Documentation – Pilot v24.2

SFRplus and eSFR ISO INI Reference

Current Documentation

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Since SFRplus (and eventually eSFR ISO, which uses almost all the same settings) is included in IT EXE and DLL, users may sometimes need to examine or edit the INI file used to control IT versions.

Most of the settings in the [sfrplus] or [esfriso] section are set by one of the three SFRplus or eSFR ISO Settings windows that can be opened when SFRplus is run in Rescharts (or by clicking SFRplus setup in the Imatest main window). A few are set by responses to other windows or user actions. Settings that affect only Rescharts mode (and hence do not affect SFRplus Auto or the IT versions) will be highlighted in pink.

When Rescharts SFRplus is opened, typically by pressing SFRplus setup, the main SFRplus settings window is opened.

SFRplus settings window (also ♠ in table)

Two additional windows can be called from the SFRplus settings window. You can toggle between them or return to the settings window.

SFRplus More settings window (also in table)

SFRplus Auto mode settings window ( in table).  Settings in this window
only affect SFRplus Auto (or IT EXE/DLL) runs. They do not affect Rescharts (interactive) runs.

INI file settings that affect several modules are described in Imatest INI Reference.

(-IT) Not used in Imatest IT
(gr) Affects graphics (figures). May not be of interest for Imatest IT, where graphics is often suppressed (by setting disable_figs = 1 in the [api] section).
(index) Setting is equal to the index of the popup menu. You’ll need to open the Settings window to see these: rarely for important IT settings.
(index-1) Setting is equal to the index of the popup menu – 1 (0 – (index-1)). Keeps backwards compatibility for some settings that were originally 0 (off) or 1 (on), but had options added.
SFRplus Settings or More Settings window
Auto mode settings window
ρ Set during read
σ Set during save
Set in other window

