure (usually measured in f-stops) over which a camera responds. Also called exposure range. Practical dynamic range is limited by noise, which tends to be worst in the darkest regions. Dynamic range can be specified as total range over which noise remains under a specified level— the lower the level, the higher the image quality. Dynamic range is measured by Q-13 Stepchart, using transmission step charts. |
Exposure value (EV) |
A measure of exposure, where a change of 1 EV means doubling or halving exposure. Often synonymous with f-stop. By definition, 1 EV is a 1 second exposure at f/1.0. | |
. |
measure of the a lens's
aperture (the circular opening that admits light). A a change of "one f-stop" implies doubling or halving
the exposure. This is the synonymous with a change of 1 EV. F-stop = focal length / aperture diameter. The notation, "f/8," implies (aperture diameter = ) focal length/8. The larger the f-stop, the smaller the aperture. F-stops are typically labeled in the following sequence, where the admitted light decreases by half for each stop: 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22, 32, 45, 64, ... Each f-stop is the previous f-stop multiplied by the square root of 2. |
Gamma |
that relates pixel levels in image files to brightness of the monitor
print. Most familiar from monitors, where luminance = pixel levelgamma.
A camera (or film + scanner) encodes the gamma so that pixel level =
gamma). Imatest reports
camera gamma. Gamma is equivalent to contrast. The
reason can be observed in traditional film curves, which are
on logarithmic scales (typically, density (log10(absorbed
vs. log10(exposure)). Gamma is the average slope of this
(excluding the "toe" and "shoulder" regions near the ends of the
i.e., the contrast. See Kodak's
definition in Sensitometric
and Image-Structure Data. For more detail, see the
of gamma in Using Imatest SFR
and Monitor
calibration. Confusion factor: Digital cameras output may not follow an exact gamma (exponential) curve: A "tone reproduction curve" (an "S" curve) may be superposed on the gamma curve to extend dynamic range while maintaining visual contrast. Such a curve boosts contrast in middle tones while reducing it in highlights and shadows. The tone reproduction curve may also be adaptive: camera gamma may be increased for low contrast scenes and decreased for contrasty scenes. This can affect the accuracy of SFR measurements. But it's not a bad idea for image making: it's quite similar to the development adjustments (N-1, N, N+1, etc.) Ansel Adams used in his zone system. |
Modulation Transfer Function. Another name for Spatial Frequency Response (SFR). Indicates the contrast of a pattern at a given spatial frequency relative to very low spatial frequencies. See Sharpness and Understanding image sharpness and MTF curves. | |
The spatial frequency where image contrast is half (50%) that of low frequencies. MTF50 is an excellent measure of perceived image sharpness because detail is diminished but still visible, and because it is in the region where the response of most cameras is declining most rapidly. It is especially valuable for comparing the sharpnesss of different cameras. See Sharpness and Understanding image sharpness and MTF curves. | |
Noise |
Random variations of image luminance arising from grain in film or electronic perturbations in digital sensors. Digital sensors suffer from a variety of noise mechanisms,
for example, the number of photons reaching an individual pixel. Noise
is a major factor that limits image quality. In digital sensors it
tends to have the greatest impact in dark regions. Noise is measured as an RMS value (root mean square; an indication of noise power, equivalent to standard deviation, sigma). It is usually expressed in volts, millivolts, or pixel levels (in a digital file). In Q-13 and Colorcheck, noise is converted to relative luminance units (f-stops), which provide a more meaningful indication of its visual impact. The visual impact of noise is also affected by the size of the image— the larger the image (the greater the magnification), the more important noise becomes. Since noise tends to be most visible at low spatial frequencies, the noise spectrum has some importance (though it is difficult to interpret). |
. Nyquist frequency |
spatial frequency where a digital sensor can capture real information.
