With enhancements and additions for a variety of industries
Checkerboard Module
The new Checkerboard Module enhances testing of varying distances by supplying more testable regions to provide automated measurements of sharpness, lateral chromatic aberration, and distortion from images.
Autofocus Consistency
The Autofocus Consistency post-processor allows users to determine the repeatability of a device's autofocusing function. Easily determine the reliability of focusing mechanisms and algorithms by analyzing collections of results captured at different distances based on upcoming ISO and CPIQ standards.IT .NET Acquisition Library
The Imatest IT Acquisition Library for .NET enables developers to directly acquire images from supported devices, bringing all the same capture capabilities of Imatest IS and the C++ interface to .NET developers. Imatest IT now improves interactivity by allowing .NET developers to asynchronously call Imatest routines.
Support for RCCC Sensors
The automotive industry has adopted RCCC (Red-Clear-Clear-Clear) sensors to distinguish headlights and taillights without reduced sensitivity. Imatest can now read RAW images directly from RCCC sensors.
Enhanced Texture Measurement
The updated Spilled Coins Cross (AKA Dead Leaves Cross) test chart use cross-correlation calculation of texture using a full ground truth reference. This provides more accurate measurements of images with nonlinear processing which enables users to better differentiate between noise and texture.
Enhanced SFRreg Detection
SFRreg enables sharpness testing across the image field in the face of challenges such as long-range and ultra-wide field-of-view testing. The automatic detection capabilities of the SFRreg module have been enhanced to be more robust to cluttered scenes as well as low contrast and distorted targets.
Precompiled Operator Console
Imatest IT 4.5 now ships with the Operator Console, Imatest's out-of-the-box graphical user interface built on the Imatest IT acquisition and analysis libraries. With the Operator Console, non-programmers can easily set up a camera system, configure Pass/Fail values, and begin testing immediately using the Blemish and SFRplus modules. The Operator Console is also fully customizable by accessing the source code on Github.