Imatest Benchtop Test Stand-Stray Light/Target Projector Version

July 6, 2023
March 19, 2025

The Imatest Benchtop Test Stand Stray Light (Flare) / Target Projector Version (BTS-SLTP) is an easy-to-use test fixture for accurate and repeatable image quality testing. The fixture is purpose-built for stray light (flare) testing and long-range testing in a limited space.

  • Derive objective metrics such as normalized stray light (flare) using images captured with the stray light module.
  • Perform long-range testing in a confined space using the target projector module.

The BTS Stray Light/Target Projector Fixture features a rail system for repeatable test positions. Choose from the manual version (manual Z, X and Y axis) or the motorized Z-stage (1045mm). The fixture requires a motorized Gimbal

Email for pricing.

Optional Add-ons

Add the Imatest Target Projection Module or add a Stray Light ND Filter Kit. Compatible with both Manual and Motorized versions.

  • Imatest’s Target Projection Module is an add-on to our MTS and BTS Fixtures. This module allows you to easily simulate long test distances in a confined space by mounting the OneStone Target Projector (CM10120 sold separately) securely in alignment with the camera under test.

  • The Stray light ND filter add on kit includes a mounted 2.5 OD 50mm Dia UV-NIR ND Filter with a Blocking Wavelength Range of 190 - 1700nm, and mounting hardware.

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BTS-SLTP Details

  • Includes a recirculating ball bearing carriage which provides high load and lifetime.
  • Compact design easily fits on a standard workbench or table. Footprint: 54″ x 21” (1.37M x 0.53M).
  • Multiple configurations and kits can meet general and specific testing requirements.
  • Platform with Y-axis height adjustment and X-axis translation adjustment, as well as tip-tilt stage for easy alignment of the target and camera
  • Use with the OSCM10120 Target Projection Collimator (sold separately) requires the Imatest’s Target Projection Module be selected as an add-on.

Motorized BTS-SLTP-MOTZ Additions

  • Easily connect using USB 2.0 or serial communication ports and send commands over RS-232.
  • Zaber’s Console software makes it easy to control the speed and position of the target, change the device settings, and write custom scripts.
  • The linear stage system includes an indexed knob which provides manual control options.
  • Control interface: USB Serial Interface, Zaber Console Control Software, Python 3 – Zaber Motion Library, BasicMicro Motion Studio, Basic Micro Libraries (Python, C++), BasicMicro Drivers (LabView, Arduino)


  • Optional neutral density (ND) filter kit available for attenuating the light from the source (i.e., for capturing unsaturated reference images)
  • The included ND filter has 50mm diameter and an optical density of 2.5 (or 0.03% transmission) with constant transmission from 190-1700nm
  • The kit includes a small platform with a slotted screw hole for mounting the ND filter in front of the light source, allowing the ND filter to be placed some distance away from the collimating lens of the source to help with avoiding reflections between the two

This BTS Stray Light (Flare) / Target Projector Module is recommended with the following products (sold separately)




BTS-SLTP-MOTZ: 29.5 Kg (65 lbs)     |     BTS-SLTP: 20.4 Kg (45 lbs)


Dimensions vary on configuration used

Width: 528mm manual ILP/ILB, 665mm reflective chart

Length: 1372mm

Height: 692mm reflective chart

SLTP Translational Travel:

Motorized: Z-axis: 1045mm     |     Y-axis: 60mm     |     X-axis: 50mm

Manual:  Z-axis: 1000mm     |     Y-axis: 60mm     |     X-axis: 50mm

Maximum Speed (Motorized):


Rotational Travel:

Yaw: ±2.5º    |     Pitch or Tilt: ±2.5º   

Microstep Size:

Z-axis: 4.2µm     |     X-axis: 0.50µm

Motorized Accuracy (unidirectional):

Z-axis: 700µm   |     X-axis: 35µm     


Z-axis: 20µm     |     X-axis: 2.5µm    

Operating Temperature Range:

0 to 40 °C

Maximum DUT Weight:

11.34Kg (25lbs)   

Electrical: Maximum Current Draw

Z-axis:  1800mA     |     X-axis: 1900mA     |     Input Voltage: 100-240 V AC

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