Nyquist frequency
fN = 1/(2 * pixel
spacing). Any information above fN that reaches the
is aliased to lower
creating potentially disturbing Moire patterns. Aliasing can be
objectionable in Bayer sensors in digital cameras, where it appears as
color bands. The ideal lens/sensor system would have MTF = 1 below
and MTF = 0 above it. Unfortunately this is not achievable in optical
the design of anti-aliasing (lowpass) filters always involves a
that compromises sharpness. A large MTF response above fN can indicate potential problems with aliasing, but the visibility of the aliasing depends on whether it arises from the sensor (worse) or sharpening (not as bad). The Nyquist sampling theorem and aliasing contains a complete expositon. |
Raw files |
RAW files are the unprocessed output of digital camera image sensors. For Bayer sensors, each RAW pixel represents a single color in RGRGRG, GBGBGB, ... sequence. To be converted into usable, standard file formats (TIFF, JPEG, etc.), raw files must be run through a RAW converter (de-mosaicing) program. RAW converters perform additional functions: they add the gamma curve and often an additional tonal response curve, and they reduce noise and sharpen the image. This can interfere with some of Imatest's measurements. The only way you can be sure an image file faithfully resembles the RAW file— that it has no sharpening or noise reduction— is to read a RAW file into Imatest and convert it to PPM format using Dave Coffin's dcraw. |
The first thing to remember about resolution is that it has no unique definition; it can be defined in many ways, some of which can be quite misleading. (It is almost as abused as the word "holistic.") In a generic sense, resolution refers to any measurement of an imaging system's ability to resolve fine detail. For traditional film cameras, it usually refers to vanishing resolution— the highest spatial frequency where the pattern on a bar chart (usually the USAF 1951 chart) was visible. Since this tells you where detail isn't, it isn't a very good indicator of perceived sharpness. The pixel per inch (PPI or DPI) rating of a scanner is often called its "resolution." This can be highly misleading. For example, inexpensive flatbed scanners can't come close to resolving the detail of decent film scanners with the same PPI rating. I prefer MTF50 as a measure of resolution. For more on resolution, see Pixels, Images, and Files and Lens testing (the old-fashioned way). | |
Spatial Frequency Response. The response of a system to a pattern at a given spatial frequency, i.e., the contrast. SFR is measured relative to contrast at very low spatial frequencies. It is expressed as a fraction or percentage. Synonymous with MTF. See Sharpness and Understanding image sharpness and MTF curves. | |
Signal processing applied to digital images to improve perceived image sharpness. It can be applied in the camera or in post-processing (image editing). Virtually all digital images benefit from some degree of sharpening, but images can be oversharpened, resulting in highly visible "halos" (overshoot) near edges. See Sharpening. | |
sharpening |
An algorithm used by Imatest that allows cameras with different amounts of sharpening to be compared fairly. With standardized sharpening, all cameras have a similar amount of overshoot (around 5%) near edges. Without it, built-in sharpening strongly affects test results, giving oversharpened cameras an unfair advantage. Results with standardized sharpening should not be used for comparing different lenses on the same camera. See Standardized sharpening. |
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Update installations usually do not require an uninstall of the previous version, but if you encounter difficulties you may want to uninstall and reinstall Imatest. The Uninstaller is accessable from the Start menu (Start, All programs, Imatest, Uninstall) or from the Add or Remove Programs function of the Control Panel. The Uninstaller gives you the option of keeping or removing the Matlab runtime library archive, Imatest-lib.exe. (Keep is the default; you have to check the box to remove it.) Keeping it speeds up reinstallations. Remove it only if you don't plan to reinstall Imatest.
SFR run does not complete as expected: The contents of the imatest.ini file in the Imatest installation folder may contain clues to the problem. If you encounter this,
For other Imatest errors that shut down the DOS window,
An attached screen image of the DOS window is sometimes helpful. Use
Alt-PrintScreen to copy the image into the clipboard. Paste it into an
image editor (IrfanView works well),
save it as a GIF file (TIFF is too large), then attach it to your
The following message appears several times in the DOS window when you try to save data.
Function 'get_param' is not implemented in standalone mode.
This seems to have no effect on the saved images, and it's rarely visible since the DOS window remains in the background. Matlab has described the problem, to be fixed in a future release, here.
The Open files dialog box cannot be resized. This is a bug in Matlab Release 13. It worked in Release 12, and was supposed to be fixed in Release 14. It isn't, and Release 14 has some other issues (it's huge and slow).
Instructions for individual Imatest modules can be found in the Imatest Documentation page.
