Documentation – Alpha v25.1

Simatest – ISP/Camera Simulator

Instructions and reference

Current Documentation

All documentation versions

Related web pages

Simatest examples – Examples of how Simatest can be used. Compares simulations to measurement. Much more readable than this long page.

Using Color/Tone Interactive – Interactive analysis of color & grayscale test charts

Using Color/Tone Auto – Fixed (batch-capable) analysis of color & grayscale test charts

Color/Tone & eSFR ISO noise measurements – describes how to measure image sensor noise from raw images

Dynamic Range – a general introduction with links to Imatest modules that calculate it

Noise in Photographic Images – a basic introduction

Color Correction Matrix (CCM) Calculate a matrix (usually 3×3) for correcting image colors (often from RAW images)

Image information metrics – new measurements, based on Shannon information theory, that are superior predictors of Machine Vision system performance


IntroductionBlock diagramInput files – Opening Simatest – Settings – Image processing blocks 
SharpeningImage sensor noiseRunning SimatestProcessingSide-by-side viewResults 
Saving bayer raw (remosaiced) imagesControls on the bottomUtilities and dropdown menus
Analysis and view controlsOptical Character Recognition (OCR) – Face and People Detection 

Starting in February 2025, Simatest will be available through the Imatest Pilot program


Simatest — Imatest’s ISP (Image Signal Processing)/Camera Simulator, simulates ISP pipelines, and with some limitations, complete camera systems. It evolved from the Imatest Image Processing module, but is much more powerful and flexible, and has many additional processing blocks that can be applied in arbitrary order. Simatest can greatly speed up the development of image processing pipelines.

The Simatest image sensor model is based on measurements, rather than physics first principles, most of which are inaccessible for engineers tasked with developing and testing camera systems. Details like sensor silicon doping profiles and Color Filter Array (CFA) spectral response may be vital for developing image sensors, but not for developing or tuning camera systems. As such the image sensor model is simplified, but it’s still highly useful for simulating how sensors and ISP affect system performance over a range of illumination. Since performance is derived from the sensor signal in electrons, radiometric measurements (the precise light energy incident on the sensor) are not required, though we intend to add them as options in the future. This makes Simatest easy to work with.

Simatest input images includes

  • Raw images acquired from cameras without or with demosaicing, with minimal processing (no sharpening, noise reduction, white balance, etc.). Highly processed images (most consumer camera JPEGs) are not recommended.
  • Simulated bitmap test chart images produced by the Imatest Test Charts module, 
  • Simulated bitmap image files that have been processed to include lens degradations by lens design programs such as Code V —  recommended if they are available.

The Simatest image sensor noise model is obtained by measuring  undemosaiced raw images in Color/Tone

Simatest processing includes 

  • Camera and lens image degradations, such as noise, fog (veiling glare), and blur, Lens degradations are highly simplified, but sufficient for designing and testing ISP.
  • Image adjustments, such as exposure (and gain to simulate changing the Exposure Index), gamma, and Beyer demosaicing/mosaicing, 
  • image enhancements, such as applying a Color Correction Matrix, tone mapping (used in High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging), Sharpening (standard or Unsharp Mask (USM)), and bilateral filtering,
  • ability to simulate motion blur, misfocus, low light conditions, and more.

Simatest results

Simatest includes an accurate image sensor noise model, based on just two measured parameters (well capacity at maximum signal and dark noise). No radiometric calculations are needed, though they can be useful for determining a camera’s absolute sensitivity. They may be added in the future.

Simatest is expandable. Processing blocks will be added based on customer requests. The current set of blocks is primarily focused on operations that affect visible and measurable image quality. 

Simatest can operate on batches of images, automatically reading, processing and saving images in the batch.

Simatest input files

ISP input can come from any image file, raw or demosaiced, that is readable by Imatest and listed in Image file formats and acquisition devices. Although Simatest can work with any image, test chart images produce the most useful quantitative results. There are three major sources of input files.

Test Charts program — The most convenient source of test chart images is the Imatest Test Charts program. Here is an example, illustrating settings for creating a 2400×1600 pixel Enhanced eSFR ISO 2017 chart.

Test Charts window for the Enhanced eSFR ISO 2017 chart

Although we recommend reading the documentation for Test Charts and SVG Test charts, this page should contain enough information to get you started. You can also download the 2400×1600 PNG image (with added color patches) that was used for developing and testing Simatest

Test Charts lets you create SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) or bitmap (TIFF or PNG) chart files that can be used for printing physical charts or for analyzing chart images. It contains a great many chart types, selectable in the Pattern dropdown menu (top-left) as well as a great many options. Chart patterns that have continuous tones (such as the sinusoidal Siemens Star) must be created as bitmap files, sized for printing or for Imatest analysis. SVG files can be opened by Inkscape (an excellent free program) for printing in any size or conversion to PNG bitmap files with bit depth = 8 or 16 (which can also be done for bit depth = 8 within Test Charts). eSFR ISO (ISO 12233-2017) charts, which are normally printed large, are created as SVG files, but can also be saved as 8 or 24-bit bitmap (PNG) files by checking the Save PNG (bitmap) file box, just below the chart image, and specifying the desired image height in pixels. For tonal response or dynamic range charts, we strongly recommend opening the SVG file in Inkscape and converting it to a 16 or 48-bit PNG or TIFF file.

Some Test Charts settings are hidden in dropdown menus. We recommend selecting eSFR LogWedge max = 4000 LW/PH in the Settings dropdown menu. 

When your settings are complete, press  Create Test Chart , and save the files (you’ll get both SVG and PNG) in a convenient location.

