Contrast Resolution chart and analysis

Related pages Dynamic Range  a comprehensive introduction: strongly affected by flare light. Veiling glare (lens flare)  describes several measurement techniques, including the new Contrast Resolution method. Making Dynamic Range Measurements Robust Against Flare Light   Introduction Introduction – Background – The Contrast Resolution chart – Photographing & analyzing – Tonal response and SNR – Visualization – Analysis – Contrast Resolution Dynamic Range – Tone mapped results – Flare Mask & two-image measurement – Summary – Verification – References  This page describes the Imatest Contrast Resolution chart and analysis (supported by Imatest 5.0+), which is designed to measure the visibility of low contrast […]

Imatest Instructions – Getting started

Imatest software can measure a great many digital camera image quality factors from test chart images. If you’re just getting started we recommend that you explore: Image Quality factors page and IQ Testing for Beginners. The two most popular charts types/analysis modules are SFRplus and eSFR ISO, These allow users to measure a great many image quality factors from single test chart images.  Other modules and charts let you meet a wide variety of testing challenges.   Links to Content on this page: The Imatest workflow – Download & trial – Questions – Interactive vs. Fixed modules  Selecting the chart […]

Main Window (classic mode)

The Imatest Classic main window is the heart of Imatest Master: it’s where you open the analysis and utility modules. It’s complex but powerful. It consists of several well-populated dropdown menus, two columns of buttons (fixed and interactive analysis modules), and a tabbed area where you can select Utility, Data, and Help tabs. Imatest main window The contents of the three tabs on the right, Utility, Data, and Help , are shown in the right three columns of the table below, which has a similar structure as the Imatest main window. Map of Imatest main window, with links to instructions […]

Color/Tone & eSFR ISO noise measurements

including raw (image sensor), chroma, and visual noise as well as several types of Dynamic Range calculation News– 2021: Using images of noise to estimate image processing behavior for image quality evaluation  was presented at Electronic Imaging 2021. Noise can be measured anywhere in an image– on edges, etc.– if multiple identical images are acquired. This will lead to some interesting applications. Imatest 5.2: Multicharts (the highly interactive module for measuring color accuracy, tonal response, and noise) has been renamed to Color/Tone Setup, and Multitest (the fixed/batch-capable version of Multicharts) has been renamed to Color/Tone Auto. For now the old […]

Checkerboard INI file reference

For more information on how to use INI files in Imatest IT, we recommend the Imatest INI File Reference This document was created by running checkerboard in Imatest 5.2.0. ALPHA on 30-May-2019 22:57:20. For Imatest IT, most of these entries don’t need to be entered. Many don’t affect Imatest IT results: they control interactive figure displays or figure output formats (figures are often not used in Imatest IT). Background Meaning Yellow Yellow background: Important to Imatest IT. Parameter and Description are in boldface. [IT] Cyan Cyan background: Figure settings. (Figures are used infrequently for IT.) [f] Gray Gray background: For […]

Chart Quality Calculator

Imatest lets you use the measured test chart modulation transfer function (MTF) to Determine the suitability of a test chart, which is characterized by size (height), print media, and printing technology, for camera MTF measurements where the camera is characterized by the number of vertical pixels. This can help determine whether a test chart is appropriate for a specific application.  Increase the accuracy of MTF measurements by dividing the measured camera MTF by the chart MTF projected on the image sensor. This is equivalent to deconvolution in spatial domain. This technique is described in Compensating camera MTF measurements for chart and […]

Checkerboard instructions, Part 1

Obtain and photograph chart –  Lighting – Distance – Exposure – Tips – Links Imatest Checkerboard performs highly automated measurements of sharpness (expressed as Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), Lateral Chromatic Aberration, and optical distortion from images of checkerboard patterns (with a recommended tilt angle of ~5-8 degrees for sharpness measurements). The primary advantages of Checkerboard are: Compared to Imatest’s other automatically-detected sharpness modules:  It is relatively insensitive to framing. You can zoom in or out as much as you like, as long as there are detectable corner features.  Compared to the Distortion (legacy) module:  It works with highly-distorted (fisheye lens) images. Calculations are more accurate, and it contains all results […]

Chromatic Aberration AKA Color fringing

Introduction  |  Measurement  |  Modules  |  Demosaicing Purple fringing – CA correction for non-tangential edges Introduction Chromatic aberration (CA) is one of several aberrations that degrade lens performance. (Others include coma, astigmatism, spherical aberration, and curvature of field.) It occurs because the index of refraction of glass varies with the wavelength of light, i.e., glass bends different colors by different amounts. This phenomenon is called dispersion. It appears as color fringing, most visibly on tangential edges near the boundaries of the image. It is sometimes confused with another effect, which we call pixel shift— a color channel offset that is […]

Chart Quality Index (CQI) (deprecated)

Imatest 5.1 has important new capabilities for measuring and correcting MTF degradation caused by test charts. These new capabilities are far easier to understand and apply than CQI. Chart quality calculator Compensating camera MTF measurements for chart and sensor MTF As a result of the improved measurements, the Chart Quality Index measurement has been deprecated. The Chart Finder is an interactive web page that can help you select the appropriate chart size and media. It contains results from this page, but without the math. Summary In order to determine the suitability of a test chart is for measuring the performance of a […]


Postprocessor for viewing summaries of SFR, SFRplus, eSFR ISO, or Checkerboard results Introduction to Batchview Batchview is a postprocessor for displaying lens test results generated by SFR, SFRplus, eSFR ISO, or Checkerboard batch runs (analyses of groups of test chart images taken at various apertures, focal lengths, etc.). It can store and display up to four sets of results for convenient comparisons in Imatest Master; two in Studio. Postprocessor comparison Each lets you compare sharpness of different regions and/or images MTF Compare Postprocessor to SFR, SFRplus, and eSFR ISO, and Checkerboard. Input is two CSV results files for individual regions. […]

