Documentation – Pilot v24.2

SFRplus INI file reference

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For more information on how to use INI files in Imatest IT, we recommend the Imatest INI File Reference

For Imatest IT, most of these entries don’t need to be entered. Many don’t affect Imatest IT results: they control interactive figure displays or figure output formats (figures are often not used in Imatest IT).

Background Meaning
Yellow Yellow background: Important to Imatest IT. Parameter and Description are in boldface. [IT]
Cyan Cyan background: Figure settings. (Figures are used infrequently for IT.) [f]
Gray Gray background: For interactive operation. No effect on IT.
Clear Clear background: Results details (units, scaling, etc.) for CSV and JSON output,
or not yet categorized. May affect IT results.


INI file settings for sfrplus
Notes: Parameters of special interest to IT users are indicated by [IT] and displayed in Boldface. Some entries have extra values (unused; there to make it easy to add more settings).
Parameter Section Type Description Default value(s)
acquire imatest int Acquire image from instrument if specode==’dataq’. 0-10+. 0
  0=File; 1=Epiphan; 2=Omnivision; 43=Toshiba; 4=STM; 5=Graphin; 6=OnSemi DevWare; 7=Android; 8=Operator Console; 9=IP; 10=Sony
acutanceType sqf int Acutance CPIQ [1], Standard SQF [2] 1
agc16bit imatest int AGC (auto-lighten) dark 16-bit files 1
angle3D sfrplus dec Azimuth & angle for 3D plots. -12 50
anlz_rough sfrplus int Analyze edge roughness (slight slowdown) 0
anlz_sqf sfrplus int Perform Acutance/SQF analysis 0
aper sfrplus str Aperture: may be used for ISO sensitivity  
areanorm sfrplus int Normalization for MTF area calculation for secondary readouts 1,2: 1 = unnorml; 2 = normalize to maximum. 2 2
bayeraw sfrplus int Bayer RGB format (monochrome-only): 0-5 for [standard monochrome, R, Gr, B, Gb, demosaic] [IT] 0
bkgnd3d sfrplus dec 3D background [f] 0.9
brawShift dcraw int Bayer RAW bit shift index: 1 for auto; 2-6 for 0, 2, 3, 6, 8 1
CA sfrplus str Plot Lateral Chromatic Aberration (color images-only)[f] Max
calcNoise sfrplus int Only calcNoise(1) is used in Imatest 5.2+ 1 0 0 30 20 0 50 20 0 1 1 0 0
chartht sfrplus str Bar-bar chart height (SFRplus), reg mark spacing (SFRplus), or square height (Checkerboard) in cm for Field of View in cm and focal lth measurement  
chcontrast sfrplus int chcontrast(1) is index of chart contrast for calculating gamma when chcontrast(3)=1: 7 10 0
  1-12 for contrast ratio = [Off 80 50 40 25 20 10 5 4 2 1.414 1.2 1.1]* [IT]
closefigs sfrplus int Close figures after save if 1. May prevent excessive figure buildup, which shows Imatest down.[IT] 0
colorchart sfrplus int Analyze color chart 1
colorspace sfrplus str Color space (determined by ncolor- not used?) sRGB
continue_on_error api int   0
CPIQPreset sqf int Height & distance presets for Acutance calculation: [1] None, 1
  [2] Small Print (10 cm height, 25cm dist, 600 DPI),
[3] Large Print (40cm height, 75cm dist, 600DPI),
[4] Computer Monitor at 100% (60cm distance, 100PPI),
[5] 4.5″ Cell Phone (5.5cm height, 25cm dist, 330PPI),
[6] 30″ 4k UHDTV (37.5cm height, 50cm dist, 146 PPI)
crop_borders sfrplus int Border crop 0 0 0 0 0
csvbase_header sfrplus int 1 or 2 line CSV database header 2
csvs sfrplus int Save CSV files for individual ROIs if 1. 3
cyclesper_value sfrplus int Index of display unit: 1-13 for 1
  C/P, C/mm, C/in, LW/PH, LP/PH C/mrad, C/deg, C/Objmm, C/Objin, LW/CH, LP/CH, LW/N_PX, LP/N_PX. See [IT]
dbase_plots sfrplus int Database plots 0
debug api int   0
deconvFile sfrplus str Deconvolution (chart compensation) file *.csv
deconvFolder imatest str Deconvolution (chart comp.) folder: no filesep at end C:\imatest\GUIProducts\ Trunk\depends\RTDepends
deconvParam sfrplus dec Deconvolution (chart compensation) settings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
defaultref sfrplus int Default reference media for SFRplus or eSFR ISO. 1=nominal; 2=matte; 3=semigloss 1
demoz dcraw int Demosaicing algorithm for dcraw 1 1 0
derivCorr imatest int LSF derivative correction ISO 12233:2014(D.1) Strongly recommended (may remove) 1
disable_figs api int   0
disp3d sfrplus int 3D display [f] 1
displayType sqf int Screen [1], Print [2], Ideal [3] 1
dispnoise sfrplus int Noise display 1
distort_options sfrplus int Distortion options 2 1 1
distort_params sfrplus dec Predistorted chart correction parameters 0 0
distortionType imatest int TV Distortion type index: 1 fo SMIA, 2 for ISO. 1
divModel sfrplus int Polynomial distortion division model } 0
divModel sfrplus int Polynomial distortion division model } 0
edgecrop sfrplus int Index of edge display for Edge/MTF plot: 1=default; 2=entire edge; 3={-4,6} pizels; 4={-10,15}; 5={-15,20}; 6-Half edge; 7=Quarter edge [f] 1
edgeIDfile sfrplus str EdgeID file  
edgeMTF sfrplus str Display edge/MTF.[f] Min
edgerough sfrplus str Plot Edge roughness [f] Min
emph2 sfrplus int Emphasize (make bold) secondary readout in Edge/MTF plot [f] 0
exiftool imatest int EXIF read selection. 1 1
  exiftool(1) = 0 (no EXIF), 1 or 2 (use Phil Harvey’s ExifTool), 3 (Matlab built-in).
