Find Sharpest Files

Find the sharpest files in a batch Thanks for Andrea Nivini for suggesting this module. New in Imatest 5.2: A major redesign of Find Sharp Files. A summary plot is available. Results can be shown in an easy-to-read Table format. Results can be saved in CSV and JSON files.   Find Sharpest Files lets you quickly and conveniently rank the sharpness of a set of images. It works on any image— it doesn’t have to be a test chart. It runs much faster than any of the standardized sharpness measurements (slanted-edge, star, etc.). There are a number of situations where this capability […]


Analysis of hyperbolic or trapezoidal wedge patterns with the Imatest Wedge and eSFR ISO modules Introduction Imatest Master and IS can analyze wedge patterns in two modules, both of which may be run from the interactive Rescharts interface or as fixed (batch-capable) modules. The Wedge module (described in this document) can analyze any arrangement of horizontal or vertical (but not diagonal) wedges, using manual region selection. The eSFR ISO module can analyze pairs of wedges on the Enhanced and Extended eSFR ISO charts (including the charts with extra wedges), introduced in April 2014. Region detection is fully automated. The user […]


Postprocessor for viewing summaries of SFR, SFRplus results Introduction to Batchview Batchview is a postprocessor for displaying lens test results generated by SFR, SFRplus, and eSFR ISO batch runs (analyses of groups of test chart images taken at various apertures, focal lengths, etc.). It can store and display up to four sets of results for convenient comparisons in Imatest Master; two in Studio. Postprocessor comparison Each lets you compare sharpness of different regions and/or images MTF Compare Postprocessor to SFR, SFRplus, and eSFR ISO. Input is two CSV results files for individual regions. Lets you compare individual edges from any region […]

Using SFRplus Part 2

Running SFRplus (Interactive and Auto mode settings) Imatest SFRplus performs highly automated measurements of several key image quality factors using a specially-designed test chart. This document shows how to run SFRplus in Rescharts and how to save settings for automated runs. Part 1 introduced SFRplus and explained how to obtain and photograph the chart. Part 3 illustrates the results. New in Imatest 3.10 SFRplus settings can be updated by clicking Settings, SFRplus Auto settings in the Imatest main window without having to read an image file into Rescharts SFRplus Setup. New in Imatest 3.9 SFRplus can be run without including […]

Using SFRplus, Part 3: Results

Imatest SFRplus results Imatest SFRplus performs highly automated measurements of several key image quality factors using the specially-designed SFRplus test chart. Unlike most other modules, the user never has to manually select Regions of Interest (ROIs). Image quality factors include Sharpness, expressed as Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), also known as the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), Noise, Lateral Chromatic Aberration, Distortion (with nearly as detailed output as the Distortion module). Described in detail here. Tonal response (again, with less detail than Stepchart; no noise statistics) Color accuracy, when used with an SFRplus that contains the optional color pattern, located above the […]

How to Test Lenses with SFRplus or eSFR ISO

Testing lenses: Introduction Lens quality (especially sharpness) has always been of great interest to photographers. It’s what we spend the big bucks for— if we have them. And it’s what we look for in a lens at any price point. Traditionally, lens testing has been highly tedious, best left to professionals and large publications. With Imatest, that has changed forever. All you need to do is photograph an SFRplus, ISO-12233:2014+ eSFR, or tilted checkerboard chart (with careful technique of course), run SFRplus or eSFR ISO, and interpret the results. This page contains the recommended procedure for testing lenses using Imatest […]

Spilled Coins, Dead Leaves, and Random Chart Analysis

Analysis of random scale-invariant patterns, including the Spilled Coins (Dead Leaves) Pattern, for measuring texture sharpness   Random/Dead Leaves, which runs under the interactive Rescharts interface or as a fixed (non-interactive, batch-capable) module, measures SFR (Spatial Frequency Response) or MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) from random scale-invariant (or approximately scale-invariant) test charts, including “Dead Leaves” and “Spilled Coins” charts. It is primarily used to measure the effects of signal processing on image texture. Dead leaves/Spilled Coins charts are of increasing interest because their statistics resemble those of natural scenes; they are less affected by edge sharpening than other patterns (especially the […]

