Arbitrary Charts

Analyses & Output – INI settings – Chart Definition Files – Chart Definition Utility   Combine all the features you need to analyze into a single chart Introduction The Imatest™ Arbitrary Charts module analyzes images of custom test charts. A chart-definition file (typically user defined) is needed to describe the chart layout to Imatest software. The Arbitrary Charts module will automatically locate and analyze target features when an observed image of a chart is loaded along with the corresponding definition file.    This module allows users to get a number of measurements out of custom, legacy, or competitors’ charts which are unsupported […]

Using Test Charts

Create test charts for high quality inkjet printers     Test Charts creates test chart files for printing on high quality photographic inkjet printers. If you plan to print charts using this module, you should be skilled at fine printing and have a knowledge of color management to obtain optimum chart quality; otherwise we recommend purchasing charts at the Imatest Store. Disclaimer: Although we sell many of the charts generated by the Imatest Test Charts module, several variations are not available because (A) it’s impractical for us to stock all charts, and (B) not all charts are equally useful. If […]

SVG Test Charts

Test Charts creates test chart files for printing on high quality inkjet printers. This page focuses on Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) charts, most of which are used for measuring sharpness (MTF) with Imatest SFR and SFRplus. (Bitmap charts are described elsewhere.) SVG charts can be printed any size at a printer’s maximum quality (i.e., resolution) with no limitations, and they generally require much less storage than bitmap images. The SVG charts designed for automated testing with SFRplus have numerous advantages over the widely-used (pre-2012) ISO 12233 chart. Most of these charts are available through the Imatest Store. We do not […]

Using Screen Patterns

Monitor patterns for Light Falloff, SFR, Distortion, and monitor calibration Introduction Screen Patterns displays a variety of test patterns on monitors, preferably on LCD flat screen monitors. It may become more useful as cost-effective ultra-high resolution (4k+) monitors become available. It is opened by clicking on Screen Patterns on the right of the Imatest main window. Most patterns (except perhaps Monitor calibration) perform best with the window maximized. You may need to redraw the pattern after maximizing (or resizing) it by selecting the pattern or changing one of the settings. These patterns are offered as a convenient alternative to the […]

Imatest Educational Apps

Introduced in Imatest 4.2, the Imatest Educational Apps serve to demonstrate mathematical concepts that directly relate to the understanding of image quality factors. The Imatest Educational Apps demonstrate Nyquist sampling theorem, the decomposition of an image’s Fourier transform, the Modulation Transfer Function of a slanted edge, chromatic aberration and signal to noise ratio (SNR). As an educational resource, this utility is available through the main window of your Imatest software. To access the Imatest Educational Apps, go to the Imatest main window and select Help, then Educational Apps…. A Welcome splash screen will open by default. Select the tabs across […]

Managing Supply Chain Image Quality with Imatest

Published January 30 2015 By Henry Koren, with contributions by Norman Koren. Edited by Matthew Donato, Jackson Roland and Ty Cumby. Table of Contents 1. Introduction The quality of imaging systems in mobile devices plays an increasingly important role in consumer purchasing decisions. A mobile device that fails to deliver acceptable quality images can have an adverse effect on the consumer’s brand loyalty, whether or not the customer has returned it. Unless proper care is taken, raising camera quality standards can reduce manufacturing yield. This could damage a supplier’s profitability as well as endanger their ability to deliver the required […]

Imatest IT Instructions

Introduction Watch on YouTube. Imatest IT (Industrial Testing) is a set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that allow developers to access Imatest’s powerful image quality analysis tools in their own custom applications. Imatest IT is available for 64-bit Windows and Linux, and includes libraries for use with C, C++, Python, .NET (including C# and Visual Basic), and LabVIEW, and also contains standalone executables that can be called from a command line or script. The API libraries perform the exact same calculations as the corresponding GUI-based Imatest Master modules. Imatest IT is a complete package that includes the module libraries, support […]

Using Checkerboard, Part 2: Running Checkerboard

Running Checkerboard (Interactive and Auto mode settings) Imatest Checkerboard performs highly automated measurements of sharpness (expressed as Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), also known as Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)), Lateral Chromatic Aberration , and optical distortion from tilted checkerboard images.The primary advantage of Checkerboard is that the field of view, i.e., the framing, does not need to be tied to the chart size (as it does with SFRplus and eSFR ISO). You can zoom in as much as you want as long as there are sufficient edges to analyze, and you can zoom out as far as you want (though the […]

Using Checkerboard, Part 3: Results

Imatest Checkerboard performs highly automated measurements of sharpness (expressed as Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), also known as Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)), Lateral Chromatic Aberration, and optical distortion from images of checkerboard patterns (with a recommended tilt angle of 2-7 degrees). The primary advantage of Checkerboard (as compared to Imatest’s other automatically-detected modules) is that it is relatively insensitive to framing. You can zoom in our out as much as you like, as long as there are detectable corner features.  This document illustrates Checkerboard results. Part 1 introduced Checkerboard and explained how to obtain and photograph the chart. Part 2 showed […]

Using SFRreg, Part 3: Results

Imatest SFRreg performs highly automated measurements of sharpness (expressed as Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), also known as Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)) and Lateral Chromatic Aberration from images that contain registration mark patterns (circles that contain two light and two dark quadrants). This document illustrates SFRreg results. Part 1 introduced SFRreg and explained how to obtain and photograph the chart. Part 2 showed how to run SFRreg inside Rescharts and how to save settings for automated runs.   SFRreg results When calculations are complete, results are displayed in the Rescharts window, which allows a number of displays to be selected. The following […]