Lens design programs — such as Code V let you process chart images, degrading them (adding blur, chromatic aberration, vignetting) using a realistic lens model. The chart images can be created with the Imatest Target Generator, which is a back-end for Test Charts, converting SVG charts to bitmap files. Charts for input to lens design programs must have gamma = 1 (linear gamma). When a lens design program has been used, the (blur) filter blocks won’t be needed, unless you need to simulate an anti-aliasing (optical lowpass) filter.

Images acquired from cameras — Raw or minimally-processed images,  converted to RGB with LibRaw or ReadRaw, work well. These include the actual images from development systems that need to be tuned. Blur and noise are already present in these images, so (blur) Filter and Noise blocks won’t be needed.

Most JPEG images from consumer cameras should be avoided because they are heavily processed, including complex tonal response curves (with “shoulders”) and nonlinear and nonuniform bilateral filtering, making it difficult to obtain useful results.

Opening Simatest

Press Simatest in the the Utility dropdown menu or in the Utility tab on the right of the Imatest main window. This opens initial Simatest (ISP/Camera Simulator) window, which contains basic instructions and has many buttons grayed out (to minimize confusion). The instructions will be periodically updated. To perform an analysis, you will need to

  • read an image file,
  • make sure you have the correct settings, which are saved from the previous run. You can update them from the ISP Settings window if needed.
  • Update the calculations.
  • Select the displays of interest, which include sending the processed image to Rescharts, Color/Tone, or Image Statistics.

The order of pressing Read image file and ISP Settings is irrelevant.

Simatest opening window. Click on image to view full-sized. The text will be updated.


The Simatest Settings window lets you set up the analysis: you can select processing blocks, and adjust their parameters and the order of operations. To open the settings window, press the Simatest Settings button on the upper-left of the Simatest window. Since settings are saved from the previous run, you may not need to open it. Settings can be made before or after reading an image (but always before for running batches of images).

The Settings window contains a large number of processing blocks. Several, like Sharpen, Tone mapping, or Bilateral Filter, have several methods (algorithms) and associated parameters and are contained inside rectangular frames.  Others, like Exposure or Gain, which have at most one associated parameter, are not displayed inside frames. Their order in the Settings window is not related to the order of operations to be selected.

The Simatest settings are divided into five regions: 1. Input processing & degradations, 2. Degradations (noise, blur), 3. Color and tone adjustments, 4. Sharpening/noise reduction, and 5. Image file save settings. Some categories overlap, e.g., since cos4 lens shading either adds and corrects for vignetting, we put it in Adjustments rather than Degradations.

Simatest settings window

The Image Signal Processing (ISP) Blocks box, on the upper-right, contains the sequence of operations. Blank lines are intended to make it easy to insert, arrange, and delete entries, and are ignored when the settings are transferred to the main window or processed.

Selecting and ordering image processing blocks
1. Choose a block to include in the image processing pipeline.
2. Adjust parameters — sliders, popup menus, or edit boxes, as needed. The corresponding Set window will become  White with a red background , and remain that way until the setting is copied to the ISP Blocks box or canceled. 

3. Use the Set popup menu button next to each block to enter it into the Image Processing Blocks list box on the right. All the Set popups have the same contents: Set, 01, 02, 03, …, 20. Click on the Set popup, then click on the line number where you want the block to be entered. Choosing Set (instead of a line number) cancels the operation.

The image on the right illustrates how the Filter setting is copied to line 03 of the ISP Blocks box. 

4. Since the block parameters are copied to the list box, you can reuse blocks by changing their settings and entering them on a different line.
5. The tint of the Set box indicates the status of the block.  White with a green background  indicates that the block has included in the Image Processing Blocks list box.   White with a red background  indicates that the block has been adjusted, but not (yet) selected. Press Set then the line number to select it. Press Set then Set (instead of a line number) to reset the box to  Black/white . In the above window, both the Add and Correct cos4 lens shading popups are  white/red  because they are both affected by the FL/diag (Focal Length/Sensor diagonal) setting; they will be both reset to  Black/White  when one has been selected.
6. The Image Processing (ISP) Blocks list box contains many blank lines. They are there to make it easy to add and edit processing blocks. They are ignored when the calculations are performed. The order of the processing blocks can be conveniently edited using the buttons below the box, which include

Insert  Insert an empty line before the current line, and move the remaining lines down by one.
Delete  Delete the current line and move the following lines up by one. 
Move up  Move the current line up, switching positions with the previous line.
Move down  Move the current line down, switching positions with the next line.
Clear  Clear (empty( the current line. Do not shift any lines.
Clear all  Clear (empty) all lines, i.e., reset. Press Cancel if this is pressed accidentally.
Enable  Enable the current line by removing the “%” comment indicator, if present.
Disable (comment out)  Disable the current line by making it a comment starting with “%”.
8. Pressing  OK  saves the settings, closes the Settings window, and returns control to the main Simatest window. The selected image processing blocks (with blank and disabled lines removed) appear in the Simatest window. If Auto update (lower-right of the settings window) has been checked, the calculations will be updated. This saves a step (one less button to push). 
SUMMARY: Settings are made in two steps: (1) Adjust the parameter, and
(2) move it into the appropriate line in the Image Processing blocks box, which can be edited as needed.
Since it’s easy to forget the second step, the Set window is changed to
 White with a red background
 when the corresponding parameter has been adjusted, but not yet selected.

For example, Filter (on the bottom-left of the settings window) was copied to line 03 by selecting the Set dropdown on the left of the Filter frame, then selecting 03 in the menu (which contains 1-20). In most cases, parameters are copied along with the lock name. Note that there is space in the Settings window for additional blocks. Several are planned, and we are always interested in customer feedback and requests.

Image processing blocks

As we indicated, updating the calculations applies image processing blocks in the selected sequence. Depending on the input image source, some of the  degradation or enhancement steps may have been performed prior to entering the image into Simatest. For example, JPEGs from consumer cameras typically have nonlinear, nonuniform bilateral filters (we don’t recommend them for Simatest). Noise and filtering (blurring) have already been implicitly applied to images acquired from cameras (i.e., you don’t have to add noise and blur because they are present in the image).