expandplt imatest str Expand fixed-module figures [f] 1
expert sfrplus int Expert (1) vs. basic mode (0) for parameters window [int] 1
fig_display_mode api int   0
figsave sfrplus int Type of figure to save: 1 for png; 2 for fig [f] 1
filecomb sfrplus int Combine files if >1 (for signal averaging) 0
foclth sfrplus str (focal length from EXIF data. Use for cycles/angle)  
folder sfrplus str Folder for Open image file dialogue box [int] C:\imatest\GUIProducts\ Trunk\source\
fovcalc sfrplus int FoV extrapolation calculation 4
gamma sfrplus str gamma for linearization {IT] 0.5
getfileopt imatest int 1 for standard file read dialog; 2 for uipickfiles, which supports batches. [int] 1
globfold imatest str Use a global folder for reading images, rather than a folder for each module.[int] Min
globsave imatest str Use a global folder for saving results, rather than a folder for each module.[int] Min
gray_ref sfrplus int Grayscale stepchart reference value 1
grayrefolder sfrplus str Last Grayscale stepchart reference file  
heightOrPct sqf int If true [1] image heights are calculated using percentage magnification 0
imageo sfrplus str Plot Image and Geometry [f] Min
ini_file_date imatest str Set to run date in some modules. Informational. UNUSED?  
ini_version imatest int Doesn’t seem to be used for much. Deprecate? UNUSED?  
invert3d sfrplus int 3D invert plot [f] 0
iso sfrplus str (ISO speed settingfrom EXIF data)  
isostd sfrplus str ISO 12233 standard calculation. Min or Max. Min
keepExt imatest int Keep file extension (jpg, png, …) when saving results 0
labcolor sfrplus int L*a*b* color error plot [f] 0
lambdadiff sfrplus dec Wavelength(um) for diffraction-ltd MTF (aper must be set) [f] 0.555
lastfiles sfrplus str Last file list [int]  
Lastgrayrefile sfrplus str Last Grayscale stepchart reference file  
Lastlabel sfrplus str Last label in color reference box Last file: (none)
lenschart sfrplus str Lens-to-chart distance cm for focal lth calc.  
