Collimators enable long-range testing to be performed in a compact environment. The relay lens elements produce a virtual image of a target focused at a long distance. Typically, these are focused around the hyperfocal distance or up to infinity. The Imatest Collimator Fixture helps with the precise alignment required when using this system. The CM10120 projection collimator is a compact system that projects a target at a simulated distance.

The Imatest Collimator Fixture includes a validation procedure that ensures minimal work-distance error and an on-board computer that displays and saves camera positions, lens and light panel configurations, and simulated distances. The Fixture is adaptable to numerous camera systems by providing adjustable simulated test distances, interchangeable collimating lenses, and a variety of test charts. The Fixture integrates with Imatest LED Light Panels, sizes C through G, and includes a joystick and computer-control interface for automatic positioning using four motorized stages, and storage and recall of device positions.  Here is the Collimator Fixture Ecosystem:

Imatest Collimator Ecosystem
ISO 12233 2017 Size G Lab Bench for Tabletop Testing Blackout Curtain Fixture Light Panel Size D Light Panel Size G Light Panel Size C Checkerboard Inkjet Target Size D SFRplus Transmissive Inkjet Size C 90 degree collimator 70 degree collimator lens with 15mm entrance pupil 120 degree collimator lens with for 4.5mm entrance pupil optics Imatest Collimator Fixture

Light Panel Size G

The CM10120 system can simulate a test distance from 1m – infinity. This is useful for testing camera systems that have long focus distances since lab space and production line space are usually limited. The simulated distance (i.e. object distance) is manually adjustable across the entire range. The CM10120 is not intended to fill the camera FOV for most camera systems. The target projected by the CM10120 can be used for testing a given region of the camera FOV, making it useful for tasks such as setting focus or checking for pass/fail criteria. Multiple units can be configured to project multiple targets into a camera if simultaneous multi-region testing is required.

Collimator Fixture Video

Collimating Lenses

LensWavelengthFoVExit Pupil SizeVirtual Object Distance
CL736iVisible70°15.0mm400mm - Infinity
CL921eVisible90°4.5mm400mm - Infinity
CL1021iVisible100°4.5mm400mm - Infinity
CL1223iVisible120°4.5mm350mm - Infinity
CL825IIR (850nm, 940nm)80°4.0mm400mm - Infinity
CL921IRIR (850nm, 940nm)90°4.5mm400mm - Infinity

This relay lens system is designed for R&D. You can request a quote from the Imatest Store. For more information, pricing, and current lead time, contact

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