Here is a list of the available processing functions, as of January 2025). Most are standard Matlab functions, from the MATLAB File Exchange, or custom Imatest code. Notes: (L) recommended only for linear images. 

Processing block Table of Contents
Input gamma Enter input image gamma 
Exposure, Gain Set exposure and gain multipliers. Simulate Exposure Index (ISO speed)
Mosaic/Demosaic (Re) mosaic (RGB → simulated Bayer raw) or demosaic the image.
RGB balance Set gain of individual RGB channels
Fog/flare/veiling glare Also for black level offset removal
Monochrome Make the RGB image monochrome.
AWB Auto White Balance
Linearize Linearize the image
Gamma Change gamma (multiplier or target value)
Cos4 lens shading Apply or correct cos4 lens shading (“vignetting”)
Invert Invert the image (positive ↔ negative)
Noise Gaussian — either simple noise or sensor (dark + photon shot noise)
Filter Filter the image (gaussian, motion blur, misfocus, airy disk)
Radial Geometry Add or correct distortion or lateral chromatic aberration
CCM Color Correction Matrix (previously calculated)
Tone Mapping Adjust HDR tones for limited-DR display. 3 types available
Sharpen Sharpen the image. USM or standard
Bilateral filter Edge-preserving noise reduction. 2 types.
Non-local means filter Another edge-preserving denoising filter SLOW
Save file precision Save file with 8, 16-bit, etc., precision
Save file Offset Save file offset (DN). For duplicating properties of camera files
Save file Saturation Save file Saturation (DN; maximum value) 

Note: (L) in right column below indicates that Linear gamma (1) is recommended.

Processing block Description Function:
described in link
Input gamma Not a processing blockInput gamma is required for keeping track of the image gamma at each state of the processing — important because some operations require the image to be linear (gamma = 1; indicated by (L). There will almost certainly be errors if Input gamma is entered incorrectly. Input gamma is typically 1 for (linear) raw images or around 0.45 to 0.5 for interchangeable color space images (sRGB, Adobe RGB, etc.) For “black box” images, gamma can be measured with Color/Tone. Gamma, Tonal Response Curves, and related concepts
Initial processing & adjustments


Gain = 1/Exposure

Gain (set by slider)

Exposure/gain multiplier (gamma = 1 (linear) recommended)

Exposure (a multiplier set by the slider; usually < 1) is typically applied to simulated images before noise is added. It represents an actual change in exposure.

Gain = 1/Exposure is typically applied after noise has been added.

The effective Exposure Index (AKA “ISO speed”) can be adjusted by combining Exposure and Gain. Multiplying the image by Exposure (typically <1) before applying noise, then multiplying by Gain = 1/Exposure afterwards is equivalent to multiplying EI by 1/Exposure (or Gain). This decreases the Signal-to-Noise Ratio. For example, for a base EI of 100, applying Exposure = 0.125 before the noise and 1/Exposure = 8 afterwards is equivalent to increasing the EI by 8× to 800.


Bayer mosaic


Demosaic converts a Color Filter Array (CFA)-mosaiced Bayer raw image from an image sensor (monochrome format) into a 3-color RGB file using the MATLAB demosaic function, which uses the well-respected Malvar-He-Cutler algorithm (slightly different version from Stanford). Demosaicing is a complex process that can generate artifacts and affects the Noise Power Spectrum. Raw camera files can also be demosaiced by the Imatest LibRaw and ReadRaw modules prior to running Simatest.

Bayer mosaic (the inverse of Demosaic) converts 3-color RGB images into monochrome, mosaiced, pseudo-raw images, useful for adding noise to the image and for studying the effects of demosaicing, when Simatest input is simulated (RGB) images. It uses a simple, straightforward algorithm (with no artifacts) to convert RGB images into one of the four Bayer alignments: {RGGB, GRBG, GBRG, or BGGR}.


Imatest raw processing

IPOL reference

Stanford reference

RGB Balance

Adds or corrects RGB imbalance, which is found in raw images, where the Green channel is typically larger than the Red or Blue channels. R, G, or B can be entered in separate boxes. Values can be found in Color/Tone. Multiply to add the imablance, which is appropriate before noise is added, or divide to correct it, which is appropriate later in the pipeline.


Fog (flare or veiling glare)

Fog the image: equivalent to adding flare light or veiling glare. Add or subtract a constant value (fog) to the image.
imageout = fog + (1-fog)*imageinput   fog is Typically a small fraction, <0.3.

Negative values of fog can be used to remove black level offset, if present. 


Monochrome Convert color images (m×n×3) into monochorme (m×n) using either a luminance channel equation (typically 0.2125×R + 0.7154×G + 0.0721×B) or the mean of the three channels.


AWB (Auto White Balance) Perform Auto White Balance using the simple “gray world” algorithm, which is adequate for most test chart images, but not for real-world images, especially if they have a dominant color.


Linearize (equivalent to Gamma target 1, which is recommended) Linearize the image (remove the gamma encoding). Images can be linearized, operations can be applied, then a final encoding gamma can be reapplied near the end of the ISP pipeline. Gamma = 1 is recommended for most processing blocks, such as standard sharpening (the 2D version of the 1D sharpening described on the Sharpening page. Not recommended for USM sharpening.  
Gamma Apply gamma encoding to an image. Gamma can be selected by a slider (shown above) and a popup menu that contains Target and Mult. Important because the input and output may be gamma-encoded (often with gamma ≅ 0.5), but many operations may need to be performed with gamma = 1. For Mult
imageout = imageinputγ. For Target, where the current value of gamma is γ_current ,
imageout = imageinput(γ/γ_current).
Gamma, Tonal Response Curves, and related concepts

Add, correct cos4 lens shading

Also called lens “vignetting” (gamma = 1 (linear) recommended)

Add or correct vignetting (light falloff) using the standard cos4 angular equation. Lens focal length/sensor diagonal distance must be entered using the slider. Appropriate for simulated images early in the ISP pipeline, before noise has been added. It is already present in real camera images.

