How to Test Dynamic Range:
A step-by-step use case with the Pixel 2 XL

In this post, we will be using the Contrast Resolution Chart and Imatest Master to measure the dynamic range of […]

High-contrast edge-SFR test targets produce invalid MTF results

The obsolete ISO 12233:2000 standard defines a resolution test target with a high contrast ratio. These are typically produced at […]

Running Imatest With High Sierra

Due to High Sierra’s new file system, old Imatest licenses no longer have the access they need to write properly. […]

Measuring temporal noise

Two temporal noise methods  |  Results  |  Temporal noise image Related pages:  Flatfield Statistics based on EMVA-1288  |  Using Flatfield, […]

How to capture frames from a video stream or RTSP camera

Imatest is still working on implementing RTSP streaming support and other video stream protocols within the software. In the meantime […]

Megapixel suitability for test charts

Megapixel suitability is based on the analysis of the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) that is obtained from slanted-edge chart images […]

Lightbox Uniformity Comparison

Summary table – Detailed uniformity measurements – How we made the measurements Lightbox summary table. Many are no longer available […]

Measuring the impact of flare light on dynamic range

Abstract The dynamic range of recent HDR image sensors, defined as the range of exposure between saturation and 0 dB […]

How to convert a color image to grayscale

Sometimes an undemosaiced Bayer raw image gets improperly saved into a BMP or TIFF format that includes color channels that […]