Log Frequency

Analysis of log frequency-varying charts Introduction Log frequency, which uses the Rescharts interface, measures the contrast of narrow bar or sine charts that increase logarithmically in spatial frequency. It also measures color Moiré (Imatest Master only). When the image pattern is sinusoidal (rather than a bar chart), contrast is equivalent to SFR or MTF. This method is more direct than the slanted-edge method, but less accurate and more susceptible to noise. A chart can be created by Test Charts and printed on a high quality inkjet printer. Log Frequency image (complete and cropped) The image above used to illustrate the […]

Log F-Contrast

Analysis of Log Frequency-Contrast charts New in Imatest 4.0  Automatic region is available with the revised version of the chart, which includes registration marks in the corners. Sharpness and Texture Analysis using Log F‑Contrast from Imaging-Resource compares the the effects of sharpening and noise reduction in several cameras using images downloaded from Introduction Log F-Contrast (short for Log Frequency-Contrast; not in Imatest Studio) measures the effects of signal processing— noise reduction and sharpening— on imaging system performance using a chart that varies in spatial frequency on the horizontal axis (log frequency increases with x) and in modulation (i.e., contrast) […]

Using Blemish Detect

Measure visible sensor defects The Human Visual System – Algorithm – Instructions – Settings window – Filtering and threshold – Display options – Defective pixels – Tuning – Results Blemish Detect detects visible sensor defects (typically blurred (dark) spots caused by dust in front of the image sensor, but light blemishes can also be detected). To ensure that only visible blemishes are flagged— and blemishes below the threshold of visibility are not— the image is filtered by a response function derived from the Human Visual System (HVS). Filter settings are adjustable for a wide range of applications and viewing conditions. Blemish detect also includes all […]

Distortion (legacy) Module

Imatest 4.5  The Checkerboard Module, which calculates distortion, MTF, and lateral chromatic aberration is Imatest’s primary recommended means of calculating optical distortion. It produces highly accurate results and works well with highly barrel-distorted (fisheye) images, which cannot be analyzed with the Distortion module. SFRplus also measures distortion with similar results to the Distortion module. A key advantage of SFRplus is that it can measure distortion in highly barrel-distorted (fisheye) lenses using pre-distorted charts. It can also measure Field of View (in addition to performing a great many image quality measurements). Distortion is one of several Imatest modules that calculate optical distortion. These modules […]

Using Test Charts

Create test charts for high quality inkjet printers Although we strongly recommend that customers purchase charts from the Imatest Store, the Imatest Test Charts module allows you to create test chart files for printing on high quality photographic inkjet printers. If you plan to print charts using this module, you should be skilled at fine printing and have a knowledge of color management to obtain optimum chart quality; otherwise we recommend purchasing charts at the Imatest Store. Disclaimer: Although we sell most of the charts generated by the Imatest Test Charts module, several variations are not available because (A) it’s […]

Using Screen Patterns

Monitor patterns for Light Falloff, SFR, Distortion, and monitor calibration Introduction Screen Patterns displays a variety of test patterns on monitors, preferably on LCD flat screen monitors. It may become more useful as cost-effective ultra-high resolution (4k+) monitors become available. It is opened by clicking on Screen Patterns on the right of the Imatest main window. Most patterns (except perhaps Monitor calibration) perform best with the window maximized. You may need to redraw the pattern after maximizing (or resizing) it by selecting the pattern or changing one of the settings. These patterns are offered as a convenient alternative to the […]