Table of [sfrplus] settings

Parameter Settings window
SFRplus settings or More
♦ Auto mode
ρ Read;    σ Save
Typical values
(default if in
Description Notes
anlz_rough Analyze roughness 0 or 1 [0] Analyze edge roughness if 1; leave at 0 for speed if not needed.  
aper ♠ Aperture (f-number)
(real number) Normally from EXIF data. May be manually entered in More settings for ISO speed calculation.  
areanorm ♠ Area display normalization [2 2] See Secondary Readout settings.  
autoreload  Auto Reload (check) settings in Rescharts Settings dropdown menu  0 or 1 [0] 1 enables automatic (repeating) reload in the Image Sensor edition. (-IT)
bayeraw (Set by several buttons in the Monochrome image settings window) 0-5 [0] If > 0, monochrome files contains Bayer RAW data. 1-4, indicates primary color to analyze (R, Gr, B, Gb). 5 indicates Demosaic.  
CA ♦ Plot Chromatic Aberration (checkbox) Min or Max [Min] Plot Chromatic Aberration (gr)
camera Camera type (text) Normally obtained from EXIF data. Does not need to be populated.  
chartht ♠ Chart height (bar-to-bar) in cm. >0 [0] Used in Field of View (FoV) calculation  
chcontrast ♠ Chart contrast index & use [1 0 0] Element 1: Chart contrast index. 7 for contrast=10; 9 for contrast = 4, etc.
2: Chart contrast.
3: 0 or 1. If 1, use chart contrast to determine gamma for MTF calculation.
closefigs Set by the Close figures after save checkbox in the Save window. 0 or 1 [0] 1 recommended for IT (closes windows after save).  
colorchart ♠ Analyze color chart 0 or 1 [0] Set in SFRplus settings window  
colorspace ♠ Color space sRGB Color Space name. Used in color chart analysis.  
crop_borders (NOT RECOMMENDED) Extra cropping beyond the coarse & find adjustments. Set in the Crop pixels near borders section (lower-left). 0 0 0 0 0 First value turns extra cropping off/on (0/1). 2-5 are for L R T B in pixels. (NOT RECOMMENDED)  
csvbase_header Lines in header of CSV database file 1 or 2 [2] (index)
csvs CSV output file options 1-3 [1] (index)
1 =  Separate CSV files for individual ROIs. 2 = Save summary CSV file only. 3 = Combine ROIs into one large CSV file.  
cyclesper Plot Edge and MTF Min or Max Used in SFR. Replaced by edgeMTF in SFRplus. (gr)
cyclesper_value Index for Edge/MTF plot units 1-9 [1] (index) 1. Cycles/pixel, 2. Cycles/mm, 3. Cycles/inch, 4. LW/PH, 5. LP/PH, 6. Cycles/milliradian, 7. Cycles/degree, 8. Cycles/Object mm, 9. Cycles/Object in  
dbase_plots     (For Future database edition; unused in Master of IT)  
disp3d Display format for 3D plots 1-6 [2] (index) 1. Pseudocolor, image & text; 2. Pseudocolor shaded, image & text; 3. Contours, image & text; 4. Pseudocolor only; 5. Pseudocolor shaded-only; 6. Contours-only (gr)
distort_params Distortion parameters for pre-distorted chart [0 0] Parameters for pre-distorted charts. If non-zero, the correct distortion and Field of View is calculated (chart distortion is compensated).  
edgeIDfile Edge ID file ” (empty) File for specifying Edge IS. Used only for roisel = 15 or 16. Instructions here (Scroll down to Region selection).   
edgeMTF ♦ Plot Edge and MTF Min or Max [Max] Edge and MTF plot (gr)
figsave ♦ Store images in PNG or FIG format. 1 or 2 [1 (PNG) recommended] File type for saving figures (PNG or FIG). FIG not recommended because it requires much more storage. (gr)
filecomb Set when multiple files are selected for analysis 0 or 1 [0] 0: Read and analyze files as a batch, 1: Combine files (signal-average) (-IT)
foclth Lens focal length in mm (string) Lens focal length (usually from EXIF) (-IT)
folder Set during image file read (Path name) Folder for last input image (-IT)
0-4 [4] Distortion calculation, used for Field of View extrapolation. 1: 3rd order; 2: 5th order; 3: arctan/tan; 4. Best of 1-3 (most accurate, but slower)  
gamma ♠ Gamma (input) (Settings area) [0.5] Used to linearize image. Initial setting.
imageo ♦ Image & geometry plot Min or Max Plot Image and Geometry. Type set by plotimage
iso  ISO speed setting   (for annotation; normally from EXIF data)  
labcolor ♦ Plot a*b* color differrence 0 or 1 [0]   (gr)
lambdadiff ♠ Wavelength (um) for diffraction-ltd MTF [0.555] Wavelength (microns) for diffraction-limited edge and MTF curves in Edge/MTF plot (gr)
lastfiles Last image file   Default file to open in interactive runs (-IT)
lens Lens type   (for annotation; normally from EXIF data)  
lenschart Lens-to-chart distance in cm.   Used for angular Field of View (FoV) calculation (but not FoV in cm) and for focal length estimate.  
luxinc Incident light in Lux   Used for ISO speed calculation (using grayscale stepchart)  
lwlpd Select LW/PH display if 1; LP/PH if 2 [1]    
mirror Mirror the input image 0 or 1 [0]    
mod_apod Use “modified apodization” noise reduction. [1] Not ISO standard, but recommended because it reduces sensitivity to noise.  
multistyle ♦ Type of Multi ROI display 1-7 [1] Set in Auto settings or Multi ROI display (gr)
n1090 Index that specifies rise distance [1] 1 for 10-90(% rise distance), 2 for 10-80, 3 for 10-70, 4 for 20-80, 5 for 20-70.  
ncolor ♠ Color space (index) 1-7 (1 for sRGB) Color space index, for Color analysis  
negative ♠ Negative (IR-edition-only) 0 or 1 [0] For negative SFRplus images (IR-edition)  
noisehist ♦ Noise histograms… Min or Max [Min] Not recommended. Only for speedup = 0. (gr)
nroi (unused in SFRplus)      
other (unused in SFRplus)      
nchan Channel popup menu 1-4 Channel to analyze: 1-4: R, G, B, Y (Luminance)  
p3d 3D plot type [1] Type of 3D plot: corresponds to Plot setting for 3D plot display. (gr)
pixelsper pixels/distance or um/pixel, depending on pixunits_value (numeric string) [”] Must contain a valid number for units of cycles/mm, etc.  
pixunits_value ♠ Index of camera pixel pitch units 1-3 [1] ‘Pixels/inch’,’Pixels/mm’,’um/Pixel’  
plot3d 3D plot in SFRplus Auto Min or Max [Min] 3D plot in SFRplus Auto (gr)
plotimage Image plot type [1] Image plot type 1: normal, others for bright colors, lighter, etc. (gr)
plotmax ♠ Max MTF plot frequency  1-4 [1] Plot maximum high frequency:  1 for 2x Nyquist, 2 for 1x Nyquist, 3 for 0.5x Nyquist,  4 for 0.2x Nyquist   
pltrad (Rescharts window when Radial CA plot is displayed) [1 1 1] Parameters for Radial Chromatic Aberration plot. Best omitted (use default values).  
pltsharp Std. sharpening dropdown menu 0-2 [2] Standardized sharpening: 0 = omit; 1 = plot std. sharpening (not recommended); 2 = plot oversharpening only.  
pop_edge   Edge display (index) 1-4 [1] Edge display (for Edge/MTF plot): 1 = linear profile; 2 = LSF; 3 = edge pixel profile; 4 = edge unnormalized. (-gr)
prevdisp Preview display popup menu, under the Preview image [1] (index) Display type for the Preview in the Blemish settings window (-IT)
profiles Color & lightness profiles Min or Max [Min] Plot color and uniformity profiles. (gr)
radius ♠ Radius slider (near oversharpening) [2] Radius for Standardized sharpening (if selected). Not recommended.  
RGBY_value ♠ Channel popup menu 1-8 [4] Channel(s) to analyze. 10*: R, G, B, Y (Luminance), R-only, G-only, B-only, Y-only  
roi Set during region selection (primarily in the fine adjust window) 1 1 3264 2448 (typical) Region of interest (crop) in pixels. [x1 y1 x2 y2] Groups of 4, each group corresponding to a number in nht_save and nwid_save.  
roilth ROI (region) size (length) 0.5-0.9 [0.85] Selected in the ROI size slider in the SFRplus setup window. 0.8 is good for most undistorted images. Must be lower for strongly barrel-distorted images  
roisel Region selection 1-17 Determines which regions are selected for analysis. Described in ROI selection : Center, 2: Center, corners, etc. See the ROI Selection dropdown menu in the SFRplus settings window.
save_answer Save window— main answer (unused) Yes, No
Saved setting not used. (-IT)
save_dir Set in Save window (Folder name) Last folder used to save results (-IT)
saveCSV Save window 0 or 1 [-99 = ignore] Save CSV results. Overrides save_file_list.  
saveJSON Save window 0 or 1 [-99 = ignore] Save JSON results. Overrides save_file_list.  
saveXML Save window 0 or 1 [-99 = ignore] Save XML results. Overrides save_file_list.  
save_file_list Save window [1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] List of results to save if element is set to 1:
1: Orig. image, 2: Image LPF, HPF, 3: Image HPF, 4: Image HPF, exag. noise, 5: Blemish summary, 6: Blemish line image, 7: CSV, 8: XML, 9: Blemish count image, 10: JSON
SFRsuffix Suffix… popup menu in Options II window 1-3 [1] Information added to root file name for saving results.
1: Channel – Orientation – Distance from center & ROI number (nn)
2: Channel_ROI_number (nn) 
3: Channel – Orientation – Distance from center

