Stray Light (Flare) Documentation

Stray Light Examples

Current Documentation

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Stray light (flare) documentation pages

Introduction: Intro to stray light testing and normalized stray lightOutputs from Imatest stray light analysis | History

Background: Examples of stray lightRoot Causes | Test overview | Test factors | Test ConsiderationsGlossary

Calculations: Metric image | Normalization methodsLight source mask methods | Summary Metrics | Analysis Channels | Saturation

Instructions: High-level Imatest analysis instructions (Master and IT) | Computing normalized stray light with Imatest | Motorized Gimbal instructions

Settings: Settings list and INI keys/values | Standards and Recommendations | Configuration file input

Page Contents

This page provides examples of stray light manifesting itself in images from real cameras. 


Image Notes
Ghost reflections, color shifts, and specular highlights caused by contamination on the windshield
Ring pattern from the sun
Reflection off an external baffle (phone case)
Ghost reflections
Diffraction spikes, veiling glare (loss of contrast), and a ghost reflection (green feature to lower left of sun)
Petal flare (red flower shaped stray light)
Veiling glare near sun, red petal flare to lower left of sun, green flare in lower right corner of image