For general support questions, write
For questions about registration, sales, and related issues, write Henry Koren,
For questions about the Imatest program, algorithms, instructions, or website content, write Norman Koren,
Imatest was founded in Boulder, Colorado in 2004 to develop software for testing digital camera image quality and lens sharpness using simple, widely-available targets. It is a spinoff of the highly informative digital photography website, |
Norman Koren, the founder and president, has been involved with photography since 1964. He has a BA in physics from Brown University and an MA in physics from Wayne State University. His previous career in magnetic recording technology has provided him with an outstanding background for image quality analysis. Henry Koren, the systems programmer, has been working in website design, e-commerce, and general programming since 1998. |
Date | Release | Description |
Dec. 3, 2004 | Imatest 1.2.5 | Issues a warning for uneven illumination in Colorcheck. Displays average R, G, B, and Y noise levels in Q-13 Stepchart. Fixes a bug that caused Imatest to crash when an attempt is made to save a figure that hasn't been created. |
Nov. 16, 2004 | Imatest 1.2.3 | Print test Gamut maps have been enhanced to display lines of constant hue. |
Nov. 14, 2004 | Imatest 1.2.2 | Print test now displays La*b* saturation maps, which illustrate gamut with great clarity. Print test is now complete, but it will retain beta status for two weeks. It is available to all users. The Colorcheck La*b* color error plot now displays the color space gamut limits as a gray line in the background. |
Nov. 4, 2004 | Imatest 1.2.1 | Fixes a rare glitch in dynamic range calculations. Allows the Chromatic Aberration figure to be turned off. Increases the size of the image used for cropping. Includes a beta version of the new Print test module, available only to registered users. Documentation will be available in a few days. |
Oct. 24, 2004 | — |
A new page has been added to the website: How to test lenses with Imatest. The description of SFR figures has been divided into three pages: MTF (Sharpness) plot, Chromatic Aberration, Noise, and Shannon Capacity plot, and Multiple ROI (Region of Interest) plot |
Oct. 17, 2004 | Imatest 1.2 | RAW files are supported for a large number of digital cameras using Dave Coffin's dcraw program. Files are converted with minimal signal processing— no sharpening or noise reduction. This allows the true performance of cameras and the behavior of raw converters to be analyzed. Chromatic Aberration is now measured as percentage of the distance from the image center. This is an improvement over area in pixels because CA tends to be proportional to that distance. The new measurementand is relatively independent of camera pixel count and measurement location. A checkbox on the main window allows you to turn off automatic expansion of the figures for high resolution screens (>1280 pixels wide). The smaller figures are better for posting on the web. |
Oct. 12, 2004 | Imatest 1.1.3 | SFR regions of interest (ROIs) are now saved between runs. B&W images are handled better by SFR: A message is displayed indicating that Chromatic Aberration can't plot, and Noise/Shannon capacity plots properly. |
Oct. 7, 2004 |
Imatest 1.1.2 |
Fixes a memory problem that slowed repeated SFR runs. |
Oct. 6, 2004 |
Imatest 1.1.1 |
Lighter grid lines make plots
far more legible. SFR output has been simplified for clarity. Dynamic
range information is displayed more clearly on Q-13 Sepchart. |
Sept. 28, 2004 |
1.1 |
Greatly expands noise and
dynamic range
calculations in Q-13 Stepchart and noise
calculations in Colorcheck. Noise measurements
in f-stops have been added to both programs. These are relative measurements, which
correspond closely to the workings of
the eye. Q-13 Stepchart now calculates total dynamic range (using a
more sensitive detection algorithm) as well as noise-limited dynamic
ranges for several quality levels. Colorcheck now includes noise
measurements for the third Colorchecker row, which includes Blue,
Green, Red, Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan. In evaluation mode, multiple region SFR runs now count as two runs (even if more than two regions are selected). |
Sept. 11, 2004 |
1.0.3 |
Improves compatibility with
48-bit color files. |
Sept. 7, 2004 | Imatest 1.0.2 | Fixes some registration/activation issues. Not needed if you were able to register 1.0. |
Sept. 6, 2004 | Imatest 1.0.1 | |
Sept. 4, 2004 | Imatest 1.0 | The first release! A number of improvements have been made since the final Beta version. Q-13 now displays camera dynamic range when run with transmission step targets (the reflective Q-13 has insufficient contrast to measure the dynamic range of digital cameras.) Colorcheck now displays the color temperature error (in degrees K and mireds) of the Colorchecker gray patches. A bug was fixed that caused SFR to always calculate the MTF for the same color channel. |
Beta versions | ||
August 14, 2004 | Beta 1.5.13 | Some small enhancements, including a drop-down help menu with the beginnings of the purchase/registration dialog. |