lensmtf sfrplus int Lens MTF plot 0
lensOnly sqf int If true [1] viewing display type must be ideal [3] 0
lum_coeffs imatest dec Luminance (Y-channel) coefficients & index [IT] 0.2125 0.7154 0.0721 2
luxinc sfrplus str Incident lux for ISO sensitivity/Exposure Index}  
lwlpd sfrplus int 1 to display LW/PH, 2 for LP/PH 1
macadam sfrplus int MacAdam or Delta-C ellipses 0 0 0
magnification sfrplus dec Magnification (for C/Obj mm). Ignore if 0 or for most units. 0
maxDist sqf dec Maximum viewing distance (cm) 150
maxHeight sqf dec Max height (cm) for Fixed distance Acutance sweep 100
maxPct sqf dec Maximum percent magnification of the image 200
minDist sqf dec Minimum viewing distance (cm) 50
minHeight sqf dec Min height (cm) for Fixed distance Acutance sweep 5
minPct sqf dec Minimum percent magnification of the image 25
mirror sfrplus int Mirror image 0
mod_apod sfrplus int “Mod Apod” MTF noise reduction. Recommended. 1
Moire sfrplus int Moire type. 1-9. 1=R-B; 2=R-B/mean(R,B) Smooth if <0 -1
multidisp sfrplus int Multi-ROI view options [f]: which of boxes 1-4 to display: 1=all; 2=[2-4]; 3=[2,3]; 4=[3,4], … 1
multistyle sfrplus int Multi-ROI results selection: which variables to display. 1 [f]
multitype sfrplus str Multi-ROI plot type (1D, 2D, etc.)[f] 3
n1090 sfrplus int R1090 rise distance index: 1-5 for 10-90, 10-80, 10-70, 20-80, 20-70 1
ncolor sfrplus int Color space index 1
nColormap imatest int Color map for pseudocolor plots [f] 1
negative sfrplus int Negative image (light squares) for SFRplus 0
noiseCPIQ visnoise int CPIQ setting chosen in Visual Noise GUI: 1-6: 1 = None; 1
  2 = Small Print (h=10cm h, d-25cm, 600 DPI), 3 = Large Print (h=40cm, d=75cm, 600 DPI), 4 = Computer Monitor at 100% (d=60cm, 100PPI), 5 = 4.5″ Cell Phone (h=5.5cm, d=25cm, 330 PPI), 6 = 30″ 4k UHDTV (h=37.5cm, d=50cm, 146 PPI)
noisedist1 visnoise dec 1st Visual noise viewing distance cm 40
noisedist2 visnoise dec 2nd Visual noise viewing distance cm, empty if none  
noisedist3 visnoise dec 3rd Visual noise viewing distance cm, empty if none  
noiseheight1 visnoise dec 1st Visual noise viewing height cm 25
noiseheight2 visnoise dec 2nd Visual noise viewing height cm1  
noiseheight3 visnoise dec 3rd Visual noise viewing height cm  
noisehist sfrplus str Plot noise histogram [f] Min
noisenonuniform imatest int Index of noise nonuniformity calculation. 1
noiseNorm sfrplus int Noise normalization & x-axis settings. 1 1 0
noisepct1 visnoise dec 1st Visual noise % magnification, empty when height provided  
noisepct2 visnoise dec 2nd Vis noise % magn  
noisepct3 visnoise dec 3rd Vis noise % magn (optional). In Master, midway between 1 & 2  
noiseplot visnoise int Visual noise plot: 1 = sigma(L*u*v* or L*a*b*) and Vis noise 1
  2 = sigma(L*)-only; 3 = sigma(U* or a*)-only; 4 = sigma(v( or b*)-only; 5 = vis noise-only; 6 = L* and vis noise
noiseppcm visnoise dec pixels per cm resolution of the image 39.7
nomsg api int   0
nonuniformCorr sfrplus int Slanted-edge nonuniformity correction 0
normalizeValues sqf int If true [1] normalize MTF values for acutance calculations, otherwise choose false [0] 0
nowait imatest int Suppress waitbar if set [IT] 0
ois_enable sfrplus int Optical Image Stabilization enable 0 0
other sfrplus str System description (manually-entered) displayed in EXIF area [f]  
p3d sfrplus int 3D plot type [f] 1
passFail api str    
pixelsper sfrplus str Sensor pixel spacing or pitch in pixelsper units.  
pixunits_value sfrplus int Index (1-3) for sensor spacing units: pixels/inch, px/mm, or um/pixel 3
  Example: for 4 um/pixel, use pixelsper = 4; pixunits_value = 3.
plot3d sfrplus str 3D plot in sfrplus [f] Min
plotimage sfrplus int Image plot type [f] 1
plotmax sfrplus int Index of maximum plot frequency for Edge/MTF plot: 1
  1-6 for [2, 1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05]*Nyquist frequency[f]
plotType sqf int Sqf or Acutance Standard Plot [1], JND [2] [f] 1
pltrad sfrplus int Radial (CA) plot parameters 1 1 1
pltsharp sfrplus int Display oversharpening if 2 2
pop_edge sfrplus int Edge plot type for Edge/MTF plot: [f] 1
  1-5 for Edge profile (norml, linearized), LSF, Edge (not lin), Edge (lin, UNnorml), …
pprofiles sfrplus str Plot uniformity profiles Min
profile sfrplus int Color uniformity profile type 1
psfPlotOption sfrplus int PSF plot option 1
pxPerCm sqf dec Pixel per cm resolution of the image 100
