DMX Lighting Control Software

Lights such as the Kino Flo Select 31 LED use a DMX control interface to signal changes of light level […]

Error in Extracting CTF file

Error Message: Error in extracting CTF file to ‘C:\ProgramData\Imatest\mcr_cache\4.5\Master\mcrCache9.0.1\imates0’. Details: ‘Could not set last modified time: C:/ProgramData/Imatest/mcr_cache/4.5/Master/mcrCache9.0.1/imates0/toolbox/imaq/imaqextern/drivers/win64/genicam/genICam_v2_4/redist/Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86_x64.msi: Broken pipe Solution: […]

Imatest Stops Working – Advanced Troubleshooting

Recovering Mathworks Log Files Please recover this log file and send to The log file name is called “mathworks_<username>.log”. […]

Handling an Lightroom for iPhone RAW DNG file

Adobe DNG converter for windows & mac can be used to re-save iPhone RAW files into supported DNG formats using the following […]

Calculating Field of View (FoV) using distance settings

For accurate calculation of field of view (FoV) from using Imatest’s SFRplus, eSFR ISO, or Checkerboard, modules, it is critical to use […]

Automating CPIQ analysis Using Imatest IT and Python

The Python interface to Imatest IT provides a simple means of invoking Imatest’s tests. This post will show how Imatest […]

The Effects of misregistration on the dead leaves cross-correlation texture blur analysis

This paper was given as part of the Electronic Imaging 2017 Image Quality and System Performance XIV and Digital Photography and […]

Measuring MTF with wedges: pitfalls and best practices

This paper was given as part of the Electronic Imaging 2017 Autonomous Vehicles and Machine session. When: Monday, January 30, […]

Best practices for using transmissive test charts

  Light Source The most uniform light source available would be an integrating sphere, but these come with considerable size […]

How to get support for your image acquisition hardware

Not all hardware is supported by Imatest or Imatest IT’s acquire image routine. In order to obtain support there are a number […]

Gamma, Chart Contrast and MTF Calculations

A fuller and more up-to-date explanation of gamma, including how to obtain it for slanted-edge MTF calculations can be found […]

Testing a macro lens using Checkerboard and Micro Multi-slide

Imatest’s Checkerboard module is our new flagship module for automated analysis of sharpness, distortion and chromatic aberration from a checkerboard (AKA chessboard) pattern. The big benefit of using the checkerboard is that there are looser framing requirements than with other kinds of test targets. While checkerboard lacks the color and tone analysis provided by SFRplus and eSFR ISO, these features are not available on the high precision chrome on glass substrate, so the checkerboard is the optimal pattern for this test.

Account Administration for Floating Licenses

Floating licenses can remove a lot of headache in keeping track of your licenses by allowing everyone on your team […]

Imatest shuts down intermittently due to video driver problem

Symptom Imatest version 4.2+ intermittently halts.  A MATLAB crash dump file is generated in the user’s %temp% folder. The crash […]

Visual C++ Runtime Library: “The Application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way. “

Symptoms of problem: Running the library leads to this error:   Root cause of problem: This error is typically the […]

Best Practices for Calling Imatest IT Libraries

Only run in a single thread The MATLAB runtime library does not support multiple threads using the same library. For […]

Java issue with OS X 10.10 Yosemite

Symptoms of the problem: After upgrading OS X to 10.10, Imatest no longer starts Source of the problem: A newer […]

Non-Latin characters appear as boxes in Windows 10

Non-Latin characters in the Imatest UI may appear as boxes in Windows 10, as shown. This is likely caused by […]

Windows 10 Licensing Issue

Nalpeiron-licensed applications running on a machine upgraded from Windows 7/8/8.1 to Windows 10 may require a re-installation of the Visual […]

A module that formerly worked has stopped working

A module that formerly worked but now crashes can often be fixed by removing the section for the module in […]