Lens shading can be corrected later in the pipeline, while gamma is still 1.

Invert Invert the image, i.e., turn it into a negative. Infrequently used. Best performed on linear images (gamma = 1 (linear) recommended).  
Image degradations: blur, noise, geometry
Often found in images acquired from cameras prior to processing. Operations are generally linear.
Noise  (Gaussian)

Add noise to the image.

The key selections are

Noise (gaussian) – simple:  not signal-dependent. Shot and Fixed Pattern Noise are disabled.

Noise (gaussian) – Signal-dependent image sensor noise is applied. All settings are selected. Use the settings from Color/Tone, as shown below.

For Luma fraction = 0, the noise in the RGB channels are uncorrelated. For Luma fraction = 1, the noise is correlated. (We are still working out details.)

If the noise is applied to a raw image (after Bayer mosaic has been applied), the setting doesn’t matter because the raw image is monochrome. This results in the best estimate or luma and chroma noise in the demosaiced image. 

Image sensor noise is a critically important for simulated images. 

It must be calculated as described below and in greater detail in Simatest examples (the best source) and also in Color/Tone & eSFR ISO noise measurements, Use sensor noise model should be checked, and the two noise parameters (photon shot noise and dark noise) should be entered in sigma (fraction) and sigma (dark noise), respectively. 

imnoise:  Add noise to the HSV V channel. Parameters sigma [] and Luma noise [].
Filter Filter (blur) the image. Typically applied before noise, but can be applied after noise has been added (it will affect the noise spectrum). There are four types of noise that can simulate lens blurring, motion blur, misfocus, or diffraction. 

Gaussian (imgaussfilt – general blurring). Enter sigma (standard deviation) in pixels.
Motion blur (horizontal), Enter the length in pixels.
Disk (misfocus). Enter the radius in pixels. 

Airy disk (diffraction). Enter the first null a in pixels in the slider, where

a = 1.22 λ F#/p for wavelength λ (~0.530 μm for green) and pixel pitch p. λ  and p must have consistent units, typically microns (μm). For example, for a camera with 2 μm pixel pitch at f/2.4, green channel (0.530 μm), a = 0.776 pixels.

The 2D Airy kernel (derived from (2*besselj(1,x/a)./(x/a)).^2), where a is the first null, is copied to the clipboard when this filter is applied.

imgaussfilt:  2-D Gaussian filtering of images with parameter sigma, fspecial: creates a 2D kernel, filter2, imfilter 

Wikipedia Airy Disk | Simple Airy pattern 

Radial Geometry Add or correct optical distortion (using any of several models) and/or Lateral Chromatic Aberration.
[Note: For now, this a separate Imatest module in the main Simatest window, rather than a block in the Settings window. It opens the processed image, which can be distorted or undistorted. This is a kludge that allowed us to use the Radial Geometry module with little modification.] We plan to integrate parts of it (most likely lateral chromatic aberration) into Simatest.

Radial Geometry
Tonal enhancement:  Correct colors or apply one of three tone mapping algorithms, used for
displaying High Dynamic Range (HDR) images, which may make tonal response nonlinear and nonuniform.

Color Correction Matrix (CCM)

As of January 2025, not well-integrated into Simatest:  The CCM must be calculated before running Simatest.

Apply a Color Correction Matrix (CCM), which can be calculated and saved in Color/Tone. using the processed image from Simatest at the stage where the CCM is to be applied (usually near the end of the ISP pipeline). The Set CCM button to the right of the CCM checkbox opens a window (shown on the right; click on thumbnail to view full-sized) that lets you set up the matrix (read it from a file or paste it from the clipboard and select options (linearization, etc.)).

Color Correction Matrix describes the CCM, which is calculated in Color/Tone.

As of January 2025, not well-integrated into Simatest. Full integration will be challenging because Color/Tone has to be run with region selection for a color chart.

Note that there are three tone mapping blocks: same purpose but different algorithms.
Tone mapping Render high dynamic range (HDR) image for viewing in displays with limited dynamic range. Tone mapping is a technique used to approximate the appearance of high dynamic range images on displays with a more limited dynamic range. Nonuniform and nonlinear tonemap:  Render high dynamic range image for viewing
Local tone mapping Alternative tone mapping algorithm for HDR images using Laplacian filtering. Has a different set of adjustments. Produces different results (more saturated images). Nonuniform and nonlinear localtonemap 
Contrast-Limited Histogram Equalization CLAHE operates on small regions in the image, called tiles, rather than the entire image. Each tile’s contrast is enhanced, so that the histogram of the output region approximately matches the histogram specified by the ‘Distribution’ parameter. The neighboring tiles are then combined using bilinear interpolation to eliminate artificially induced boundaries. The contrast, especially in homogeneous areas, can be limited to avoid amplifying any noise that might be present in the image. Nonuniform and nonlinear adapthisteq:  Contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE)
Spatial enhancement:  sharpening and/or noise reduction.
Bilateral filter output depends on image content— may be highly nonlinear.
Sharpen USM (Unsharp Mask) Sharpens the grayscale or RGB input image using the unsharp masking (USM) method. Most visible on edges. USM works by subtracting a gaussian blur function from the original image. If threshold > 0, low-contrast regions may not be sharpened. See Wikipedia.

