Our team has outlined a list of our favorite imaging resources that we use on the job here at Imatest. Take a look at our top picks for the new year.
Determining MTF With A Slanted Edge Target
This article by Douglas Kerr is a very digestible explanation (with diagrams) of the principles of slanted edge MTF testing.
Image Sensors World
Author Vladimir Koifman shares the latest news and discussions on image sensors and image sciencing technology.
Digital Image Processing
This book has been the foundational text for the study of digital image processing for over 40 years. It is suited for those with prior background in mathematical analysis, vectors, matrices, probability, statistics, linear systems, and computer programming.
Camera Image Quality Benchmarking
Part of The Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology, this book contains basic information and approaches for the use of subjectively correlated image quality metrics and outlines a framework for camera benchmarking. The authors show how to quantitatively compare the image quality of cameras used for consumer photography.
Handbook of Camera Monitor Systems
This handbook offers a comprehensive overview of Camera Monitor Systems (CMS), ranging from the ISO 16505-based development aspects to practical realization concepts.
The Manual of Photography, Tenth Edition
This book is good for someone who has some foundation in imaging but would like to round out their knowledge. It is comprehensive of many key concepts, but not too detailed that is hard to comprehend.
Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light
Principles of Optics is one of the classic science books of the twentieth century, and probably the most influential book in optics published in the past forty years.
Marc Levoy’s Lectures on Digital Photography
These 18 videos represent a sequence of lectures on digital photography from a Stanford photography course. For those who don’t have access to YouTube, you may view the lectures here.
Astrophotography site rich in information about how digital imaging sensors work, pixel size and photon collection, lenses, noise, etc. – and how to use this information as a photographer.