SFRplus Large LVT Film Chart

This transmissive (backlit) SFRplus test chart can be used with the Imatest SFRplus module to measure MTF, lateral chromatic aberration, distortion, and tonal response. The SFRplus module features fully automated region-of-interest detection. The SFRplus chart offers significant advantages over commonly used charts such as the ISO 12233 chart, including 1) use of space, 2) the ability to produce a map of sharpness over the sensor surface, 3) better measurement accuracy due to the lower contrast (4:1), and 4) full support for automated testing.


This chart has an active chart area of 48.3 cm x 26.81 cm (19 in x 10.56 in) in a total film size of 30.48 cm x 50.8 cm (12 in x 20 in). Bar-to-bar height is 252 mm (9.92 in).

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Lync RevF Implementation

This is a review of Microsoft Doc#: H100693  to see what testing criteria Imatest Master and Imatest IT can satisfy.   Please contact with any questions.   Certification Metric Pg# Status Notes Support USB Video Class (UVC) Driver 11 Not Supported no plan to support, instructions for checking driver included Support USB Audio Class (UAC) Driver 12 Not Supported no plan to support, instructions for checking driver included Product driver signed by Microsoft (WHQL) 13 Not Supported no plan to support, instructions for checking driver included Method to control video processing in driver/camera 13 Not Supported Executables for testing face detection […]

Image Stabilization/Sharpness Compare

Introduction The Imatest Image Stabilization/Sharpness Compare module is a postprocessor for SFRplus that Measures the effectiveness of Optical Image Stabilization (abbreviated as IS or OIS) by comparing the sharpness (MTF or related lengths) of selected near-horizontal and near-vertical edges from three similar SFRplus images: Unshaken. Shaken without Image Stabilization. (Some recent cameras lack the ability to turn IS off. There are several approaches to measuring IS effectiveness in this case. One is to have a very precise vibratory apparatus with known vibration angles. Expen$ive. Another is to substitute a camera with similar pixel configuration and lens focal length, but no […]

Dead Leaves measurement issue

In January 2013 Imatest released the Spilled Coins test chart, which is an improved version of the Dead Leaves chart for measuring a camera’s fine texture response. (It’s available in the Imatest Store in both monochrome and color versions.) Shortly afterwards, Jason Cope of our partner company Image Quality Labs found an anomalous result and called me to find out what was wrong. When I looked at the image I realized that he’d done the test correctly. He had found an image whose processing defeated the intent of the dead leaves chart, which is to accurately measure a camera’s texture […]

Color Spilled Coins (Dead Leaves) Test Chart

The Color Imatest Spilled Coins chart is a variant of the Dead Leaves chart designed to measure texture sharpness. It has several advantages over older Dead Leaves charts, including nearly perfect scale-invariance, which improves the accuracy and robustness of measurements, and gray regions to the left and right of the chart that facilitate noise removal (using a technique where gray patch noise Power Spectral Density is subtracted from the signal + noise PSD of the central Spilled coins region).

Read more about Random/Dead Leaves chart analysis in the Imatest documentation.

Texture examples

Introduction Part 1 of this page illustrates images analyzed in Random Scale-invariant & Dead Leaves. The images are not shown original size; they’ve been resized to be approximately equal in magnification with respect to the original chart image— with enough magnification to show the results of the camera optics and image processing. Part 2 demonstrates how demosaicing is the cause of a commonly observed discrepancy between Spilled Coins and slanted-edge MTF measurements. Part 1: Images used in Random / Dead Leaves Original pattern (cropped from the middle of the chart), for reference. Original pattern (reduced from file used to print […]

Imatest 3.9 Released

Imatest 3.9 was released on December 14th 2012.   Please contact for purchase or renewal information. Here is a complete list of changes: Imatest main window: Explore image file folder and Explore recent save folder have been added to the File dropdown. INI File Settings have been given their own dropdown to minimize clutter. Explore INI file folder has been added. The INI file Editor (useful for fixing errors and for setting up INI files for the Functional Interface and IT) has been greatly enhanced.

Black & White Imatest Spilled Coins (Dead Leaves) Test Chart

The Imatest Spilled Coins chart is a variant of the Dead Leaves chart designed to measure texture sharpness. It has several advantages over older Dead Leaves charts, including nearly perfect scale-invariance, which improves the accuracy and robustness of mesurements, and gray regions to the left and right of the chart that facilitate noise removal (using a technique where gray patch noise Power Spectral Density is subtracted from the signal + noise PSD of the central Spilled coins region).

Read more about Random/Dead Leaves chart analysis in the Imatest documentaion.

SFRplus special topics: quadrants and saturation

These posts describe several topics, including: SFRplus Quadrant analysis (it includes the center region as well), Saturation analysis, which attempts to estimate the severity of saturation in slanted-edge regions (ROIs), and a few other recent additions (November 2012). Saturation is important because saturated light or dark regions will result in artificially high MTF readings. How to select regions at a fixed distance from center to corner (typically in the range of 65-85%)

SFRplus Quadrants

The chart corner quadrants are defined as follows: Quadrants of the SFRplus chart In the table below, the center square is Row 0, Column 0 (R0,C0), and Row number R increases from top to bottom. Note that some squares are not included in a quadrant. Chart quadrants are detected automatically; no changes to the input (Edge ID file, etc.) are needed. Region Row R, Column C Center -1 ≤ R ≤ 1; -1 ≤ C ≤ 1 UL R ≤ -1; C ≤ -2 LL R ≥  1; C ≤ -2 UR R ≤ -1; C ≥  2 LR R ≥  1; C ≥  2 […]