August 12, 2004 | Beta 1.5.12 | A few small fixes. Change directory in the Save windows now works correctly. |
August 11, 2004 | Beta 1.5.10 | Contains a speedup for runs where the ROI is repeated— it allows you to omit the requests for input data and save information, which is assumed to be repeated. The shortcut for installations where other Matlab versions are present is changed (see Troubleshooting, below). Excel .CSV output has been added to the Colorcheck module. |
August 9, 2004 | Beta 1.5.7 | Incorporates several suggestions from Q. Tuan Luong. Multi-region runs now display two vertical axes for MTF and a box with a summary of the results— a weighted MTF that can be used as an overall sharpness figure. SFR Cycles per (pixel, mm, inch) plot settings are saved between runs. Multi-region output has been documented here. |
August 7, 2004 | Beta 1.5.6 | Fixes a bug in the SFR binning algorithm that caused occasional crashes. It displays numeric results on the multiple ROI plots., a new digital camera review site from the creators of, has become the first site to use Imatest for its tests. |
August 3, 2004 | Beta 1.5.5 | Corrects some problems with multiple ROI selection and improves some details of the Excel .CSV output files. |
August 1, 2004 | Beta 1.5.4 | Has the exact equations for converting between sRGB, XYZ, and Lab color spaces. Beta 1.5.3 adds Adobe RGB (1998) files to Colorcheck. A problem with creating imatest.ini has been solved. No additional features are planned for the product release— just refinements and bug fixes. More documentation is coming. |
July 29, 2004 | Beta 1.5.2 | Has some minor fixes and small improvements in the multiple region plots. |
July 27, 2004 | Beta 1.5 | produces plots of MTF50 (without and with standardized sharpening) and rise distance as a function of distance from the center of the frame for images where multiple regions have been selected. This is a big advance— the results for several locations are summarized in two figures. Full documentation is forthcoming. |
July 26, 2004 | Beta 1.4.6 | Stores and recalls settings, including directories for reading and saving images, SFR plot settings, and save selection. This is a major convenience.Settings are stored in imatest.ini, which is a simple, readable ASCII file. |
July 18, 2004 | Beta 1.4.4 | Has some improvements in ROI selection, displays MTF30 instead of MTF20 (minor change) and adds standard deviation (sigma) to the L*a*b* color error. I'll be traveling until July 24. I've left some old versions (below) as a backup. |
July 17, 2004 | Beta 1.4.2 | Fixes some font size problems with 1600x1200+ screens. The OK/Cancel buttons have been switched in some dialog boxes: OK (yes) is always on the left. |
July 16, 2004 | Beta 1.4.1 | Now allows you to select several regions of interest (ROIs) in SFR instead of just one. This makes it convenient to test sharpness from the center to the edge, etc. ROIs are now saved. If you run SFR on an image with the same pixel dimensions as the previous image, SFR will ask you if you want to use the same ROIs. This can speed up repeat runs, for example, when the same image is used to test a lens at several f-stops. There is still much to be done with the output— combining the results of multiple runs. |
July 12, 2004 | Beta 1.3.4 | Has simplified SFR output by plotting omitting the LW/PH MTF Figure (as default) and removing the Shannon capacity and noise spectrum plots from the Chromatic Aberration Figure (also as default). These plots can be restored by means of a checkbox. The installer does somewhat more rigorous checking for installed libraries. |
July 11, 2004 | Beta 1.3.3 | Fixes the font size problem in the GUI windows— All fonts should now be set properly by the font size box. It also addresses some Install/Uninstall issues. Windows XP should be OK, but there may still be problems with 98. |
July 8, 2004 | Beta 1.3.1 | Changes the definition of camera gamma so pixel level = exposure(camera gamma). It corrects some Q-13 display issues: the first zone is now number 1. |
July 5, 2004 | Beta 1.3.0 | The installer has arrived. Installation is now simple— just double-click on Imatest-[version].exe and answer the questions— mostly click Next >. There is a new password. The old version will remain on this page for a few days— until the Installer has been tested on all versions of Windows (98, 2000, and ME, in addition to XP). |
July 2, 2004 | Beta 1.2.6 | Has an option for an Excel .CSV plot of (cycles/pixel, LW/PH, MTF, MTF(corr)). The aerial MTF50 is now called "ideal megapixels." |
July 1, 2004 | Beta 1.2.5 | Includes estimates of aerial MTF50 (half-contrast frequency in megapixels) in addition to linear MTF50 (in cycles/pixel and LW/PH). |
June 26, 2004 | Beta 1.2.3 | Incorporates several small improvements, including the ability to select the standardized sharpening radius. Because the directory structure has been changed to conform to the final (I hope) release, I recommend the following steps for upgrades from Beta 1.2.2 or earlier. Download and uncompress and Then double-click on install2.bat (or install98.bat for Windows 98). This should put the files in their correct folders. |
