How to store and retrieve region (ROI) selections

Full up-to-date documentation on region selection and how to use ROI files is now on Saving and Retrieving Regions of […]

Can Imatest IT run multiple instances in Parallel?

Question: Can multiple Imatest IT tests be run at the same time in order to speed up the processing time […]

OS X Update leads to License “Already in Use”

When updating to a newer version of OSX, the licensing daemon may need to be reinstalled. This can be done […]

Invalid MEX File rjpg8c.mexw32

Some users have been getting the following error: Invalid MEX-file ‘C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\mcr\toolbox\matlab\imagesci\private\rjpg8c.mexw32′ Error in readjpg If you are getting the […]

Troubleshooting errors with video files

The video file formats that are compatible with Imatest vary based on operating system and installed codecs. For a list […]

Selecting a Chart: SFRplus and eSFR ISO

SFRplus and eSFR ISO share many similar features and can be used to perform many similar image quality analyses. However, […]

Gamutvision Installation & Activation Issues

Problems Installing Symptoms An error message such as this is shown on install: Solution 1. Download Imatest-lib.exe into the same folder […]

Problem Starting Imatest after Installation

Symptoms of the problem: After installation, upon attempting to start Imatest, nothing happens.   Running using diagnostic mode, or from a […]

Imatest Ultimate: Activating Imatest IT along with Imatest Master

An Imatest license code can be configured to work for one or more Imatest product (Master, IS and IT).  Typically […]

Debugging Imatest IT

Debugging a console-based application Much of the diagnostic information produced by the Imatest library is output to STDOUT and STDERR […]

Service file is not current version or does not have sufficient privileges

After upgrading to a new version of Imatest, the following error dialog may be encountered:   Solution: Download this file (Service_Installer_node735.exe) […]

Originally licensed on different computer

This can happen when a hardware change such as: motherboard, network card, or hard disk drive change when a virtual […]

Unknown Error on Software Activation

Unknown error is caused by blocked access to the computer operating system or network connection. This may be due to […]

Imatest 4.0 Release

Imatest is proud to announce the official release of its new 4.0 image quality testing software. The Imatest 4.0 upgrade […]

Updating License Activation Information

When your software license data is updated on our servers, your software will need to be re-activated in order to […]

Training Class in San Jose

Register online to join us on Sept 11 – 12 2014 for our two-day training course. Following this class, the next […]

2014 Image Sensors Americas

Image Sensors Americas provides attendees with the chance to meet with leading suppliers of image sensors and related digital imaging technology. Attending delegates will be come from across the full range of end use applications in both consumer and industrial market.

Imatest for Mac OS X 3.10-Beta Now Available

We are happy to announce that Imatest Master 3.10-Beta is now available for Mac OS X Click here to download […]

Speeding Up Imatest IT with INI File Settings

This article focuses on how to improve the performance of Imatest IT testing using configuration (ini file) settings. Limiting the […]

Acquiring video from Analog sources

Imatest is integrated with the the MATLAB Image Acquisition toolbox and can acquire images from a multitude of analog frame […]