This function is not linear. It caused some inconsistencies with the image information metrics. Designed to work directly on color space images, which don’t need to be linearized. Nonlinear (a surprise; not indicated in MATLAB documentation)

imsharpen: Unsharp Masking (USM)
Sharpens the grayscale or RGB input image using a 2D version of the 1D sharpening method described in the Sharpening page. Most visible on edges. Works by subtracting an amplitude-reduced replica of the original image, arranged on a circular locus with radius R from the original image. Widely used in commercial cameras because it is less computationally intensive (i.e., faster) than USM.

Best with linear (gamma = 1) images, where it maintains linearity. Recommended for testing the effects of sharpening on image information metrics, such as SNRi or Edge SNRi.

The 2D sharpening kernel is copied to the clipboard when this operation is performed. Because standard sharpening is not a MATLAB function, we include more explanation in the box below.

Custom Imatest function (L)

Either USM or Standard sharpen can be applied (but it doesn’t make sense to apply both).

Bilateral filter 1
imbilatfilt (MATLAB)
Bilateral filtering was proposed by Tomasi and Manduchi in 1998 as a non-iterative method for edge-preserving smoothing. Widely used in consumer camera JPEG images.

We are still becoming familiar with the  MATLAB imbilatfilt implementation. Shown for a high-quality compact digital camera in Simatest examples with Parameters {0.0025, 0.7, 5}.  Parameters:

  1. Degree of smoothing
  2. Spatial sigma
  3. Neighborhood size.

imbilatfilt (MATLAB)

Bilateral Filter 2 bfilt2 (Lanman) Works well, but SLOW. Parameters:

  1. Half-width w is the half-size of the Gaussian bilateral filter window.
  2. sigma (range) is the spatial-domain standard deviation.
  3. sigma (domain) is the the intensity-domain standard deviation

bfilter2 (from the Mathworks File Exchange): 

Non-Local Means filter Another edge-preserving denoising filter. SLOW.  We are still becoming familiar with it. Parameters:

  1. Degree of smoothing  (MABLAB default = std dev (σ) of estimated image noise)
  2. Search window size  (MATLAB default = 21)
  3. Comparison window size  (MATLAB default = 5)

imnlmfilt (MATLAB)

Image file save settings:  applied when an image is saved in a file.
Save file Precision Settings

  1. Save images – input file precision
  2. 8-bit depth maximum
  3. 16-bit depth
  4. 16-bit, full amplitude, except raw.  RGB files have the full amplitude of the container (e.g., 65535 for bit depth = 16) and no offset.  Recommended.
Save file Offset (DN) Black Level Offset in pixels (Digital numbers) to be added to the saved file.  
Save file
Saturation (DN)
Saturation Level (maximum pixel or DN level) for the saved file. Used to represent m bit data in an n bit container (e.g., 4095 for m = 12-bit data stored in an n = 16-bit file, where the maximum DN is 65535.  


Sharpening (standard; not USM) is an Imatest (not a MATLAB) function, designed to maintain linearity.

This is a 2D version of the 1D sharpening method described in the Sharpening page. It was created when we were trying to determine if USM, which is implemented with the MATLAB imfilter function, is nonlinear (it is). It is also closer to typical camera sharpening than USM, which is more computationally intensive.

For sharpening radius R and amount A, define ksharp = A/(A+1). The filter kernel is a 2R+1×2R+1 matrix H (units of pixels), calculated by (1) setting each entry at a distance r from the center to H(r) = max(|R-r|,0), (2) setting H = H/∑H, then setting the entry at the center, H(R+1,R+1) = 1.

For a filter with Radius = 2, Amount = 3 (strongly sharpened), the 5×5 kernel is

-0.0092 -0.0409 -0.0535 -0.0409 -0.0092
-0.0409 -0.0222  0      -0.0222 -0.0409
-0.0535  0       1.0000  0      -0.0535
-0.0409 -0.0222  0      -0.0222 -0.0409
-0.0092 -0.0409 -0.0535 -0.0409 -0.0092

Ideally, standard sharping should be applied to linear (gamma = 1) images, at least when calculating information metrics, but we have observed it in a camera JPEG image that we simulated. Standard sharpening is a linear operation (as long as excessive sharpening doesn’t saturate the image). 


Image sensor noise 

This section summarizes how to measure image sensor noise to enter into the Simatest Noise block, described above. There is a detailed example in Simatest Examples and more background in Color/Tone/eSFR ISO Noise

For linear (non-HDR) image sensors, noise can be derived from the Digital number (pixel level DN) of the signal + noise at the image sensor.

DN = DNmeas – DNoff  where DNoff  is an offset frequently included in undemosaiced images.

Estimating DNoff , which is frequently present in undemosaiced raw files, requires some care, but doesn’t need to be precise to obtain a good estimate of noise. Simatest works with normalized signal amplitudes, A = DN/DNmax, where DNmax is the maximum digital number supported by the system. DNmax is often, but not always, 2(bit depth).

Expected Noise Voltage = σN = (kdark + kshot×A + kFPN×A2)1/2    — or —    

Expected Noise Power    = σN2 = kdark + kshot×A + kFPN×A2    for linear sensors

where kdarkkshot, and kFPN  are the coefficients for dark (read) noise, photon shot noise, and fixed pattern noise, respectively.

 kdarkkshot, and kFPN  are the key parameters of the Simatest image sensor noise model, which is a variant of the noise model in the EMVA 1288 standard for linear sensors, section 2.4. They are explained in detail in James R. Janesick, “Photon Transfer DN → λ”, SPIE Press, 2007, chapter 5.

