Henry’s Imatest Training Links

Here are Henry’s favorite Imatest Links that he often mentions during the Imatest Training Class: Day 1 Day 2 https://imatest.com/passfail/

Test Chart Substrate and Sizing Guide

This guide enumerates the possibilities and constraints of our test charts and provides resolution (MTF) information for the different options. Imatest has introduced Chart MTF Compensation, which can as much as double the resolution suitability of a given test chart. Inkjet Inkjet is the lowest resolution process we offer, but also the least expensive and most versatile. The minimum print size with inkjet is approximately 8” x 10”, and the maximum print size for a single sheet is 44” x 80”. Inkjet charts are available in three different substrates: Matte and Semigloss for reflective testing and DisplayTrans for transmissive tests […]

Imatest Collimator Fixture

Test your imaging system at distances up to infinity within the limited space of a test lab. The Collimator Fixture is configurable to your working distances and fields of view with an adjustable lens-to-chart distance, interchangeable collimating lenses, and charts. This relay lens system for simulating large test distances in a compact space is ideal for R&D. Download PDF Info Sheet

For information on the validation of collimators vs. real-world testing, see Verification of Long-Range MTF Testing Through Intermediary Optics

For assistance identifying the right configuration for your testing needs or to request a quote and lead time, please email sales@imatest.com.

Imatest Reflective SFRplus Test Charts

The Reflective SFRplus test chart can be used with the SFRplus module in Imatest 3.2 or later to measure MTF, lateral chromatic aberration, distortion, tonal response, and color accuracy. The SFRplus module features fully automated region-of-interest detection. The SFRplus chart offers significant advantages over commonly used charts such as the ISO 12233 chart, including:

  1. Better use of chart area
  2. The ability to produce a map of sharpness over the sensor surface
  3. Better measurement accuracy due to the lower contrast
  4. Full support for automated testing

Download PDF Info Sheet. See our Transmissive SFRplus charts here.

SFRreg Test Chart

The SFRreg test target consists of a slanted-edge quadrant pattern enclosed within a circle. It is used for measuring MTF and lateral chromatic aberration. A test image typically contains several targets that are automatically detected and analyzed by Imatest beginning with Version 4.2

Distortion Note: High amounts of distortion where the target may be compressed so that the major axis is 50% larger than the minor axis may have issues with autodetection. Pre-distortion may be necessary for these cases.

Download PDF Info Sheet

Electronic Imaging Symposium 2019

Join Imatest at the Electronic Imaging Symposium from Jan. 13 – 17 in Burlingame, California USA. Explore the entire imaging science ecosystem, from capture through image processing to how we and our surrogate machines see and interpret images. Henry Koren and Norman Koren will be presenting on the following. Reducing the cross-lab variation of image quality metrics Henry Koren   As imaging test labs seek to obtain objective performance scores of camera systems, many factors can skew the results. IEEE Camera Phone Image Quality (CPIQ) Conformity Assessment Steering Committee (CASC) working group members performed round-robin studies where an assortment of mobile […]

December 2018 Reading List

Our team has outlined a list of our favorite imaging resources that we use on the job here at Imatest. Take a look at our top picks for the new year. Articles Determining MTF With A Slanted Edge Target  This article by Douglas Kerr is a very digestible explanation (with diagrams) of the principles of slanted edge MTF testing. Blogs Image Sensors World Author Vladimir Koifman shares the latest news and discussions on image sensors and image sciencing technology.  Books Digital Image Processing This book has been the foundational text for the study of digital image processing for over 40 […]

5 Common Pitfalls in Image Quality Testing

Having trouble with your Imatest test results? This article explains the five most common pitfalls in image quality testing, and how to resolve them. You’re using a chart with overly high contrast, like the obsolete ISO 12233 test chart. Your chart may have too high contrast edges. The most common example we see of this is the obsolete ISO 12233 test chart, although this can be the case with any test chart. If you are using the ISO 12233 2000 test chart, you should not be.  The ISO 12233 2000 standard test chart has a very high contrast ratio (the […]

Nyquist frequency, Aliasing, and Color Moire

Although sharpness is an important image quality factor,  a sharper lens is not always better. A lens can be too sharp for a sensor, resulting in disturbing visual artifacts. These artifacts, which include “stair-stepping” and moiré patterns (low frequency patterns that can be strongly colored), can appear because of a property that digital cameras share with all digitally sampled systems— a maximum spatial frequency, called the Nyquist frequency, beyond which scene information cannot be correctly reproduced. Any information above the Nyquist frequency that reaches the sensor will be aliased to a lower spatial frequency, which can result in the artifacts described below. […]

Considerations when evaluating a Near Infrared camera

Recent growth in the automotive and security industries has increased the number of cameras designed for viewing both Near Infrared (NIR) and visible wavelengths of light. NIR illumination is invisible to the human eye and can light a dark scene without being visible or annoying.

Increasing the Repeatability of Your Sharpness Tests

By Robert Sumner With contributions from Ranga Burada, Henry Koren, Brienna Rogers and Norman Koren Consistency is a fundamental aspect of successful image quality testing. Each component in your system may contribute to variation in test results. For tasks such as pass/fail testing, the primary goal is to identify the variation due to the component and ignore the variation due to noise. Being able to accurately replicate test results with variability limited to 1-5% will give you a more accurate description of how your product will perform.