June 24, 2004 | Beta 1.2.2 | Has better zone detection in Q-13. Beta 1.2.1. Q-13 analyzes several step charts in addition to the Q-13, including transmission charts from Kodak and Stouffer. These charts are valuable for testing dynamic range and performance in scanners and digital cameras. Colorcheck displays the average R, G, B, and Y noise for the gray patches. |
June 22, 2004 | Beta 1.2.0 | Allows Colorcheck and Q-13 images to be cropped. This makes it easy to analyze Colorchecker images in the "Davebox" images in 48-bit color files are now supported. Colorcheck and Q-13 request the title of the run (which defaults to the input file name). |
June 17, 2004 | Beta 1.1.3 | Corrects some cropping issues with Colorcheck and reports gamma in a consistent manner for all modules (generally in the vicinity of 2). Where "Oversharpening" was a negative number, it is now reported as "Undersharpening." The Imatest forum for posting questions and responses is now working. |
June 10, 2004 | Beta 1.1.1 | Has choice of small, normal, and large fonts to cover a wider range of screen resolutions. Plot size is increased for 1600x1200 or larger screens. Mean saturation and color error have been added to the Colorcheck L*a*b* color error plot. If new EXIF data is present, data derived from previous EXIF entries is cleared. Clipping warning message boxes and tooltips have been added. |
May 28, 2004 | Beta 1.1.0 | Has a new input window for SFR that allows output to be set to cycles per mm, along with numerous other settings. It also allows the output font size to be reduces. I'll be on the west coast from May 29-June 8. I may be a little slow responding. |
May 23, 2004 | Beta 1.0.6 | Numerous small improvements in displays. At Lee Jalovec's suggestion, I'll increment the last number of the release version (now .6 in 1.0.6) for every build, no matter how minor. That will make it easier to keep track. |
May 18, 2004 | Beta 1.0.5 | Corrects a number of Colorcheck issues and has a new L*a*b* color error diagram. |
May 13, 2004 | Beta 1.0.4 | Some minor bug fixes and refinements. I discovered it's important to copy all .fig files to subdirectory bin (C:\Program files\Imatest\bin ).The Change directory box inthe Imatest main window was removed. Imatest modules now remember the lastdirectory used. There are new versions of install2.bat and install98.bat.ALL.fig files must be copied to subdirectory bin of the Imatest directory (to C:\Program files\Imatest\bin ) for Imatest to work reliably. |
May 9, 2004 | Beta 1.0.3 | A number of small improvements, including calculation of Shannon capacity for several signal levels, representing several image contrast levels. I've radically updated the documentation, but there are still plenty of loose ends. The installer is still on the way. |
April 29, 2004 | Beta 1.0 | I released Beta 1.0, which has a GUI— graphics user interface. It is better than the old version in every way, and it has incorporated most of the improvements and bug fixes suggested by the Beta testers (thanks to all of you). I have to reread my e-mails to see if I missed any. It includes two new modules— ColorCheck for analyzing the GretagMacbeth ColorChecker, and Q-13 for the Kodak Q-13 gray scale. These are far from complete and not yet properly documented. |
April 21, 2004 | Beta 0.07 | Now based on Matlab Release 13 (version 6.5.1). Must be reinstalled from scratch, not as an upgrade. It will take two or three days for the documentation to catch up. The GUI won't be ready for a while. The Chromatic Aberration calculation has been corrected. Gamma has been inverted: It now defaults to 2 (less confusing). Noise calculations, noise spectrum, and an approximate Shannon capacity have been added. There have been a number of interface improvements— but the BIG one— the GUI— is two or three weeks away. I am now using Matlab Release 13, version 6.5.1. It has different libraries from the previous version (6.1). The program must be reinstalled from scratch— not as an upgrade. |
April 12, 2004 | |
I will be adding a proper graphic user interface (GUI) and an installer. Imatest will resemble a commercial program when these are finished. Then I need to set up an e-commerce host with an affiliate program, a means of limiting the evaluation version and registering the full version, and a bulletin board. |
March 31, 2004 | Beta 0.06 | Now includes a Chromatic Aberration plot. Asks whether you want to save the results of the run (so your folders don't get cluttered with bad results). |
March 27, 2004 | Beta 0.05 | Sharpening radius is adjusted to give good results for blurred edges. |
March 23, 2004 | Beta 0.04 | Box that requests another SFR run gives option of using same image. Many small refinements. |
March 22, 2004 | Beta 0.03 | Region of Interest (ROI) selection of digital camera images now functions properly. Some data is "sticky:" it remains unchanged between successive runs. Many small improvements have been made on the user interface. |
March 20, 2004 | Beta 0.02 | Files are now written for use with Microsoft Excel. |
March 17, 2004 | Beta 0.01 | First Beta release. |