Arbitrary Charts Analyses and Output

Analyses & Output – INI settings – Chart Definition Files – Chart Definition Utility   Data outputs from the Arbitrary Charts Module are different from other modules in Imatest: Only JSON files are output, not CSV or XML. The structure of JSON is substantially different than other modules.  If several images are run in a batch, results from all images may be contained in a single JSON. Since the Arbitrary Charts Module is based on the concept of a custom layout of features, there is no fixed structure to the measurement results that the Module produces. Instead, the module simply produces […]

Imatest IT Instructions

Introduction Watch on YouTube. Imatest IT (Industrial Testing) is a set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that allow developers to access Imatest’s powerful image quality analysis tools in their own custom applications. Imatest IT is available for 64-bit Windows and Linux, and includes libraries for use with C, C++, Python, .NET (including C# and Visual Basic), and LabVIEW, and also contains standalone executables that can be called from a command line or script. The API libraries perform the exact same calculations as the corresponding GUI-based Imatest Master modules. Imatest IT is a complete package that includes the module libraries, support […]

Contrast Resolution chart and analysis

Introduction Introduction – Background – The Contrast Resolution chart – Photographing & analyzing – Tonal response and SNR – Visualization – Analysis – Contrast Resolution Dynamic Range – Tone mapped results – Summary – Verification This page describes the Imatest Contrast Resolution chart and analysis (supported by Imatest 5.0+), which is designed to measure the visibility of low contrast objects in larger fields over a wide range of brightness. These measurements are expressed as the Contrast Resolution Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNRCR) and Dynamic Range (DRCR). They are of particular interest to the automotive and security industries. This method of dynamic range measurement was inspired […]

Texture Analysis ( Random-Cross) Method

Introduction: Starting in version 4.5, Imatest is capable of performing the cross-correlation based texture blur measurement which is under consideration for ISO 19567-2: Texture Analysis on Stochastic Pattern. This is a texture-blur-analysis method originally proposed in Description of texture loss using the dead leaves target: Current issues and a new intrinsic approach by Kirk et al at Image Engineering.  This method starts from the same principles as the so-called “Direct” method of Cao et al which is the Power Spectral Density-based method described on the Random Module page. The main difference is the Direct method makes use of assumed statistical properties […]

Imatest IT/.NET Instructions

How Imatest IT/.NET works Imatest IT/.NET (Industrial Testing .NET) is a Microsoft .NET Framework library that allows developers to access Imatest‘s powerful image quality analysis tools via calls to methods residing in a .NET DLL library. The library methods perform the same calculations as the corresponding GUI-based Imatest Master modules.  Imatest IT/.NET is compatible with .NET Framework versions 4.5 and higher.  Fourteen modules are available: SFR   SFRplus   Star Colorcheck   Stepchart   Wedge Uniformity (Light Falloff)   Distortion   eSFR ISO Blemish   Dot Pattern   Multitest OIS   Random     Imatest IT/.NET is a complete package that includes the module libraries, […]

Autofocus Speed

Imatest 4.4+ can evaluate auto-focus (AF) as a measure of MTF with respect to time. This can be performed by using the SFR module with an appropriate video file. Uses/Purpose This metric is intended to be used as a way to measure the time a camera system takes to auto-focus. Rise time and settling time are automatically calculated. This measurement does not provide information about the accuracy or precision of auto-focus. To evaluate those measures, several measurements should be performed on the final, settled images and compared. File Selection and Frame Selection Begin by clicking on SFR from the main window and select a […]

Image Processing

Operation – Image processing blocks – Displays and analysis – Remosaicing – Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Face and People Detection The Imatest Image Processing module, introduced in Imatest 4.4 and significantly enhanced in 4.5 and 5.0, simulates a number of image processing operations, including image degradations such as noise and blurring as well as image enhancements such as applying a Color Correction Matrix, tone mapping (used in High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging), Unsharp Masking (USM), and bilateral filtering. You can instantly observe the visible effects of these operations by switching between unprocessed and processed images. You can see how processing affects several measurements, including […]

IEEE Camera Phone Image Quality (CPIQ) Support

  This page describes details about the implementation of our CPIQ Solution.   For additional details about the initiative, see this presentation assembled by former committee chair Margaret Belska.   Imatest’s CPIQ Implementation Imatest 4.4+  supports IEEE CPIQ P1858TM (Camera Phone Image Quality) 2016 measurements. As members of CPIQ, we are strongly committed to providing convenient CPIQ-compliant and equivalent image quality measurements. NOTE: You should use at least Imatest 4.4.9 for the latest corrections to visual noise calculations. This page has similar order to chapters the CPIQ Standard, “P1858TM/D1 Standard for Camera Phone Image Quality“ document. The first four chapters […]

Temporal Analysis of Video Files

Overview Starting in Imatest 4.4, it is possible to perform basic analysis of a video system’s ability to auto focus (AF), auto white balance (AWB) or auto expose an image (AE). Combined, these three tests may be referred to as AAA analysis. Currently, temporal analysis is only compatible with the following modules: Auto Focus: SFR Auto White Balance: Colorcheck Auto Exposure: Stepchart When you select one of these modules and read a video file, the fourth option in the Imatest Video Reader, plot metric with respect to time, will be made available. Selecting this option begins the appropriate setup for […]

Imatest IT Modules & Tests

Test Item   Imatest Module

Using Checkerboard, Part 3: Results

Imatest Checkerboard performs highly automated measurements of sharpness (expressed as Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), also known as Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)), Lateral Chromatic Aberration, and optical distortion from images of checkerboard patterns (with a recommended tilt angle of 2-7 degrees). The primary advantage of Checkerboard (as compared to Imatest’s other automatically-detected modules) is that it is relatively insensitive to framing. You can zoom in our out as much as you like, as long as there are detectable corner features.  This document illustrates Checkerboard results. Part 1 introduced Checkerboard and explained how to obtain and photograph the chart. Part 2 showed […]