Noise calculation steps

  1. Acquire an image of a grayscale test chart, preferably a transmissive chart designed for measuring dynamic range.
  2. Save the image in a raw (undemosaiced) format.
  3. Read the raw image into Color/Tone Interactive without demosaicing. (Color Tone Auto also works, but is less flexible.) For commercial raw files, the Bayer RAW 16-bit linear preset is recommended.  Details are given in Color/Tone/eSFR ISO Noise.
  4. Since the undemosaiced image has a monochrome format, the Standard monochrome or Bayer RAW? box will appear. Select the appropriate Pixel color mapping (Red in R1C1 (RG/GB), etc.) for the camera. (If the image contains recognizable color, you can open it in Rawview to find the mapping.) 
  5. Estimate the offset, DNoff , and saturation level, using methods detailed in Color/Tone/eSFR ISO Noise, and enter it into the Color/Tone Settings window (part of which is shown on the right). The values can often be found in the EXIF metadata (in the raw image, but not the JPEG), but the names are different for each manufacturer.
    DNoff , is always less than the lowest patch level, but can be larger than the lowest pixel level. If too large a value is entered, the response will be cut off (DN will be 0) for the darker patches. The numbers shown were obtained from the raw (CR2) file for the Canon EOS-6D full-frame 20.2 MP DSLR, which has a large pixel pitch of 6.5 μm.  Color/Tone Plots 10-12, which show noise and SNR as a function of pixel level, are of greatest interest. (These plots are only meaningful for raw images.) 

SNR (dB) vs. input pixel level for full-frame camera with 6.5 μm pixels

The numbers to enter into Simatest are shown in the line near the bottom starting with [dark+shot+FPN]. Referring to the Noise settings, above, enter Dark noise = 7.96e-8, Shot noise = 1.55e-5, and Fixed Pattern noise = 2.95e-5. 

More details of the calculation for finding dark noise and photon shot noise are in Simatest Examples and Color/Tone/eSFR ISO Noise.

Dark noise is actually a combination of several signal-independent noise sources, described in OnSemi Application Note AND9189/D. Electronic (Johnson) noise is proportional to (4kT)1/2.

Noise Plot 2 (S/N vs. input density) for the 6.5 μm-pixel EOS-6D, shown on the right, closely resembles the Photon Transfer Curve in the OnSemi App Note., where S/N ≅ Noise (electrons (e-)). Well capacity = {S/N)2max = 33882.  The selected noise plot is 2. S/N vs input density (RGBY). Measured and modeled results are compared in in Simatest Examples.

We expect to add more detail to the noise model in future releases.

Running Simatest

Read an input image file if it hasn’t been read in already. It doesn’t have to be a test chart; any pictorial image can be used. It doesn’t matter whether you read the image or update the settings first. Most types of image can be used, though as we indicated above, we don’t recommend highly processed JPEGs from consumer cameras.  

Batches of files  If several files are selected, they will be read, processed, and automatically saved in a batch using the stored settings. (Most outputs won’t be displayed, but of course you can open the saved files for examination.) The dialog box shown on the right will open after you select the files. Files named root_file_name.ext will be saved as root_file_nameext-simatest.png.

Before running a batch of images you should run a single image to be sure the settings are correct. Note that the batch calculations are not optimized for speed, so batch processing, which typically takes several seconds per image, is not suited for high volumes of images.

Update the settings,
as described above. It doesn’t matter whether this is done before or after reading the image. The input image and the processing blocks chosen in the settings window will appear.

Simatest input image

Process the image using Update calculations or another of of the buttons in the Calculation group (light blue box) on the left of the ISP simulator window. Here is a list of controls in the group.

Controls in the Calculate group (on the left of the image)
Update calculations Starting with the input image, process each block shown in the List box. Display the results when processing is complete. This is the most common calculation.
Input Restore the input image view.
Display results for 1s during updates (checkbox) Display the results for 1 second after each block when running Update calculations. Step through calculations is generally preferred.
Step through calculations Step through the calculations manually, pushing the button once for each block. Cumulative results are displayed.
Step & show single block Step through the calculations manually, pushing the button once for each block. Results for the current block-only (not the cumulative results) are displayed after each block.

After the image has been processed, the output image and the light green Analysis and view area below the image are displayed. Pressing View input or View processed just below the image (on the left) toggles between them. Because the two views are very similar, we show the more interesting side-by-side view, zoomed in to make the differences visible. 

Side-by-side view

The side-by-side view allows you to compare the input and processed images side-by-side, i.e., right next to each other. Click the Side-by-side view checkbox just below View input or View processed (below the image, to the left). When the box is first checked the two images are displayed in their entirety. If you crop one, the other will have the identical crop. This makes for meaningful comparisons.

Here is the ISP Simulator display for the 36-patch dynamic range chart image (cropped and shown in the Side-by-side view, input on the left; processed on the right). The input image is straight out of Test Charts. The processed image had had blur, noise, and sharpening added. 

Simatest side-by-side view. Input image on left; processed on right. Zoomed in (for display)


Several things can be done with the processed image.

You can try out different processing settings, and

  • immediately see their effect on visual image quality, using various image displays, especially the Side-by-side view,  or
  •  directly open the processed image in a 16/48 bit uint16 format in one of the following programs to obtain quantitative performance measurements.
    • Image Statistics for several types of analysis, including cross-sections, histograms, and Fourier transforms.
    • Rescharts  for MTF (SFR) and related analyses, depending on the chart type Useful for obtaining Image Information metrics, available for slanted edges and Siemens stars, which are of particular interest for predicting the performance of Machine Vision/Artificial Intelligence systems.
    • Color/Tone Interactive  tonal, noise, or dynamic range analysis for grayscale or color charts

Using Save processed image, you can save the processed in a file with the precision selected in the Settings window (16/48-bit is generally recommended), then read into Imatest modules for analysis. You can copy and paste using the clipboard, but we don’t recommend this because the imclipboard function only supports 8-bit file depth.

Key results from Color/Tone and Rescharts are shown in Simatest Examples.