Shift dependent geometry recalculation 0 or 1 [1] If set, geometry will be recalculated if the edge locations are close to the edge locations in the previous image.  
speedup Speedup (checkbox in Settings area) 0 or 1 [0]
Speedup removes detailed noise and histogram calculations as well as SQF/Acutance calculations. speedup = 1 is recommended if these are not needed.  
SQF SQF/Acutance (plot) Min or Max [Min]
Plot SQF/Acutance (gr)
SQFmult Multi-region SQF/Acutance (plot) Min or Max [Min]
splitcolor Split color analysis (plot)
0 or 1 [0] Plot split color results from color pattern (gr)
stepchart ♠ Step chart (checkbox)
0 or 1 [1] Analyze grayscale stepchart pattern. Set in SFRplus settings window  
stopplot2 Select parameter for lower stepchart plot 1-4 [1] 1: Local contrast, 2: Delta-C, 3: Delta-T (degrees K), 4: Mireds (gr)
tones Tonal response & contrast (plot)
Min or Max [Min] Plot tonal response from grayscale stepchart
vhdisp Edges to display for 3D plot: V, H, or V & H 1-3 [3] 1: V, 2: H, 3: V & H (gr)
vhor Select edges to analyze: V, H, or V & H 1-3 [1] 1: V, 2: H, 3: V & H  
zweights Weights for calculating weighted means for MTF, etc. [1 .75 .25] [center part-way corner] weights (30%, 75% of center-to-corner distance defines regions.) Default is for pictorial images; corner would be higher for technical images.  

