Security Image Quality Test Package

August 16, 2018
January 6, 2022


This assembly of products can comprise a complete Security image quality test solution.

If you have any questions, please call us at 720.328.5105 Monday through Friday, 9am – 5pm (Mountain Time); email us at or fill out our Solutions Request form.


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Test Lab Fixture

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Ultra Wide & Long Range Testing

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    Imatest MTS Wide Field of View Module + $11,240.00$12,780.00
    10° Target Projection Collimator for Narrow Field of View + $9,200.00
    70° Collimator Lens for Medium Field of View + $5,800.00
    120° Collimator Lens for Wide Field of View + $4,700.00

Reflective Lighting

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    Imatest Low-Light Filter for the Kino Flo FreeStyle 31 + $1,260.00
    Reflective Chart Lighting System Remote + $37,000.00
    Reflective Chart Lighting System Manual + $26,900.00


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    Imatest LED High Illumination, Multi-channel Lightbox + $18,590.00

Lightbox Test Charts

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    ISO12233:2017 Edge SFR (eSFR) on Color High-Precision LVT Film-Enhanced-0.75x with Frame + $620.00
    Imatest Contrast Resolution Chart with Frame + $1,610.00
    Ultra High Dynamic Range 36-patch Test Chart-GrayWorld + $1,840.00
    Wide Dynamic Range 36-patch Test Chart-GrayWorld + $1,230.00

Reflective Resolution & ISO Charts

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    ISO 12233:2017 eSFR Chart: inkjet on matte paper, Vis+NIR spectrum, 4x size (800 x 1420mm), extended, extra wedges, 2500 LW/PH max wedge freq., Color + $820.00
    ISO 12233:2017 eSFR: inkjet on matte, Vis+NIR, 4x size (800 x 1420mm), extended, extra wedges, 4000 LW/PH max wedge freq., Color + $775.00
    Checkerboard Test Chart - Matte 4:1 Contrast Ratio, Large, Square Height 12 + $680.00
    SFRreg Test Chart - Reflective IJ - 2x - 10:1 + $200.00
    SFRreg Test Chart - Reflective IJ - 3x - 10:1 + $300.00
    SFRreg Test Chart - Reflective IJ - 4x - 10:1 + $390.00
    SFRreg Test Chart - Reflective IJ - 5x - 10:1 + $500.00
    Sinusoidal Siemens Star 1x + $340.00
    Sinusoidal Siemens Star 2x + $470.00
    Sinusoidal Siemens Star 3x + $630.00

Tunable and Ultra-wide Light Sources

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    Gamma Scientific RS-7-1-VIS Tunable LED +
    Gamma Scientific RS-7-6 180° FoV Tunable LED +
    300° Spherical Lighting System - Single Color Temperature + $6,930.00
    300° Spherical Lighting System - Adjustable Color Temperature + $9,490.00
    300° HDR Spherical Lighting System - Single Color Temp with 50,000 lux + $9,030.00
    Camera Mount for 300° Spherical Lighting System + $1,250.00

Robotic Automation

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Flare Test System

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    ISO-18844 Test Chart for Imatest LED Light Sources-17 x 12" (432 x 305mm) + $945.00
SKU: SIQpack Category:


Depending on what capabilities you need in your lab, you can select an assortment of our software, equipment and test charts.


Compare the different versions of Imatest Software.

Ultra Wide & Long Range Testing

The Imatest Modular Test Stand  with Wide Field of View Test Module  enables testing up to 200°. See more about ultra wide solutions.

Collimator lenses and target projection systems can be used to simulate a longer distance in a compact environment. These can fill 10°, 70°, 120° or 180°. See more about long-range solutions.

The Imatest Collimator Fixture makes testing with collimators an easier process. 

Reflective lighting

See our reflective lighting comparison.

Reflective Resolution & ISO Charts

For sharpness measurement along with many other image quality factors, see ISO-12233.

Our checkerboard chart provides detailed sharpness and distortion analysis at a larger range of working distances.

SFRreg targets can be used for long range or ultra wide testing.

The set of six ISO-16505 test charts is available in three standard sizes (2x, 4x and 5.5x).


Find more details about our Uniform Light Sources.

Lightbox Test Charts

For mounting on the ITI LED lightbox, these charts can test dynamic range performance. 

Dynamic Range test charts come in 100dB WDR or 150dB UHDR variants. See more about Contrast Resolution.

Tunable and Ultra-wide Light Sources

The RS-7 Tunable LED can fill up to 180° FoV, the Spherical Lighting System can fill up to 300°.

Robotic Automation

See our robotic automation equipment page.

Flare Test System

Our backlit target is for testing flare according to the ISO 18844 standard. See measuring the impact of flare light on dynamic range.