Saving Bayer raw (remosaiced; undemosaiced) image files

By clicking File, Save pseudo-raw (undemosaiced) image, you can save the image in a synthetic Bayer RAW format or one of several other formats. The output can be a standard image file format or pure binary. A dialog box opens with a number of options. Note that Bayer (Re)mosaic and Demosaic are available as ISP processing blocks.

Mosaicing or channel selection  None (Normal color file output), Remosaic (Bayer format), RCCC (Red-Clear-Clear-Clear): R bright, RCCC (Red-Clear-Clear-Clear): R = C/3, Monochrome (Y = luminance), Monochrome (mean: equal weights), Red, Green, Blue. For remosaicing (creating Bayer RAW files), Remosaic (Bayer format) would be selected.

Red in RmCn  lets you select one of the four Bayer configurations.

Gamma adjust  lets you adjust the gamma of the output curve. Keep it at 1 for no change. Use 2 (or 2.2) to go from a typical color space gamma to linear (gamma = 1).

Save file format  lets you select a standard image file format (PNG, JPG (90% quality), TIF (large), BMP, Binary 8-bit, or Binary 16-bit. The binary files can be read into Generalized Read Raw.

Green channel emphasis  lets you emphasize the green channel so that the synthetic RAW image resembles actual raw images, which typically are strongest in green. Several Blue/Red levels are available.

When you select Save, a dialog box lets you select the location and file name. The default is root_file_name_png (with the selected extension).

Controls at the bottom of the Simatest window

The  Analysis and view (light green)  box is listed separately, below. Controls are from left-to-right in column-major order. The View image/processed and Side-by-side view buttons have already been described. 

Settings near the bottom of the Simatest window. Frequently used settings are shown in boldface.
Save processed image Save the processed file with the bit depth specified in the light green box at the lower-right of the Settings window. Frequently used.
Image statistics Open the image in the Image Statistics module, which can perform cross-section, histogram, and Fourier Transform analysis — and more.
Help Open the online Help window. 
also save settings (checkbox) Save settings along with the processed image file.
Read image file (2) Read a second image file (into im_processed) for comparison with the original file (which remains in im_input).
Proc img > clipbd Copy the processed image to the clipboard. Unfortunately limited to bit depth.
Zoom out Zoom the image out (display the entire image). This can be helpful when the side-by-side display has framing issues. 
Zoom to crop Ths refers to the Crop function in the light green Analysis and View box, described below, which is used for  the MTF and SSIM measurements. This button lets you zoom to the crop. You can also use standard click-and-drag to zoom into the image for display-only without affecting the MTF calculation.
Processed > input Move the processed image to the input so that analysis start with the new (formerly processed) image. 
Save screen View and/or save the screen. An image viewer must be specified.
Save settings Save the current settings in the standard imatest-v2.ini file. Settings can be saved in a named file from the Settings window.
Exit Bye!


Utilities and dropdown menus

Several of the utilities in the dropdown menus at the top of the ISP Simulator window are are duplicates of buttons in the window (intentional redundancy).

Utilities in the dropdown menus
Dropdown Name Description
File Display and/or Save screen Display the screen in an image viewer (Irfanview recommended) and optionally save it. This function is in several interactive modules.
  Save image Save the processed image. Normally images will be saved in full precision (except if 8-bit max (below) is checked).
  Save pseudo-raw/remosaiced image Save the image in a pseudo-raw (remosaiced) or special format, including Bayer, RCCC, or specific channel can be selected. Many options. See Synthetic RAW images.
  Save image as monochrome Save the image (which may be color) as a monochrome image.
  Save image as HDR Save the image in HDR (High Dynamic Range) format
  Swap Endian (16, 32-bit input) Swap the order of bytes within pixels (useful in rare instances where they are incorrect)
  Save image files with 8-bit max precision Unchecked (off) by default. If set, images will be saved in 8-bit precision. (This should normally be unchecked).
  Save image as HDR Save the image in HDR (High Dynamic Range) format
View Colorbar (grayscale or color) Grayscale or color: Used in SSIM and PSNR displays. The colors in the color bar can be changed in Options II.
  Crop Lets you select a crop for image analysis operations (MTF, SSIM, etc.) Same as the Crop button in the Analysis and View area.
  MTF log axes Toggle the MTF display between linear and logarithmic axes.
Analysis Most functions duplicate buttons in the Analysis and View section, but there are several additions.
  Image Statistics Call the Image Statistics module for viewing image statistics such as histograms and cross-section profiles.
  Radial Geometry Send the processed image to the Radial Geometry module, which can return a further processed image with added or corrected optical distortion, lateral chromatic aberration, and/or rotation.
  OCR Optical Character Recognition using Matlab’s OCR function
  Detect faces Uses the Matlab CAMShift routine, described below.
  Detect people Uses the Matlab detectPeopleACF routine, described below. Less effective than Face detection.
Help Open web pages with descriptions of various ISP Simulation blocks.

Analysis and view controls (in the  light green box  near the bottom of the Simatest window)

The display is controlled by buttons below the image or by the Analysis dropdown menu. You can choose between a visual display of the Input or Processed image or a calculated display (an analysis comparing the input and processed images).