Using Checkerboard, Part 2: Running Checkerboard

Running Checkerboard (Interactive and Auto mode settings) Imatest Checkerboard performs highly automated measurements of sharpness (expressed as Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), also known as Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)), Lateral Chromatic Aberration , and optical distortion from tilted checkerboard images.The primary advantage of Checkerboard is that the field of view, i.e., the framing, does not need to be tied to the chart size (as it does with SFRplus and eSFR ISO). You can zoom in as much as you want as long as there are sufficient edges to analyze, and you can zoom out as far as you want (though the […]

Checkerboard instructions, Part 1

Imatest Checkerboard performs highly automated measurements of sharpness (expressed as Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), Lateral Chromatic Aberration, and optical distortion from images of checkerboard patterns (with a recommended tilt angle of ~5-8 degrees for sharpness measurements). The primary advantages of Checkerboard are: Compared to Imatest’s other automatically-detected sharpness modules:  It is relatively insensitive to framing. You can zoom in or out as much as you like, as long as there are detectable corner features.  Compared to the Distortion (legacy) module:  It works with highly-distorted (fisheye lens) images. Calculations are more accurate, and it contains all results available in Distortion. The […]

Imatest Educational Apps

Introduced in Imatest 4.2, the Imatest Educational Apps serve to demonstrate mathematical concepts that directly relate to the understanding of image quality factors. The Imatest Educational Apps demonstrate Nyquist sampling theorem, the decomposition of an image’s Fourier transform, the Modulation Transfer Function of a slanted edge, chromatic aberration and signal to noise ratio (SNR). As an educational resource, this utility is available through the main window of your Imatest software. To access the Imatest Educational Apps, go to the Imatest main window and select Help, then Educational Apps…. A Welcome splash screen will open by default. Select the tabs across […]

Using SFRreg, Part 3: Results

Imatest SFRreg performs highly automated measurements of sharpness (expressed as Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), also known as Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)) and Lateral Chromatic Aberration from images that contain registration mark patterns (circles that contain two light and two dark quadrants). This document illustrates SFRreg results. Part 1 introduced SFRreg and explained how to obtain and photograph the chart. Part 2 showed how to run SFRreg inside Rescharts and how to save settings for automated runs.   SFRreg results When calculations are complete, results are displayed in the Rescharts window, which allows a number of displays to be selected. The following […]

Using SFRreg, Part 2: Running SFRreg

Running SFRreg (Interactive and Auto mode settings) Setup window – ROI numbering – More settings – SFRreg target detection Auto mode settings – Warnings – Summary Imatest SFRreg performs highly automated measurements of sharpness (expressed as Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), also known as Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)) and Lateral Chromatic Aberration from images that contain registration mark patterns (circles that contain two light and two dark quadrants). This document shows how to run SFRreg in Rescharts and how to save settings for automated runs. Part 1 introduced SFRreg and explained how to obtain and photograph the chart. Part 3 illustrates the […]

Using SFRreg Part I

Imatest SFRreg performs highly automated measurements of sharpness (expressed as Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), also known as Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)) and Lateral Chromatic Aberration from images that contain registration mark patterns (circles with two light and two dark quadrants). Unlike standard test charts, these patterns do not need to be located on a flat (planar) surface. Since Region of Interest (ROI) detection is automatic, they may be positioned where needed. Depending on the image source, they offer several advantages. You can Test images at infinity distance (or any distance of choice) using a compact projection system such as a collimator […]

Managing Supply Chain Image Quality with Imatest

Published January 30 2015 By Henry Koren, with contributions by Norman Koren. Edited by Matthew Donato, Jackson Roland and Ty Cumby. Table of Contents 1. Introduction The quality of imaging systems in mobile devices plays an increasingly important role in consumer purchasing decisions. A mobile device that fails to deliver acceptable quality images can have an adverse effect on the consumer’s brand loyalty, whether or not the customer has returned it. Unless proper care is taken, raising camera quality standards can reduce manufacturing yield. This could damage a supplier’s profitability as well as endanger their ability to deliver the required […]

Slanted-Edge versus Siemens Star, Part 2

A comparison of sensitivity to signal processing: Results for additional cameras This page contains additional Slanted-edge, Siemens Star, and Log F-Contrast results for four cameras, in support of claims in Slanted-edge versus Siemens Star that Siemens Star MTF measurements are nearly as sensitive to sharpening as low-contrast (4:1) slanted-edge measurements. The Siemens Star’s high contrast (specified at >50:1) makes it quite sensitive to saturation and to “shoulders” (regions of reduced contrast) in camera tonal response. Slanted-edge MTF measurements are stable, reliable, and more representative of perceived image sharpness under a wide range of conditions (in addition to their many well-known […]

Slanted-Edge versus Siemens Star

A comparison of sensitivity to signal processing In this page we address concerns about the sensitivity of slanted-edge patterns to signal processing, especially sharpening, and we correct the misconception that sinusoidal patterns, such as the Siemens star, are insensitive to sharpening, and hence provide more robust and stable MTF measurements. The Siemens Star is of particular interest because, along with the slanted-edge, it is included in the ISO 12233:2014 standard.  To summarize our results, we found that sinusoidal patterns are sensitive to sharpening, though often less so than low contrast (4:1) slanted-edges. The relatively high contrast of the Siemens Star […]