Slanted-Edge SFR Saturation

The following (Rescharts) SFRplus results shows the edge (unnormalized) and MTF results for one region near the center of the image that has the green channel saturated. (We deliberated boosted the image to saturate it.) The green channel is very clearly saturated, but luminance doesn’t quite reach saturation because of the low level of the blue channel. Note the sharp corner where the green channel reaches saturation. This corner has quite a lot of high frequency energy that is responsible for the high MTF of the green channel: MTF50 = 435 LW/PH, about 15-20% higher than the other channels. SFRplus […]


Gamma is the exponent of the equation that relates scene luminance with image pixel level. When the raw output of the image sensor, which is linear, is converted to image file pixels for a standard color space, the equation below is applied (very approximately, as we’ll explain below). pixel level = (RAW pixel level)gamma_camera ~= exposuregamma_camera      (1) When an image file is sent to a display (a monitor or print), Output luminance = (pixel level)gamma_display      (2) The total system gamma is gamma_camera * gamma_display.  Standard values of display gamma are 1.8 for older color spaces used in the Macintosh and 2.2 […]

SFRplus and eSFR ISO INI Reference

Since SFRplus (and eventually eSFR ISO, which uses almost all the same settings) is included in IT EXE and DLL, users may sometimes need to examine or edit the INI file used to control IT versions. Most of the settings in the [sfrplus] or [esfriso] section are set by one of the three SFRplus or eSFR ISO Settings windows that can be opened when SFRplus is run in Rescharts (or by clicking SFRplus setup in the Imatest main window). A few are set by responses to other windows or user actions. Settings that affect only Rescharts mode (and hence do […]

Implementing Pass/Fail in Imatest

Imatest Pass/Fail Operation and Reference Introduction Blemish and Uniformity settings | SFRplus settings Imatest can return pass/fail (P/F) results for industrial inspection or for any tests where pass/fail results are required. Although pass/fail is primarily intended for IT (DLL and EXE), it works with GUI-based versions of Imatest (except for Studio), where it can be particularly useful for testing P/F thresholds for Imatest IT. Starting with Imatest 4.0, the Pass/Fail monitor lets you examine P/F results in detail. Summary Pass/fail settings— minima, maxima, or limits— are stored in their own ini file (separate from the standard ini file: imatest.ini or […]

Measuring the Effects of Tilt

Summary: The physical lens-to-sensor tilt angle is difficult to measure from images, but the effects of tilt on image quality are highly measurable, and can be included in pass-fail criteria.

Validating the Imatest slanted-edge calculation

Introduction Imatest’s slanted-edge algorithms for calculating MTF/SFR are based on ISO 12233 standard, “Photography – Electronic still picture cameras – Resolution measurements”. Although this standard is well-established in industry, we often receive questions regarding its validity. This document describes methods for validating the Imatest slanted-edge method for calculating image sharpness (expressed as Modulation Transfer Function, MTF, which is synonymous in practice with Spatial Frequency Response, SFR). MTF is a measurement of image contrast as a function of spatial frequency. As such, it is a measure of device or system sharpness, which is only indirectly related to perceived image sharpness in […]

Skype video specification support

Instructions and comments We are updating this page for the latest Skype/Lync specification. An index of of the Skype/Lync specifications can be found on This document contains instructions for using Imatest with the Skype Hardware Certification Specification — For all Skype Video Devices Version 5.0. It also contains comments and suggestions (some of which we hope might be adopted in a future release of the spec). The Skype spec uses only a tiny fraction of Imatest’s powerful capabilities. To learn more, see Image Quality Factors and SFRplus (which allows many factors to be measured from a single image). In […]

IT-DLL Instructions

How Imatest IT/DLL works Imatest IT/DLL (Industrial Testing DLL; formerly API/DLL) is a library that allows developers to access Imatest‘s powerful image quality analysis tools via calls to functions residing in a Dynamic Link Library. At the present time (in Imatest 4.4) it supports calls from C and C++ , .NET (including C# and VB.NET), and Python.  Support for LabVIEW is under development. DLL modules perform the same calculations as the corresponding GUI-based Imatest Master modules. Fifteen modules are available: SFR   SFRplus   Star   OIS Colorcheck   Stepchart   Wedge   Random Uniformity (Light Falloff)   Distortion   eSFR ISO   SFRreg […]

Imatest INI Reference

This page is a reference for the INI files used to store Imatest settings, particularly imatest-v2.ini, which is the basis of ini files used to control Imatest IT. It focuses on INI file settings that are used by several modules and are of interest to users of Imatest IT and the Functional Interface.  INI file structure – Extracting an INI file for IT – Running from a Custom File – INI File Monitor – [api] (for Imatest IT) [dcraw] – [rdraw] (Generalized Read Raw) – Secondary Readouts – Miscellaneous New in Imatest 5.2: The INI File Monitor lets you examine the contents of INI files in […]

December 2011 Newsletter: CPIQ Dot Pattern, 4:1 Contrast Charts

Imatest Supports I3A Camera Phone Image Quality Standards Imatest now has strong support for I3A (International Imaging Industry Association) CPIQ (Camera Phone Image Quality) standards, including Lateral Chromatic Aberration and Distortion (in the new Dot Pattern module), Color Uniformity, and Acutance. Read more about Imatest’s I3A CPIQ Support.   The Dot Pattern module analyzes images of a dot pattern target (a Cartesian grid of circular dots) and estimates the optical distortion, SMIA-TV distortion, and the lateral chromatic aberration using the I3A CPIQ phase 2 standard methodology.