rad_distort sfrplus int [0 ,1] Radial distortion plot [f] 0
radius sfrplus dec Radius for standardized sharpening (not normally needed) 2
rdnum sfrplus str Secondary readout 1 MTF@ rdnum [IT] 0.3
rdnum2 sfrplus str Secondary readout 2 MTF@ rdnum2 [IT] 0.2
rdnum3 sfrplus str Secondary readout 3 MTF@ rdnum3 0.2
rdpct sfrplus str Secondary readout 1 nn (%) for MTFnn or MTFnnP [IT] 30
rdpct2 sfrplus str Secondary readout 2 nn (%) for MTFnn or MTFnnP [IT] 20
rdpct3 sfrplus str Secondary readout 3 nn (%) for MTFnn or MTFnnP 20
rdtype sfrplus str Secondary readout 1 name: “MTF”, “MTF__P”, “MTF Area”, or “MTF @” [IT] See MTF
rdtype2 sfrplus str Secondary readout 2 name: “MTF”, “MTF__P”, “MTF Area”, or “MTF @” [IT] (none)
rdtype3 sfrplus str Secondary readout 3 name: “MTF”, “MTF__P”, “MTF Area”, or “MTF @” (none)
rdunit sfrplus int Secondary readout 1 frequency unit index (1-3 for C/P, C/mm, C/in) [IT] 1
rdunit2 sfrplus int Secondary readout 2 frequency unit index (1-3 for C/P, C/mm, C/in) [IT] 1
rdunit3 sfrplus int Secondary readout 3 frequency unit index (1-3 for C/P, C/mm, C/in) 1
readexif imatest int Read EXIF data from image file 1
readoutDist sqf dec Readout distance OR fixed viewing distance (cm) 100
readoutHeight sqf dec Readout height (OR) OR fixed height of the image (cm) 75
readoutPct sqf dec Readout percent magnification OR fixed percent magnification 100
ref_value sfrplus int Color reference value 1
resultsave sfrplus int Save results in subfolder Results of image file folder 1
RGBY_value sfrplus int Index of channel to analyze (4 is Y)[IT] 4
rmcn dcraw int Index of location of Red pixel in Bayer raw: 0-4 for unknown, R1C1, R1C2, R2C1, R2C2 0
rmcn dcraw int Index of location of Red pixel in Bayer raw: 0-4 for unknown, R1C1, R1C2, R2C1, R2C2 0
roilth sfrplus dec ROI length (slider) 0.85
roiMax sfrplus str Max ROI for thru-focus batch.  
roisel sfrplus int Index of ROI selection for automatic ROI detection. Depends on modulue. [IT] 4 1
roiwidth sfrplus int ROI width 1
roiZones sfrplus int ROI zones 70 80 0 0 0 0
rowdet sfrplus int Index of Row detection: auto, 4, 5, or 7 } 1
satlvl sfrplus int Saturation level (for dynamic range calculations) 1
save_dir sfrplus str Folder for saving results [int] C:\imatest\GUIProducts\ Trunk\source\Results\
save_file_list sfrplus int List of files to save (specific to module). Some extras1=Edge/MTF plot; (Still finding settings) 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
saveCSV sfrplus int Save CSV file -99
savedel api int   0
saveHTML sfrplus int Save HTML report 0
saveJSON sfrplus int Save JSON file -99
savePDF sfrplus int Save PDF report 0
scale3d sfrplus dec Scale for 3D plots [f] -999
select3d sfrplus int 3D plot selection (several plots) [f] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
sfrrefine api int   0
SFRsuffix sfrplus int Suffix for saving plots & summary CSV file 1
sfrplus int   1
shutter sfrplus str Shutter speed: may be used for ISO sensitivity  
speedup sfrplus int Speed up calculations (no histograms or Shannon capacity). Recommended. [IT] 1
splitcolor sfrplus int Split color analysis plot [f] 0
SQF sqf str   Min
SQFmult sfrplus str Plot multi-ROI Acutance or SQF. [f] Min
sqfopt sqf dec   3 1 2 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 1
stepchart sfrplus int Analyze step chart 1
stepplot2 sfrplus int Stepchart plot– bottom option [f] 1
toneabove sfrplus int Tonal plot above noise plot 1
tones sfrplus str Plot tonal response from grayscale stepchart Min
vhdisp sfrplus int 1-3 for V, H, V+H (combined), V+H (separate fixed figures), Tangential, or Sagittal for Multi-ROI and 3D plots [f] 3
vhor sfrplus int Vertical/Horizontal edge selection: 1-3 for V, H, V&H 1
viewSettings sqf dec [1] Fixed Viewing Distance, Varying Height 1
  (requires minDist, maxDist, readoutDist, pxPerCm AND readoutHeight OR readoutPct)
visnoisecalc visnoise int Visual noise calculation options: 1=no visual noise; 2 = ISO 15729; 3=CPIQ; 4=both 1
wedgecalc sfrplus int Wedge calculation settings: wedgecalc(1) = 0 for off; 1 for on. 0 1 1 1 1 1
  wedgecalc(5) = 1-5: 4 basic, 4_4 inner, 4+4+8 corners, 1+4_10 corners, 4 inner-only.
winlarge imatest int Enlarge interactive windows [int] 0
xaxistype sfrplus int Index of Noise x-axis plot units 1
zweights sfrplus dec Zone weights: ctr, mid, corner. Can be 0-1. [.5 .5 .5] might be better for machine vision. 1 0.75 0.5
Parameter Section Type Description Default value(s)