Autofocus Speed

Imatest 4.4+ can evaluate auto-focus (AF) as a measure of MTF with respect to time. This can be performed by using the SFR module with an appropriate video file. Related pages Auto Exposure in Stepchart Autofocus Speed in SFR Auto White balance in Colorcheck Uses/Purpose This metric is intended to be used as a way to measure the time a camera system takes to auto-focus. Rise time and settling time are automatically calculated. This measurement does not provide information about the accuracy or precision of auto-focus. To evaluate those measures, several measurements should be performed on the final, settled images and compared. File […]

Arbitrary Charts

Analyses & Output – INI settings – Chart Definition Files – Chart Definition Utility   Combine all the features you need to analyze into a single chart Introduction The Imatest™ Arbitrary Charts module analyzes images of custom test charts. A chart-definition file (typically user defined) is needed to describe the chart layout to Imatest software. The Arbitrary Charts module will automatically locate and analyze target features when an observed image of a chart is loaded along with the corresponding definition file.    This module allows users to get a number of measurements out of custom, legacy, or competitors’ charts which are unsupported […]

Acutance and SQF (Subjective Quality Factor)

Introduction to Acutance and SQF   Acutance and Subjective Quality Factor (SQF) are measures of perceived print or display sharpness. SQF was used for years in the photographic industry but has remained unfamiliar to most photographers. Acutance is a relatively new measurement from the IEEE Camera Phone Image Quality (CPIQ) group. Both are metrics which incorporate the effects of The imaging system: The Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) of the camera as a measurement of its intrinsic sharpness. The viewer: The human eye’s sensitivity to each spatial frequency modeled with a Contrast Sensitivity Function (CSF). The viewing conditions: The image display height […]

Documentation – Previous v2021.2

View Release Notes     For beginners: We recommend these web pages for getting started: Introduction to the new Imatest Main Window (New in 2021.2) Image Quality Factors and Using Imatest – Getting started. VIDEOS– Online training – Consulting – News   Index of the Table of Contents Offline documentation Download the website for offline view (with a web browser) Image Quality  IQ factors (KPIs) measured by Imatest, with links to detailed descriptions and instructions. Sharpness  Introductions to sharpness and sharpening; comparisons of different charts; chart quality limitations & how to overcome them Other IQ factors  Noise, SNR, Temporal noise, […]

Test plan reference: Slanted-edge modules

This document contains reference data intended to help Imatest users implement test plans that include automatically-detected slanted-edge modules. It describes the most important JSON results, which can be used for Pass/Fail criteria, as well as the key settings needed to get these results.Settings windows and recommended settings Settings for slanted-edge modules Slanted-edge modules can be run in either Setup (interactive) or Auto (batch-capable) mode. You can make settings in Setup mode; Auto mode uses saved settings from Setup mode.  When you run one of  the four auto-detection slanted-edge SFR modules (eSFR ISO, SFRplus, Checkerboard, and SFRreg) in Setup mode, the […]

Gamma, Tonal Response Curve, and related concepts

Introduction – Encoding vs. Display gamma – Why logarithms?  How gamma-encoding increases dynamic range – Expected gamma values –  Entering gamma into Imatest  Gamma and MTF – The effects of gamma errors on MTF  Which patches are used to calculate gamma? – Why gamma ≅ 2.2? – Why are raw-converted images often dark?  Tone mapping – Contrast definitions: Ratio, Weber, Michelson – Logarithmic color spaces – Monitor gamma  Introduction In this post we discuss a number of concepts related to tonal response and gamma that are scattered around the Imatest website, making them hard to find. We’re putting them together here in […]

Using images of noise to estimate image processing behavior for image quality evaluation

In the 2021 Electronic Imaging conference (held virtually) we presented a paper that introduced the concept of the noise image, based on the understanding that since noise varies over the image surface, noise itself forms an image, and hence can be measured anywhere, not just in flat patches. You can download the full paper (in the original PDF format) here.

Comparing sharpness in cameras with different pixel count

Introduction – Spatial frequency units – Summary metrics – Sharpening  Example – Summary Introduction: The question We frequently receive questions that go something like, “How can you compare the sharpness of images taken with different cameras that have different resolutions (total pixel count) and physical pixel size (pitch or spacing)?” The quick answer is that it depends on the application. Are you interested in the sharpness of the image over the whole sensor (typical of most pictorial photography— landscape, family, pets, etc.)? We call these applications image-centric. Do you need to measure details of specific objects (typical for medical imaging […]

SFRreg Charts for Imatest LED Light Sources

The SFRreg test charts are available Pre-Mounted for use with Imatest LED Light Sources. This chart consists of a slanted-edge quadrant pattern enclosed within a circle. It is used for measuring MTF and lateral chromatic aberration. A test image typically contains several targets that are automatically detected and analyzed by Imatest. Learn more about using SFRreg Patterns within Imatest.

Using direct image acquisition

Direct image acquisition allows images to be captured directly from a variety of devices without first being stored as files. It has several important applications. Introduction – Direct data reload for realtime analysis – Signal averaging By continuously reloading images, it can be used for realtime (or near-realtime) image analysis, where “realtime” means that analysis appears to be instant in the timeframe of human perception. It is especially valuable for focusing with slanted-edges (which can be analyzed faster than other MTF patterns) or with cropped areas of arbitrary images.   It is very useful for signal averaging — a technique […]