Using SFRplus, Part 3: Results

Imatest SFRplus results Imatest SFRplus performs highly automated measurements of several key image quality factors using the specially-designed SFRplus test chart. Unlike most other modules, the user never has to manually select Regions of Interest (ROIs). Image quality factors include Sharpness, expressed as Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), also known as the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), Noise, Lateral Chromatic Aberration, Distortion (with nearly as detailed output as the Distortion module). Described in detail here. Tonal response (again, with less detail than Stepchart; no noise statistics) Color accuracy, when used with an SFRplus that contains the optional color pattern, located above the […]

Using eSFR ISO Part 2

Running eSFR ISO – Rescharts eSFR ISO – eSFR ISO setup window – Speeding up – More Settings window – Secondary Readouts – Gamma – Auto mode settings – Warnings – eSFR ISO summary Running eSFR ISO Imatest eSFR ISO performs highly automated measurements of several key image quality factors using one of three versions of the ISO 12233:2014 Edge SFR chart: Standard, Enhanced, or Extended. This document shows how to run eSFR ISO in Rescharts and how to save settings for automated runs. Part 1 introduced eSFR ISO and explained how to obtain and photograph the chart. Part 3 […]

Using eSFR ISO Part 3: Results

Imatest eSFR ISO results Imatest eSFR ISO performs highly automated measurements of several key image quality factors using one of three versions of the ISO 12233:2014 Edge SFR chart: Standard, Enhanced, or Extended. Unlike most other modules, the user never has to manually select Regions of Interest (ROIs). Image quality factors include Sharpness, expressed as Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), also known as the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), Noise, measured from the grayscale patches surrounding the center of the chart, includes all types of noise calculated by Multicharts and Multitest (standard pixel noise, chroma noise, scene-referenced noise, sensor (raw) noise, and […]

eSFR ISO INI file reference

For more information on how to use INI files in Imatest IT, we recommend the Imatest INI File Reference For Imatest IT, most of these entries don’t need to be entered. Many don’t affect Imatest IT results: they control interactive figure displays or figure output formats (figures are often not used in Imatest IT). Background Meaning Yellow Yellow background: Important to Imatest IT. Parameter and Description are in boldface. [IT] Cyan Cyan background: Figure settings. (Figures are used infrequently for IT.) [f] Gray Gray background: For interactive operation. No effect on IT. Clear Clear background: Results details (units, scaling, etc.) […]

SFRplus INI file reference

For more information on how to use INI files in Imatest IT, we recommend the Imatest INI File Reference For Imatest IT, most of these entries don’t need to be entered. Many don’t affect Imatest IT results: they control interactive figure displays or figure output formats (figures are often not used in Imatest IT). Background Meaning Yellow Yellow background: Important to Imatest IT. Parameter and Description are in boldface. [IT] Cyan Cyan background: Figure settings. (Figures are used infrequently for IT.) [f] Gray Gray background: For interactive operation. No effect on IT. Clear Clear background: Results details (units, scaling, etc.) […]

SFR INI file reference

* indicates that this field will be described in more detail at the bottom of this document (Much of the text at the bottom will be common to several ini file reference pages). For more information on how to use INI files in Imatest IT, we recommend the Imatest INI File Reference For Imatest IT, most of these entries don’t need to be entered. Many don’t affect Imatest IT results: they control interactive figure displays or figure output formats (figures are often not used in Imatest IT). Background Meaning Yellow Yellow background: Important to Imatest IT. Parameter and Description are […]

SFRplus and eSFR ISO INI Reference

Since SFRplus (and eventually eSFR ISO, which uses almost all the same settings) is included in IT EXE and DLL, users may sometimes need to examine or edit the INI file used to control IT versions. Most of the settings in the [sfrplus] or [esfriso] section are set by one of the three SFRplus or eSFR ISO Settings windows that can be opened when SFRplus is run in Rescharts (or by clicking SFRplus setup in the Imatest main window). A few are set by responses to other windows or user actions. Settings that affect only Rescharts mode (and hence do […]

Imatest INI Reference

This page is a reference for the INI files used to store Imatest settings, particularly imatest-v2.ini, which is the basis of ini files used to control Imatest IT. It focuses on INI file settings that are used by several modules and are of interest to users of Imatest IT and the Functional Interface.  INI file structure – Extracting an INI file for IT – Running from a Custom File – INI File Monitor – [api] (for Imatest IT) [dcraw] – [rdraw] (Generalized Read Raw) – Secondary Readouts – Miscellaneous New in Imatest 5.2: The INI File Monitor lets you examine the contents of INI files in […]

Find Sharpest Files

Find the sharpest files in a batch Thanks for Andrea Nivini for suggesting this module. There are a number of situations where a photographer or engineer may want to capture a sequence of similar images, then compare them to see which is sharpest— or to rank the sharpness. You might have a sequence of images taken at different apertures, ISO speed settings, (software) noise reduction settings, etc., and you want quickly rank them from sharpest and softest, without performing a detailed MTF analysis. You may want to check autofocus performance and/or consistency by comparing a batch of images acquired with […]


Postprocessor for viewing summaries of SFR, SFRplus results Introduction to Batchview Batchview is a postprocessor for displaying lens test results generated by SFR, SFRplus, and eSFR ISO batch runs (analyses of groups of test chart images taken at various apertures, focal lengths, etc.). It can store and display up to four sets of results for convenient comparisons in Imatest Master; two in Studio. Postprocessor comparison Each lets you compare sharpness of different regions and/or images MTF Compare Postprocessor to SFR, SFRplus, and eSFR ISO. Input is two CSV results files for individual regions. Lets you compare individual edges from any region […]