ISO 12233 Edge SFR (eSFR) Inkjet chart

Imatest ISO 12233:2017 and ISO 12233:2023 eSFR charts are implementations of the Low Contrast Edge SFR (eSFR) test chart illustrated in Section 6.1 and Annex C of the ISO Standard DocumentThe chart is available in two general versions:

  • Enhanced: extra squares, wedges, and color patterns when printed with technologies that allow color
  • Extended: similar to Enhanced, but with a 16:9 aspect ratio, suitable for HDTV and cinema (Note: Works with Matlab esfrChart) 
  • All inkjet charts are available in either Visible or Near Infrared and Visible for testing cameras sensitive to wavelengths between 700-1000 nm. Specific spectral data available upon request. We currently offer these charts in inkjet format, with Enhanced versions available as photographic prints. All Imatest ISO 12233 eSFR charts are fully compliant with the ISO standard. The Imatest eSFR ISO module provides highly automated support for the new charts. Additional details below. Download PDF Info Sheet


Introducing Imatest 5.1

Our engineers are continually adding new features and updating Imatest software to provide you with the best analysis tool on the market. In our most recent release, our team has added several new modules to provide you better analysis tools.

Imatest 5.1

Version 5.1 has added several new features on top of the major enhancements made in version 5.0. Among the new features are MTF Compensation, Geometric Calibration, and Sony Sensor Image Acquisition. Not sure if you want it yet? Download a free trial. MTF COMPENSATION GEOMETRIC CALIBRATION DISTORTION CALCULATION TEMPORAL NOISE MEASUREMENTS SONY AYA IMAGE ACQUISITION SYNTHETIC RAW FILE CREATION

Distortion: methods and modules

This page describes Imatest’s distortion calculations, comparing the different distortion formulas and modules. Distortion formulas – Modules – TV Distotion and Field of View – Image, Geometry, Distortion, FoV display Radial distortion plot – Compare results – Links Lens distortion has two basic forms, barrel and pincushion, as illustrated below. None Barrel Pincushion In addition to these three, there can be “mustache” or “wave” distortion, which is barrel near the center and pincushion near the edges, or vice-versa. Distortion formulas In the equations which apply to several modules, rd is the distorted (measured) radius normalized to the center-to-corner distance. ru is the undistorted radius. […]

Rescharts slanted-edge modules Part 4: Other results

Imatest Rescharts slanted-edge modules perform highly automated measurements of several key image quality factors using specially-designed test charts. The user never has to manually select Regions of Interest (ROIs). This page covers results that are (mostly) not derived from the slanted-edges themselves, including Noise (best in eSFR ISO) Distortion  (differing detail in different modules; best with SFRplus and eSFR ISO. Described in detail here. Tonal response*  (no noise statistics for SFRplus) Color accuracy*  when used with an SFRplus, eSFR ISO, or SFRreg center charts that contain a color pattern Vanishing resolution, aliasing, and Moiré from Wedge patterns in eSFR ISO ISO sensitivity*  (Saturation-based and […]

Rescharts Slanted-Edge Modules Part 3: Edge Results

Imatest Rescharts slanted-edge modules perform highly automated measurements of several key image quality factors using specially-designed test charts. The user never has to manually select Regions of Interest (ROIs). This page covers results that are derived from the slanted-edges, and hence are found in all Rescharts slanted-edge modules. It also covers text output (CSV and JSON) files. Sharpness, expressed as Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), also known as the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), Lateral Chromatic Aberration Other results, not derived from slanted-edges are covered in Part 4. Noise (best in eSFR ISO),  Distortion  (differing detail in different modules; best with SFRplus and eSFR […]

Using Rescharts slanted-edge modules Part 2

Running Rescharts slanted-edge modules (Interactive and Auto mode settings) Imatest Rescharts slanted edge modules— SFRplus, eSFR ISO, SFRreg, and Checkerboard— perform highly automated measurements of several key image quality factors using specially-designed test charts. This document shows how to run these modules in Rescharts and how to save settings for automated runs.  Four introductory pages —  SFRplus, eSFR ISO, SFRreg, and Checkerboard — describe each module and explain how to obtain and photograph the chart.  Rescharts Results Part 3 and Part 4 illustrate the results. Selecting files – Setup window – ROI selection & analysis – Edge ID files – More settings window […]

Getting Started With Image Quality Testing

Overview Why Imatest?     |     Test Charts     |     Lighting     |     Image Capture Technique     |     Setting up Your Lab     |     Using Imatest Software Why Imatest? Introduction Imatest charts and software allow you to measure the characteristics and quality of cameras and imaging systems. To begin measuring the resolution or color of your camera, you’ll need an image of a test chart. Imatest offers all-in-one test charts that can test a wide variety of image quality factors with one image. We also offer specialized test charts for measuring system properties like dynamic range, […]

Megapixel suitability for test charts

Megapixel suitability is based on the analysis of the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) that is obtained from slanted-edge chart images captured at magnifications of around 0.5× (for inkjet charts) or 1× (for photographic charts) using a high quality DSLR or mirrorless camera and macro lens. The calculations are described in the following links: Compensating camera MTF measurements for chart and sensor MTF (Imatest 5.1+); i.e.,  Introduction, Calculation, MTF compensation files, Applying the compensation, and Lens MTF measurements sections. Chart Quality Calculator (Imatest 5.1+)—determine the suitability of a chart (based on MTF measurements for specific media and print methods) for a specific application. Test […]