Sample data

CA = Min
RGBY_value = 4
SFRsuffix = 1
SQF = Min
SQFmult = Min
anlz_rough = 0
aper =  5.6
areanorm = 2              2
bayeraw = 0
bkgnd3d = 0.9
camera =  DMC-GF1
chartht =  60
chcontrast = 9              4              0
closefigs = 1
colorchart = 1
colorspace = sRGB
crop_borders = 0              0              0              0
csvbase_header = 2
csvs = 3
cyclesper = Max
cyclesper_value = 4
dbase_plots = 0
disp3d = 2
distort_params = 0              0
edgeIDfile = C:\Imatest\Documents\Companies\MomAndPop\2012-06-09\11_edge_id_selection.txt
edgeMTF = Min
edgecrop = 1
edgerough = Min
emph2 = 0
expert = 1
figsave = 1
filecomb = 0
foclth =  14.0 mm
folder = C:\Imatest\Data\SFRplus\CameraPhones\ HTC\EVO\Samsung\GII
gamma = .5
imageo = Min
invert3d = 0
iso =  100
labcolor = 0
lambdadiff = 0.555
lastfiles = “GII_new_chart_4_4mm_f2.7_i32_20120620131238.jpg” “GII_new_chart_4_4mm_f2.7_i32_20120620131241.jpg”
lens =  LUMIX G VARIO 14-45mm F3.5-5.6
lenschart = 45
lensmtf = 0
luxinc =  
lwlpd = 1
magnification = 1
mirror = 0
mod_apod = 1
multistyle = 1
n1090 = 1
ncolor = 1
negative = 0
noisehist = Min
nroi = 13
other =  
p3d = 6
pixelsper =
pixunits_value = 1
plot3d = Max
plotimage = 1
plotmax = 1
pltrad = 1              1              1
pltsharp = 0
pop_edge = 1
pprofiles = Min
profile = 1
radius = 2
rdnum = 0.3
rdnum2 = 0.2
rdnum3 = 0.2
rdpct = 30
rdpct2 = 20
rdpct3 = 20
rdtype = MTF
rdtype2 = (none)
rdtype3 = (none)
rdunit = 1
rdunit2 = 1
rdunit3 = 1
ref_value = 1
resultsave = 1
roi_mult = 1711           1332           1897           1622;284            129            470            418;3523            123           3709            409;271           2560            457           2850;3527           2530           3713           2817;880            725           1066           1015;879           1948           1065           2239;2929            721           3115           1010;2933           1936           3119           2225;270           1337            456           1627;3531           1328           3717           1614;2101            113           2287            403;1715           2555           1901           2845
roilth = 0.85
roisel = 6
roiwidth = 1
rowdet = 1
saveCSV = 1
saveJSON = 1
saveXML = 0
saveXMLsummary = 0
save_dir = c:\imatest\matlab\trunk\Results
scale3d = 1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1              1              1              3              1
select3d = 0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0
shannon = Min
shutter =  0.3
speedup = 1
splitcolor = 0
stepchart = 1
stepplot2 = 1
tones = Min
vhdisp = 3
vhor = 1
zweights = 1           0.75           0.25