Results display summary: Selected by buttons below the image or Analysis dropdown menu
Rescharts MTF (SFR) and other types of analysis of the processed image, depending on the chart type.
Color/Tone (Interactive) Tonal, noise, or dynamic range analysis for grayscale or color charts in the processed image.
MTF Display the MTF of the processed / input image as a function of spatial frequency. Sensitive to cropping.
MTFnn Display a polar plot of MTF70-MTF10 of the processed / input image (spatial frequencies where MTF is nn% of low frequency value).
MTFnnP Display a polar plot of MTF70P-MTF10P of the processed / input image (spatial frequencies where MTF is nn% of peak value).
SSIM Display the Structural Similarity Index, of the processed & input images, which is discussed in detail on the page for the SSIM module. Better correlated to visual differences (degradations) than PSNR.
PSNR & DIff Display the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio and the difference between the processed and input images.
OCR Optical Character Recognition results for the processed image using Matlab’s OCR function
Crop Crops the image for calculations (SSIM, PSNR, and MTF) as well as display. Opens the standard Imatest coarse and fine crop windows. This approach affects calculations such as the MTF curves (which are image-dependent) or the mean SSIM calculation (though the detailed SSIM plot is unaffected). Pressing the Crop button enables the Zoom to crop buttons below the Crop button. To remove the crop, press the Crop button and select the entire image.
Detect faces Face detection results using the Matlab CAMShift routine.
Detect people People detection results using the Matlab detectPeopleACF routine, described below. Less effective than Face detection.


Analysis & view region at the bottom of the Simatest window

The View input button on the left, just below the image, toggles between View input (when the processed image is selected) and View processed (when the input image is selected). This enables rapid visual comparison of the two images. though the side-by-side view (show above) is even better. The amount of zoom is preserved when you switch images. Image statistics, Rescharts, and Color/Tone (interactive) send the processed image directly to the corresponding analysis module (no file save needed). Most of the other buttons in this area display calculated results.

SSIM displays the Structural Similarity Index, which is discussed in detail on the page for the SSIM module. It’s primary use is in measuring the visible effects (i.e., degradation) of image compression from saving files (for example, JPEGs of varying quality) and from data transmission.

MTF (Modulation Transfer Function; equivalent to Spatial Frequency Response) calculates the transfer function between the Processed and Input images using a 2D Fourier transform similar to the calculation in the Random module, but with one caveat. Noise should not be added to the simulation if a valid MTF result is required because the 2D MTF calculation is extremely sensitive to noise.

MTF for Gaussian-filtered image with Unsharp Masking

The high frequency rolloff is caused by the Gaussian filter.

You can see the MTF for Unsharp Mask (USM)-only (in this case with Radius = 1.5 and Amount = 2.5) by removing Noise and Filter (Gaussian)  in the Simatest settings, then pressing Update calculations. Unsharp Masking has a different spectral response from the standard sharpening described in the Sharpening page: It’s response is not cyclic. It rises to an asymptotic level of Amount+1 and stays high. You can compare both sharpening algorithms with Simatest. This image of a spilled coins chart with a large gray surround had relatively low noise. Some images were much noisier.

This is a good example of how the Simatest can be used to explore the effects of processing blocks on both appearance and measurements.

MTF for USM (Unsharp Mask: Radius = 1.5; Amount = 2.5)


Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

OCR has been added in Imatest 5.0, using Matlab’s OCR function, which is an implementation of Tesseract-OCR. To use it,

  • Read an image containing text of interest.
  • Process the image if required. Processing can consist of image degradations (such as blur, noise, etc.) to see how they affect detection or image enhancements (unsharp mask, bilateral filtering, etc.) to see if detection can be improved.
  • Crop the image to the text region (strongly recommended if significant areas contain features other than text), then
  • Click OCR.

This opens the OCR window and performs a text recognition operation on the crop of the image. Results for the sample image on the right (mildly degraded with Noise (gaussian) = 0.002; Gaussian filter 2 = 0.7) are shown below. You can download this image and experiment with to see how various degradations and enhancements affect OCR performance.

Be forewarned. Matlab’s OCR performance is not impressive. Text that appears to be quite readable does not do well, especially for font sizes under 12 points. Performance is comparable to several free or low-cost OCR programs such as gImageReader (a GUI front-end for Tesseract-ocr) and TopOCR.


Sample image: Click for a
full-sized version that can be downloaded.

The left side sample image consists a set of characters (QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890) of different sizes ranging from 20 to 7 points in normal, bold, and negative bold Calibri font. These are characters used in automotive license plates. The file (here) was created in Microsoft Word. The remainder of the image is a portion of the Enhanced eSFR ISO chart, with wedges and two high contrast squares. These can be used to correlate MTF measurements with OCR performance.

OCR window, showing results for mildly-degraded crop of the sample image

OCR Settings

Character Subset  Results can be improved by entering a character subset to limit the valid output characters (all characters are allowed if Character Subset is blank), then pressing CALCULATE OCR. For the sample image, the subset consists of Latin capital letters and numbers (typical of automobile license places). It makes only a small improvement.


Standard OCR does not work very well with license plates. Several license plate detection routines are available in the Matlab File Exchange. We may add one or two if they work well and the license allows.

Display  Text (shown) is the default. You can also select Confidence & words, which shows the Word Confidence and individual word. Here are a few lines from the display.

0.9018   18
0.8339   16
0.8254   14
0.7784   12
0.6549   11
0.6276   uwEuHu\onAsur:.r<n<.zxn’aNM:23-4ss7s9u
0.7658   m

Copy to clipboard  You can copy the current display into the clipboard for use in text editors or other applications.

Save results  saves the current display.

Variable or fixed width font can be selected in the Settings dropdown menu.

Face and People detection

Face and people detection can be called from the Analysis dropdown menu. Both currently use the Matlab default settings. (We may add an options window in the future.) See

Face Detection and Tracking Using CAMShift  and  detectPeopleACF

Face detection works somewhat better than people detection. Here is an example, using an image shamelessly stolen from The soggy author of Imatest is on the left. Click Update Calculations to remove the annotations (to reset the image).

Example of Face Detection (a younger, wet, and happy Imatest author on the left)

Face detection works pretty well much of the time, but seriously… How can you miss Paul and John?

Resources Most of these require a significant programming effort.

Ansys SPEOS simulator Uses Zemax output.

Synopsys ImSym 

ISET from Stanford  Open source image processing functions that require significant programming skill

Infinite ISP documentation – from 10xEngineers