Imatest IT/EXE instructions

How Imatest IT/EXE works Imatest IT/EXE (Industrial Testing EXE; formerly API/EXE) is a set of standalone programs initiated by DOS calls, which can be issued by a test system. The programs have the same functionality as the corresponding Imatest Master modules, but they operate without user intervention, making them suitable for use in automated testing systems. They are represented by the blue box in the lower right of the figure below. Imatest IT/EXE flow diagram The test system interacts with the IT/EXE programs through files specified in the DOS command line— primarily an image file and an INI control file […]

Cross-reference tables

Tables to help you navigate Imatest modules and charts Imatest is a complex, rich application involving a great many image quality factors, modules, and test charts. The tables below, for Quality Factor, Module, and Test chart are designed to help navigate the site. A Table of contents is also available. Suppliers Most test charts are available from the Imatest Store. Supplier Chart(s) and comments Location Imatest A large variety of charts (sharpness, color, tone, dynamic range) may be ordered from the Imatest store. Boulder, CO USA Stouffer The Stouffer T4110 transmission step wedge was recommended for single-image Dynamic Range measurements […]

Version Comparison: Studio vs. Master

Which version is right for you? Imatest 5.0:  All functions of Imatest Image Sensor have been incorporated into Imatest Master.   Imatest is available in several GUI (Graphic User Interface)-based versions. Studio, with everything individual photographers need to test their cameras and lenses. Studio is only available to individual photographers. Master, the full-featured industrial-strength version for engineers and scientists who develop and evaluate imaging systems. Acquire images directly from several manufacturer’s development systems. Images can be updated and analyzed in real time with the Rescharts, Multicharts, and Uniformity-Interactive modules. As of Imatest 5.0, Image Sensor (IS) has been discontinued. All […]

Glosario en Espanol

Imatest Glosario Par Pablo Ruiz Garcia Aliasing. Elementos de baja frecuencia, a veces muy molestos, que aparecen cuando la energía de la señal alcanza al sensor digital por encima de la frecuencia Nyquist. El efecto de flecos moire son un tipo de alilasing. Aberración cromática. Es una característica de la lente que provoca que las distintas longitudes de onda formen foco en distintos puntos. Existen dos tipos; longitudinal, donde los diferentes colores forman su foco en planos distintos. Y, lateral, donde la longitud focal de la lente, por lo tanto la ampliación, es diferente para cada color. La aberración cromática […]

SFR results: Multiple ROI (Region of Interest) plot

Imatest SFR allows you to analyze and display several regions of interest (ROIs) in an image. Display options can be selected from three dropdown windows from the SFR settings window. Multi-ROI plots lets you choose the plot type: 1D or 2D; units in Cycles/Pxl, LW/PH (Line Widths per Picture Height), or LP/PH (Line Pairs per Picture Height).The 1D summary plots, which display results as a function of the distance from the image center, may be difficult to read for lenses that are poorly centered and hence have asymmetrical response. In most cases 2D summary plots are far more readable. 1D […]

Imatest SFR LCD target

A pattern on an LCD screen may be used for SFR measurements using a pattern generated by the Imatest Screen Patterns module, which has several patterns to choose from. These patterns are convenient, but somewhat limited in usefulness because an LCD screen can only cover a fraction of the image frame, hence you can’t produce a good map the camera’s MTF response. Screen Patterns The Screen Patterns module is opened by clicking on Screen Patterns on the right of the Imatest main window. When it first comes up, it is completely blank (for use with Light Falloff). Select SFR: Quadrants […]

Using SFR part 2: Running Imatest SFR

From the Imatest main window, click on SFR or Rescharts on the upper left. SFR allows you to analyze multiple regions and to run batches of files. Rescharts (1. Slanted-edge SFR) allows you to analyze single regions in a highly-interactive interface. ISO 12233:2000 chart images, which have contrasty (≥40:1) slanted-edges, can be downloaded from reviews, typically in the last page titled “Compared to…,” and from reviews, typically on the page labeled “sample images.” We no longer recommend such high contrast images, because saturation can lead to inaccurate results. 4:1 or 10:1 contrast images are much preferred. Image file […]