Imatest is proud to announce the official release of its new 4.0 image quality testing software. The Imatest 4.0 upgrade includes a number of refinements including enhanced automation capabilities and a more robust image quality testing experience. Improvements are found across all three of Imatest’s core products: Master, IS (Image Sensor) and IT (Industrial Testing). Below is an in-depth and complete list of all Imatest 4.0 enhancements.
eSFR ISO: Analysis of ISO 12233:2014 Chart
The Imatest eSFR ISO module performs a highly automated analysis of the Edge SFR (E-SFR) chart specified in the ISO 12233:2014 resolution test standard, released in February 2014. In addition to slanted squares for measuring MTF, the new chart contains a 20 patch radial stepchart for noise, OECF and gamma calculations.
We offer an Enhanced version of the chart that adds six additional slanted squares near the sides and corners, color patches, and wedges for visual vanishing resolution estimation or analysis with the Imatest Wedge module. Because the added features are outside the area of the chart defined by the ISO 12233:2014 standard, the Enhanced chart remains 100% compliant with the standard. We also offer an Extended chart for measuring wide 16:9 aspect ratio cameras.
Compared to the previous ISO 122233:2000 standard, this new chart and software provides a dramatically better experience for engineers: automated region detection, more consistent measurements due to fewer nonlinearities, a much better map of sharpness over the image surface, tonal response measurement, and much more.
Powerful Automatic Test Region Detection
Prior to Imatest 4.0, only one chart/module combination had automatic region detection: SFRplus. Automatic region detection has been added as an option to a number of charts, some of which have been modified with the addition of registration marks.
Existing Charts:
New charts with added registration marks:
Main Window Redesign
The Imatest main window has been redesigned to be larger with a more logical layout: buttons for Random/Dead Leaves, Log F-Contrast, Star, Wedge, and Any Image Sharpness have been added. For convenience, a Last module button has been added, which displays the most recent module run by Multitest. Modules are organized into sections based on test functionality.
The Help mode button alters the window so that all buttons display their corresponding website instructions.
Video File Reading
Imatest can now read many different video file formats, allowing the user to select frames to be analyzed. Support for Targa (TGA), ArriRaw (ARI), and DPX (digital cinema) files has been added. Not all DPX variants are supported: please send us files you have trouble reading.
ISO 15739:2013 Visual Noise
The Imatest Multicharts/Multitest and eSFR ISO modules now calculate visual noise as specified by the ISO 15739:2013 standard. Visual noise takes the noise spectrum of the image, the viewing conditions (image height and viewing distance), and the human visual system into account. Visual noise is measured in L*u*v* color space units, which are relatively unfamiliar, but Imatest also displays more familiar Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) measurements. More details here.
Pass Fail Monitor
The Pass/Fail monitor is a module designed to run in the background as other modules (such as SFRplus, eSFR ISO, Blemish Detect, and others) are run. Whenever a module for which pass/fail criteria have been specified is run, the P/F monitor is updated. In essence, the monitor provides a detailed preview of the pass/fail results of Imatest IT.
New Image Acquisition Sources
Imatest can now acquire images directly from Android devices using the ImatestAcquire app.
We now offer unprecedented support for a plethora of cameras and frame grabbers:
DirectShow | QuickTime | Analog | Camera Link | GigE Vision |
Adimec | Allied Vision Tec | FLIR | Hamamatsu | Hitachi |
Matrox Imaging | Imperx | Microsoft Kinect | National Instruments | Sony |
Teledyne DALSA | Toshiba Teli | DCAM | GEViCAM | Lumenera |
Matrix Vision | PixeLINK | QImaging | VRmagic | XIMEA |
Push Interface for Signal Processor Tests
The Imatest IS Push-interface is a C++ Library for Windows that enables images to be passed directly into Imatest IS for analysis by any Imatest module. This provides the ability for signal processing pipeline vendors to view the effects on image quality that result from modifying the parameters of their image correction and enhancement routines in their tuning software by utilizing Imatest’s analysis capabilities.
SFRplus Shift Dependent Geometry Recalculation
This feature speeds up repeated SFRplus runs for real-time focus tests by not recalculating SFR region position unless there is a significant change in the position of the slanted edges. This prevents the user from having to restart SFRplus within Imatest IS every time the chart geometry changes.
Take advantage of Imatest 4.0’s capabilities
Imatest 4.0 offers numerous enhancements, improved automation and greater adjustability to facilitate your image quality testing. If you have not yet purchased Imatest software and are interested in taking advantage of Imatest 4.0’s powerful capabilities, click here to view product specific upgrades. For our current license holders, we invite you to verify your upgrade eligibility by clicking here.